Su Bai's narration continued: "If you want to deal with a person, you have to understand a person, and the clown's past does not need to be understood, because after becoming a clown, he is completely different from his previous self!".

"What we need to understand is the ...... of what happens when a clown becomes a clown."

In the narrator, a group of masked men rob the bank, and they say that it was the clown who planned all this!

The robbers all felt that the clown was not among these people, but all those who were watching the video felt that the clown himself must be among them!

Two robbers cut off the bank's communication from above, and when they were done, one robber killed the other instantly!

The robbers below, after the vault opened, one robber killed another!

These are all clown arrangements!

One of the remaining three robbers died in the impact of a school bus, one died in a bank security guard, one was shot by a companion, and only one survived!

In the end, in front of the bank security guard, the surviving man took off his mask and wore clown makeup on his face, and sure enough, he was the real clown!

He shoved the grenade into the mouth of the bank security guard, and said nervously: "I have always believed in that sentence, those who can't kill you will only make you more ...... Odd. "

He then jumped on the school bus, which drove away, pulled the grenade's firing pin, and the bus blended in with the other buses and walked away unharmed

This kind of robbery in a different way made everyone look at each other.

Iron Man smacked his tongue and said, "It's so ruthless!".

"Sure enough, he is very good at playing with people's hearts!" said Nick Fury: "He has a very accurate grasp of human psychology, and judging from the reactions of these robbers, these are old bandits, and they are actually killed by a few words that he


Although the clown is acting a little weird now, several people still don't look at him in their eyes

After all, if you want to say that you can fight, the Joker can also fight, but neither Batman nor Iron Man have put his combat effectiveness in their eyes.

Not to mention a few other people with extraordinary powers!

It's just a robber who is good at planning and playing with people's hearts!

Such people are only dangerous, not how difficult it is to deal with!

Then the screen turns, and it's an abandoned warehouse, and there's a lot of money.

Those are the money that the clown had robbed from the bank before, belonging to the gang, and the clown said to the gangsters: "I don't care about this kind of thing, I just like gasoline, bombs, and ...... gasoline ......


After saying that, he poured gasoline on the pile of money and burned it all!

Everyone looked at each other.

There is no shortage of rich people here, Batman and Iron Man have seen too much money, but they will not burn it like this!

Since you want to burn it, why do you go so hard to rob the bank?

Everyone sighed: "This is a madman......


The scene turns again, and it is the clown who has infiltrated the hospital and confronted Harvey Dante, who has half of his face burned.

Everyone thought that the Joker was here to kill Harvey, but they didn't want the Joker to talk to Harvey!

He said, "Harvey, I don't want any unpleasantness between us, you and that ......".

Harvey roared, "Rachel!"

The clown seemed to be startled and said, "I didn't put the explosives, I was ...... at the police station."

Harvey said angrily, "That's your plan......".

The clown hurriedly waved his hand, like a child who had admitted his mistake: "Look, do I look like a person with a plan? I'm just a puppy who likes to chase the bus, and after catching up, I don't know what I'm going to do, I just what I want."

"The police have a plan, Gordon has a plan, the gangsters have a plan, everybody has a plan...... They are all conspirators, conspirators have plans, I'm not conspirators, I don't have a plan!".

"You tell people that a thug will die, and no one will panic, and you say to people that a cart of soldiers will die, and no one will panic ......


"Because it's all planned!".

"But when I say an old mayor dies, people go crazy......


After saying that, he took out the gun, stuffed it into Harvey's hand, and asked Harvey to point it at his head: "Create a little disturbance, destroy all the existing order, and everything will fall into chaos ......".

"I am the agent of chaos, you know what the nature of chaos is?".

"It's fair...... Come, let the coins in your hand decide whether I live or die!".

This crooked reasoning makes people's hairs stiff when they hear it.

Professor X's eyes finally became serious: "This is a complete madman, he doesn't care about anything, including his own life, he just wants to make the world extremely chaotic!".

