[I spent the whole morning today and finally finished the last part of the book. I can type with peace of mind. I can resume the seventh update starting tomorrow. I’m going to lose my manpower after doing that! 】

Screen switching.

Aquaman and Mera are sailing in the deep sea on a deep-sea spaceship.

The reason why it is called a deep-sea spacecraft, not a submarine, is because the body is also filled with water. This time the bumpkins on land were really unleashed.

Under the sea, various corals, jellyfish, and sea plants…It emits a shimmering light, illuminating the seabed.

It was still too dark for humans, but for the Atlanteans, this light was enough for them to see everything clearly.

Scarlet Witch couldn’t help but said:”The bottom of the sea is really beautiful. Everyone nodded.”

Iron Man said:”I have also dived into the bottom of the sea, but I only saw pitch black on the bottom of the sea….That’s why I don’t have the eyes of an Atlantean……”

“Or are these species, like the Atlanteans, transformed by that energy?”

No one could answer his question, but everyone was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery of the bottom of the sea. It didn’t look like the bottom of the sea, it was like another planet.

When they passed through this light, a person suddenly appeared in front of them. The bridge is a bridge that appears under the sea.

At the end of the bridge, there is a door that emits a strong light. The audience is excited. They are finally going to see what the real Atlantis is like.

In On the bridge, there were countless people riding various mounts in the sea, flying towards the light.

At the same time, there were various deep-sea spaceships flying towards that side, like streaks of light, extremely gorgeous.

Even Neptune himself was stunned. He was dumbfounded. He spent a lot of time in the sea, but he had never been to Atlantis.

Although he didn’t like Atlantis, he was shocked by this beautiful scenery. There is such a beautiful person Why do you want to attack the land?

Where is the land compared to the bottom of the sea? He couldn’t understand Orm’s thoughts. In the picture,

Aquaman asked:”Why build a bridge on the bottom of the sea? ?”

Weila said:”The gate wall is a relic of the old world and the only way in and out of the capital.

Neptune said:”Why don’t you climb over the wall and get in?””

Mera said:”The defense here is airtight. Even if you can escape the guards, you can’t escape the high-pressure water cannon.”

Only then did everyone realize that there were strange-shaped cannons set up around the gate. When Mae La When La’s deep-sea spacecraft entered the capital, everyone’s eyes widened.

Even Dr. Manhattan, who had walked on the sun, was dumbfounded.

It’s not that he had never been to the sea, but the bottom of the sea where he went was… There is absolutely no such gorgeous scenery.

Only high-dimensional Lucy has been to all the places in the universe and has seen more beautiful scenery, but Atlantis still amazed her!

On the bottom of the sea, there are towers that look like giants. Jellyfish-like buildings, each one shining with purple or blue light.

There are also various schools of fish swimming in the sea.

Many humans have never seen them before, and they even looked at a huge sea turtle. It is dragging a yacht and swimming slowly.

Various skyscrapers that are comparable to land, with gorgeous shapes and graceful curves, are amazing to see….

In addition to these seemingly original underwater wonders, there are also strange-looking spaceships passing by in the sea, which shows that the technology of the Atlanteans is also very advanced.

The capital of Atlantis perfectly combines the fantasy and mystery of the ocean floor with modern technology.

The scenery at the bottom of the sea had already amazed everyone before, but now everyone realized that the wonders outside were nothing compared to the capital city.

It’s so beautiful here that it’s like a fairyland.

Thor looked at all this and admired:”I wonder if Atlantis in our world is so beautiful?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

The Dutch brother Spider-Man said:”Wait! You mean Atlantis is real in our world? Do you know?”

Thor nodded:”I went there once a long time ago, but that They haven’t sunk to the bottom of the sea yet. Atlantis still exists in this world, I guess they won’t die, right?”

Nick Fury and Iron Man were shocked. Atlantis also exists in our world. ? We have no clue at all!

It seems that no matter which world it is in, the Atlantean civilization hides itself very well.

Then the audience saw many abandoned buildings. Those were Atlantis buildings that sank to the bottom of the sea. They did not maintain or destroy them, they just let them stand there quietly.

As if to remind the people of Atlantis what caused the tragedy back then!

The narration sounded:”Arthur who entered Atlantis met Covey!”

“It turns out that Weela is the princess of the king of Zebel Kingdom, and she is Orm’s fiancée0.”

“But neither she nor Covey was willing to let the ocean and land go to war, so Covey asked Mera to find Arthur because he would never come if he called Arthur himself!”

“The two hope that Arthur will replace Orm as the new kingdom and prevent the outbreak of war.”

“Both Weela and Covey believe that as long as Arthur can find the golden trident that was the king of Atlantis, he can successfully inherit the throne and unify the Seven Kingdoms”

“After the Kingdom of Atlantis fell into the sea, the King of Atlantis felt so guilty that he chose self-exile, and the Golden Trident disappeared with him.”

“And now Covey has found a clue to the Golden Trident”

“But at this moment, Arthur was caught by the Atlantean border guards.”

“He was taken directly to Orm”

Screen switching.

Orm, who was wearing a gold-like armor, said to Neptune:”You got your mother’s trident. Is this why you came back to this place? Want to kill me?”

Neptune said:”I’m here to stop a madman. Destroy the world”

“Stop me, then how do you stop the atrocities of the land people?”

Om’s tone was very calm.

“Over the years, people on land have been dumping all kinds of garbage into the sea, instead of conducting a large number of black experiments on the seabed. A large amount of black pollution has polluted our 0.9 sea area and poisoned our people.”

“They even wantonly kill sea creatures and destroy the sea ecology……”

“And you are an enemy of your own compatriots from afar?”

Neptune said:”Yes, the land people are bad, but these can be solved through non-war means! So I want to stop you from starting a war!”

In the view of Neptune, Orm’s war is not as great and upright as he said. He just wants to take power! He also expressed doubts about Orm’s attack. He said coldly:”You want to challenge me as king. Duel?”

The narration sounded:”Om accepted Arthur’s challenge, but Arthur lost.”

“He spends half of his time living on land, while his younger brother has indeed been living under the sea. He is not as good as Orm at the bottom of the sea!”

“At this time, Tiao La rescued him and escaped from the capital. The two of them embarked on the road to find the golden Sanchazai.”

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