Star-Lord himself is also desperate.

Thanos and Ronan, these two people are notorious in the universe.

And his partner turned out to be a fool, a raccoon and a tree……There is also a woman. How do I fight them?

And I won?

How could I possibly win against Ronan?

Star-Lord wanted to break his head, but he couldn’t figure out how he led this group of people to defeat Ronan, who had a fleet.

The narration continued:”Ronan used his universal war hammer to control the Power Stone. The power of the Power Stone is beyond the control of ordinary people.”

The screen switched.

Guardians of the Galaxy are at the Collector.

The collector is introducing them to the origin of the infinite stones. Old viewers saw that scene again.

An armored giant several hundred meters tall, holding a scepter in his hand. The scepter was inlaid with power gems and exuded purple brilliance.

Then the giant gently touched the ground with his scepter.

Countless people were instantly wiped out, blue energy spread, and the entire planet instantly collapsed into slag. Many old viewers have seen this scene several times and are still shocked.

The new audience was simply frightened. Although Black Widow had previously introduced the power of the infinite stones, after all, the 20 was just talk.

But now I can see it intuitively, and I can also feel the terrifying power coming from the picture. Even if it is only revealed a little, it makes people’s feet weak.

Misaka Mikoto was so frightened that her eyes widened and she was speechless.

Such a light blow destroyed a planet. Who can resist such power? God may not be able to do it, right?

Parallel universes are so scary.

Even Godzilla was scared.

Seeing this picture, it has already understood that the earth beneath its feet is the destroyed planet in the picture.

It couldn’t imagine what kind of thing could destroy the land beneath its feet. This makes it feel scared!

Dr. Manhattan is silently analyzing how this Infinity Stone works to achieve this. star-lord……I almost peed! in the screen.

The collector’s red-skinned maid listened to the collector’s introduction.

She turned her head and looked at a maid who looked almost exactly like her in an exhibition cabinet, and infinite courage suddenly welled up in her heart.

She doesn’t want to continue living under the collector’s power, nor does she want to be preyed upon by the collector. So she couldn’t help but stretched out her hand to grab the power gem.

But the next moment, purple energy spread throughout her body, turning her directly into fly ash. She proved with her own death that ordinary people simply cannot master such power.

“Queen Keisha sighed: She is a very courageous girl, what a pity”

“In your world, justice is needed.”

If Kesha in the super-god universe discovered people like collectors treating humans as collection items, she would never sit idly by.

In Kesha’s view, a universe without justice is too chaotic, and it is too confusing for ordinary people and for ordinary people. The weak are too cruel

“”If one day I can travel through parallel universes,”

I must spread the order of justice to all worlds.

The screen switches.

It has appeared on the Xandar planet.

Ronan’s Necromancer has flown over the Xandar planet.

Countless Ronan died. The Spirit fighter planes were already fighting with the Nova Legion fighters.

Even the Nova Legion fighters formed a huge defensive net, trapping Roland’s Necromancer. Iron Man was dumbfounded:”This is an energy connection technology? how did you do that?”

Batman, who is also a master of technology, shook his head:”I don’t know, it’s hard to imagine something that can directly connect energy together like this.

Dr. Manhattan said:”Theoretically it’s possible, but it’s not necessary.””

“There is such a technology that connects a huge energy network and not only connects all the energy to form a more powerful energy weapon, it can directly penetrate the outer shell of the spacecraft.”

Kesha sighed:”This is the cruelty of parallel universes.”

“I have seen many civilizations that clearly possess unimaginable technology, but they have great shortcomings in one aspect.”

Just like the world of Trisolaran, even the dimensions can be controlled, but it cannot fly faster than the speed of light, so all civilizations are limited to the speed of light.

It is really cruel to the extreme. The picture has been switched to Ronan’s spaceship.

Ronan Holding the universal war hammer in his hand, the power gem inlaid on the universal war hammer

“He looked at the defense network formed by the Nova Corps and said: Xandar, that miserable peace agreement can’t save you.”

Then he waved the omnipotent war hammer in his hand, and blasted out the purple light.

The next moment, the Xandar Nova Legion and the thousands of fighter jets were turned into ashes in just an instant. Everyone opened their mouths wide!

Then The shock that the scene brought to everyone was comparable to the scene where the Trisolarans wiped out more than 2,000 human battleships with water droplets!

Ronan and others with the Power Stone in hand were simply not on the same level. At this time, the Guardians of the Galaxy had already Breaking into Ronan’s control room.

Star-Lord held a strange gun and hit Ronan, hitting him in the chest. But Ronan was fine.

Star-Lord in front of the video was stunned. :”How is this possible? This is a Hadron submachine gun.”

“Iron Man asked: What is a hadron submachine gun? Is it a hadron weapon?”

Star-Lord said:”It’s a super weapon filled with hadrons…….”

Hadron weapon, Star-Lord actually has such a weapon?

Everyone on the tech side is shocked! Everyone in Iron Man is numb!

Hadrons are composite particles of quarks and antiquarks anchored together by the strong interaction force. Compared with hadron weapons, the power of black weapons is insignificant.

The black weapon only uses the mass energy of the missing part of the atom, e=mc2. Hadron weapons simulate cosmic explosions, achieve close collision of hadrons, and release all mass energy. In addition to e=mc2, plus the annihilation energy of positrons and negative electrons.

Comparing black weapons with hadron weapons, they are like a drop of water to the ocean, and a drop of water to nine oxen! Roland can actually carry it.

This body may no longer be weaker than Thor and Thanos!

Regardless of whether Ronan is so strong because he has mastered the Power Stone, he can be said to be a monster! The audience 723 became more and more desperate as they watched. How could Star-Lord win?

Then the spacecraft crashed.

The tree man Groot grew countless branches on his body, protecting everyone among them. In the end, he used his body to protect everyone and turned into a pile of broken branches!

The audience was a little sad to see this, as they could not have imagined that this tree man would be the most unreliable among the Guardians of the Galaxy.

No one even understood him except Rocket Raccoon, but he actually risked his life to save everyone at the critical moment. or….

The Guardians of the Galaxy may not be as unreliable as everyone thought before. The screen switches again.

Ronan had already stepped out of his ship.

Rocket growled:”You killed Groot.”

He rushed towards Roland and was knocked down with a blow.

Ronan faced a group of horrified Xandarians, pointed at Star-Lord and his party, and said,”Are you relying on these losers to protect your Xandarian planet?”

“My grandfather’s revenge, my father’s revenge can finally be avenged”

“Xandar, you should feel honored……”

Ronan fanatically raised the omnipotent warhammer inlaid with the power gem in his hand, delivered his speech, and was about to smash the omnipotent warhammer to the ground.

As long as he smashes it down, this planet will be doomed!

But at this moment, Star-Lord actually stood in front of him and began to twist his body. He actually started singing and dancing at the same time.

“Things will get better and everything will become clear….”

At this moment, everyone on the screen and all the viewers in front of the screen were stunned. We were wrong, this guy is really unreliable!

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