Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 171 Captain of the Interstellar Federation Enterprise and

Su Bai really thinks the Pym particle is one of the most outrageous inventions in the Marvel Universe.

Iron Man's Ark Reactor, Nano Battle Armor, compared to this, is really not a level thing.

This stuff is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

From this point of view, Su Bai has always felt that Ant-Man has the strength to kill Thanos by himself.

If I said earlier that the strategy to get into Thanos' stomach was a little disgusting.

The latter strategy is very reliable.

Dr. Pym created two types of flying darts, one is blue, and hits an object to make it smaller.

Ant-Man used it in the previous battle against Klaus, directly forcing Klaus to be smaller.

There are also red flying darts that can make things bigger when touched.

Really make Thanos smaller, or exiled to the quantum realm, is also a big problem for Thanos.

Definitely, this refers to Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet!

If Thanos already had an Infinity Gauntlet at that time, even if there were only one or two Infinite Gems, then even if it got smaller, it probably wouldn't affect its power.

So the narrator continues: "But it's all based on the fact that Thanos doesn't have Infinite Gems.

"If Thanos gets Infinite Gems, such as Reality Gem, directly Alter Reality directly restores himself to his original state, and teleports himself back from the quantum realm in a single thought, then the use of Pym particles is doubtful!"

"So it's still a two-pronged approach, joining the Avengers to concentrate on helping to capture the Infinite Gems is still the right strategy for 107."

“Definitely, if given the chance to fight Thanos before he gets the Infinite Gems, Ant-Man is definitely going to win!”

Everyone was ecstatic before.

Hearing Su Bai's last words, then the joy in their hearts disappeared for the most part.

Sure enough, Thanos is not so easy to deal with, after all Infinite Gems are more outrageous than Pym particles.

The walkthrough ends here!

The website asks the question: "After Ant-Man came out of the 2nd Quantum Realm, he found the

Ant-Man was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed!

It means, can I still escape from the quantum realm for the second time?

But I don't even know anything about Thanos now, how do I know, is there a way I can beat him?

At this time, Black widow began to give him popular science, what exactly is Thanos?

Ant-Man broke into a cold sweat listening to this.

Finally he said: "I guess, found it."

Anyway, 1/2 chance, it is better to choose the one you want.

The website replied: "Correct answer. Reward Scott $10 million."

This is the first time the site has rewarded people with cash.

This is the most important thing for Scott right now.

With this, he can get rid of the current predicament of survival, and he has the opportunity to take back his daughter.

But people were not happy.

Because even if Ant-Man finds a way to defeat Thanos, it's only after Thanos has managed to snap his fingers and kill half the life in the universe.

At this time, Jim Kirk recovered from the matter about Thanos and said: "I have a guess, if you really find a way to defeat Thanos."

"So can you use that Infinity Gauntlet to bring those dead back to life?"

Although this kind of thing seems nonsense to him, since that thing can kill half of the people in the universe, then resurrecting these people, it seems to be able to do it, right?

Hearing this, Thor became excited: "Yes, in my strategy, I cut off Thanos' head with an axe."

"So for sure I won, I killed Thanos, I grabbed the Infinity Gauntlet, I resurrected everyone.

"Sure enough, it's up to me in the end, I'm the man who killed Thanos.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were relieved.

It's not that I believed Thor's nonsense.

Because before, Thanos will destroy half of life in the universe, this thing seems to have become a reality in the future.

Even now they haven't found a way to win.

This matter weighed on their hearts like a mountain.

And now it seems that even so, it does not seem to be desperate.

Even if Thanos kills half of the universe, as long as we grab the Infinity Gauntlet, we can still return to the game.

Just don't know how many of us were still alive at that time..

Anyway, everyone was relieved, and then looked at Jim Kirk.

Kirk said: "Actually, I really don't want to watch this guide, after all, it will expose some of my privacy.

(bdah)" But I thought this thing might be useful, so let's take a look.

He has always been a pragmatist, and then he opened his own strategy.

"Name: Jim Kirk."

"Honor: Captain

"Introduction: The captain of the Enterprise, the most talented spaceship captain of the Star Alliance, has been picking up captains who have never won, and a captain who can find a way to turn defeat into victory in any desperate situation.

Ming, everyone was a little surprised.

It seems that the website has a high evaluation of this person.

But what is Star Alliance?

Su Bai definitely gave an explanation.

The narration sounded: "In this world, from 2026 to 2053, the third world war broke out on the earth."

"After the war, everything was left unfinished, and in 2063, a super genius named Zephyr Cochrane invented the first spaceship Phoenix with curvature Flight."

"And the Phoenix has attracted the attention of the Vulcans on Vulcan. They think it's amazing that there are such high-end things in such a backward place."

"So they visited Earth and made their first contact with humans.

The earth "completed reconstruction with the help of the Vulcans, started the voyage of the universe, more and more planets and aliens were discovered, and one by one peaceful covenants were signed..

"So in 2161, the Interstellar Federation was officially established.

"Besides the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Empire as the three major forces in the galaxy."

Su Bai still briefly introduced the background of this world.

The crowd looked very excited.

Among so many parallel universes, the humans in this universe are the most competitive.

Such a huge interstellar civilization has already developed.

Other universes are still lying on the earth.

The most important thing is that the Star Alliance has been developed, and it seems that there is no major war. Aliens destroy the earth or something, which is really great!

Then the screen pops up.

In a dimly lit bar, a black lady in the uniform of the Federal Academy walked into the bar.

She sat down at the bar and said, "Cake a cup of Krabi fire tea, three cups of Budweiser Classic, and two cups of Kazashi Sunrise."

"One more cup of fun ice mix..

A grotesque alien sat beside her.

But everyone turned a blind eye, apparently as if everyone had become accustomed to the existence of aliens.

Then Jim Kirk came out of his head drunkenly: "A girl can drink so much?"

The woman said as if in anger: "One more glass, whisky without ice.

Kirk said, "Two cups, hers and mine."

The woman said, "I'll pay myself, thank you for your kindness."

The audience laughed when they saw this, it was an unsuccessful approach.

Earlier, everyone thought he was a master at picking up girls.

Kirk felt a little embarrassed, why did the website guide put this paragraph up?

Do you have an opinion on me?.

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