"He's dangerous, more dangerous than I thought...... Bruce, you have to take it seriously!".

Professor X is an expert in psychology, and his abilities have seen too many hearts, but he has never seen this pure evil.

The same goes for everyone else, who just finds the clown at this moment creepy.

It's not about how powerful he is, it's about this twisted mind!

Nick Fury said: "What is the principle of not killing, this kind of person is shot and killed, and there is no!".

Wolverine agreed: "If it weren't for the fact that we weren't thinking about the same time period, I'd help you kill him!"

Then the scene turns again, but it is the clown who takes control of the two ships, gives them to the people on both sides of the boat, two detonators, and the clown says, "After twelve o'clock, I will detonate your ship." "

"But I gave you the detonator on the other ship, and if any of you blew up the other ship before twelve o'clock, then I will spare the other ship...... Otherwise, everyone together, bang!".

The clown's performance made everyone's hands and feet cold.

Even Superman is like this, he is not afraid of anyone in terms of strength, but this pure evil is really too mad.

This time, even Iron Man said: "This kind of madman falls into my hands, I won't let him go!"

Su Bai's voice-over continued: "Now we know that the clown is a madman who likes to plunge the whole world into chaos, and it is useless to the laws of the madman's beautiful country. "

"Ordinary mental hospitals can't keep him in, and the doctors who come to treat him will turn him into a madman, he is extremely incitative, he has insight into people's hearts, he is very, he will use his distorted and chaotic thoughts to pollute others. "

"He's not afraid of death, and he's not afraid of pain, so Batman's conventional means don't work for him!".

"However, Batman is a super-rich man, a beautiful country, and rich is omnipotent!"

"He can find the best and most expensive lawyer, and let the lawyer prove that the clown is not mentally ill, and he can naturally legally let the clown die!".

"As long as he has money, whether the clown is crazy or not, in the courtroom, he can only be crazy!".

"Even in the beautiful country, Batman can use his money to lobby those congressional legislators to create a law specifically for the Joker, and use legal means to legally make the Joker die!"

It's ......

You are all from a beautiful country, so you think it's really possible!

Isn't it the norm for rich people to lobby for money and push for new laws!

Using a lawyer to achieve one's own goals is the norm for rich people!

Su Bai's narrator continued: "This is the first type, using money to smash the clown to death, and it is reasonable and legal! The second way is to spend money, isn't Batman's superpower money?"

"Batman built his own insane asylum to house those crazy criminals, giving them sleeping pills and tranquilizers every day to make them sleep every day...... In this way, there is no possibility of escape!"

"Batman's only principle is not to kill, so he doesn't kill ......


It's ......

It's really ruthless!

It's really better to shoot these criminals with one shot!

The narrator continues, "The third is to exile the clown to an island, away from the island of the world, and find a way to hide it and let the clown fend for himself!"

"If you really don't think you can spend all the money, doesn't Clark have a spaceship? send the Joker to Mars in a spaceship, and build a small ecosystem for him to fend for himself......

"The most terrible thing about the clown is his mind, his combat effectiveness is not good, it is easy to deal with!".

"There are always more ways than difficulties, jump out of the framework before Batman, you will find that you can find thirty ways to deal with him, not to mention three!".

It's really a strange idea, but combined with what the clown did in the video, this may really be the best way for him!

The narrator continues, "The Joker is Batman's most important antagonist and will haunt him for the rest of his life, and I hope he can quickly solve the mess." "

"In the next issue, for Batman's second enemy, Luthor and Doom Day, this is a completely different opponent, and naturally there are completely different strategies, which will be much tougher!".

Then, the video disappeared, but two new videos appeared!

"Super Dimension Raiders: Iron Man".

"Super Dimensional Raiders: Professor X".

These are the other two videos that Su Bai has cut, he just wanted to upload one to test the water at first, but then he thought about it, and he still passed it on together, the amount is full, maybe someone likes this series!

(There are a lot of words in this chapter, but there are really few flowers, has anyone read a book on this theme?)


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