"It's over! Let's go have breakfast first, the adults won't come out before 10 o'clock."

"That's three fox spirits!"

"No wonder the sound was not right when I passed by Tushan Yaya's room in the morning..."

Esdes, Huang Rong and others lamented.

"I'm afraid today's surprise will be delayed a bit, this animal!"

Reina gritted her teeth.

I didn't accompany me all night, so I ran to find the fox spirit!

"Sister Na, who did you ask Wang San to summon? It's rare to see Sister Na in such a hurry."

Rose brought a cup of milk tea and chatted while drinking.

"It's a character who needs me to say sorry."

Reina smiled wryly.



In the Tushan apartment at this time, because Wang Santian came to do his homework just after dawn, it was the time when the combat power was at its strongest.

Originally still in her sleep, Tu Shan Yaya, who was caught off guard, was the first to lose and surrender. With her slender and beautiful curves, she weakly hung on the side of the sofa and panted.

Tu Shan Rongrong simply pretended to be unconscious.

As a first-time employee, she couldn't take it anymore...

Especially this kind of thing is still in front of my two sisters.

Tu Shan Honghong was bullied out of anger, and lingered with Wang San mainly against the guests. The charming nature of the demon fox family was revealed by Tu Shan Honghong at this moment.

Wang San was overjoyed, as Yan Lingji and others said, they didn't appear in the summoning square until 10 o'clock.

"It's too unsightly for you to fight landlords in the Summoning Square!"

Wang San looked at the group of girls and said.

"Sir, don't you blush when you say this? You even went to Sister Yaya and the others to mess around in the morning, making the daylily we wait cold."

Duanmurong pouted.

"Grab the landlord!"

Athena, who was opposite, was obviously very angry, so she started another round.

The corners of Wang San's mouth twitched, can he blame himself?

Tsunade was irresponsible. He used the "snapshot" technique to run away without putting out the fire in the morning, and went to the nearest Tushan apartment by himself. This is completely understandable.


"The word mess is an interaction, our sisters are completely passive! You have to figure this out!"

Tu Shan Yaya blushed.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong covered their faces, thinking that there is no need to explain this, it's too embarrassing!

In the future, their Tushan apartment would have to be locked, and they would be saved by Wang San's cat in the middle of the night...

"Better women than the scumbags in our star field!"

Hexi stared at Wang San speechlessly.

"Cough, it's mainly because you are too beautiful, otherwise I really want to play as a monk for a few years."

Wang San coughed dryly.

Hexi and the others all rolled their eyes, and went one step further to the shameless interpretation of Wang San.

"My lord, I won't bother you if you delay any longer."

Reina gritted her teeth.

"It's definitely not to delay the time on purpose. It's because I forgot to charge Kuangsan's Kekedi last night, and I just finished it now."

Wang San said seriously.

Then, his right hand swiped into the void, and "Emperor Keke", who had not appeared for a long time, appeared on the top of everyone's heads again.

"My God! My Keke Emperor has been strengthened to which level by the master!"

Looking at the time instrument that covered the sky and the sun above his head, Tokisaki Kurumi said in amazement.

The size alone is more than ten thousand times larger than before!

"Such terrifying energy fluctuations!"

Hexi exclaimed in shock, the deterrent power of this magic weapon alone is comparable to that of the entire City of Angels!

"Since I summoned my sister, I haven't seen Wang San use the Keke Emperor again and again! Now who is summoning with such a powerful time magic weapon?"

"Who is qualified to let the adults cut time and space to summon!"

Tu Shan Yaya said in shock.

"Cut time and space???"

"If this **** can even cut space and time..."

Hexi's eyes lit up with stars, as if he immediately thought of some key point, he looked at Wang San in disbelief.

"In the name of the warden of the heavens, I will reverse life and death across time! Summon the super **** plane, female prisoner No. 54, the king of angels - the holy Kaisha!"

Wang San squinted his eyes and shouted, the words came out, and Emperor Keke, who was strengthened to the level of the supreme artifact, reversed the pointer, and a huge force emerged.

Integrate with the Summoning Divine Light and dash away from the sky!

Hexi! ! !

Everyone! ! !

Chapter 0440 Chaos God!

"You actually summoned Keisha! A dead person! Is it really possible???"

Hexi stared at Wang Sandao with wide eyes.

Even with Hexi's steadiness, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

As sisters who have fought side by side for tens of thousands of years, a king of angels who has given everything for justice and order. Hexi said that it was impossible not to care about Kaisha's death, although when Yan ascended the throne, she did show that she really did not care.

But if she really didn't care, she wouldn't target Leina like that, and she wouldn't be willing to spend 1,000 points to open a virtual arena to abuse Lena in the two sessions!

"Before the level was not enough, it was really difficult to summon the blown up Keisha, but now it's no problem. With a level 33 artifact, plus my law power and prison energy, it's not a big problem to revive Keisha."

Wang San said, his eyes shone with brilliance, looking at the super **** plane through the endless void.

I saw that in the sky above the earth of the super **** plane, that is, the place where Kaisha was blown up by Karl's supernova, a square black hole was cut out by the summoning light of the prison. The time around the black hole was reversed, and the space was folded!

Inside the folded space mirror, a beautiful figure with a slender figure appeared bit by bit. The figure was wearing the Su-Silver King Armor, with a natural and noble aura. The figure seemed to sense something strange, and just opened his eyes, he was taken away by the divine light summoned through the galaxy.

At the same time, the super **** plane directly frys the pot!

"That was... the breath of the holy Kaisha just now???"

A seemingly invisible black figure appeared above the earth, looking suspiciously at the location where Keisha disappeared.

"My God! Did you perceive it wrong? Holy Keisha has died so completely that even a **** can't come back to life. You said this yourself."

The old servant beside Carl said in a stunned tone.

"I said it before, but I don't say it now."

"The disappearance of Tianji King Hexi and Reina has spread all over the universe. Such an inexplicable thing always feels more difficult than the ultimate fear."

Carl said in a worried voice.

"Ah? You are the **** of death, is there anything else that scares you?"

The old servant said in surprise.

"Of course there is, otherwise I wouldn't make myself into a void and immortal, but now I always feel that this is not safe enough..."

Carl rubbed his forehead.

The surrounding subordinates all shivered.

At this time, over the city of angels, Hua Ye's gluttonous army and Angel Yan army confronted each other. Because of the appearance of Kaisha's breath, they all died down!

"What's the matter! The Tiangong actually detected the breath of the holy Kaisha? And it was still intact? Then it disappeared!"

Hua Ye was furious.

While he was angry, he was even a little scared. For the guy who overthrew him with his own hands and rushed to the edge of the universe to retire, Hua Ye didn't want to fight against him even if he had a Void Engine now!

The reason why he dares to lead male angels and gluttons to commit crimes now is because Keisha has died!

And now...

"What are you panicking about! It only appeared for a moment, and it's already gone, isn't it?"

"Would you like to show some of the angel Wang Huaye's appearance? That's probably a way of Yan to deceive us! Knowing that he wouldn't be able to last long, he came up with a simulated Kaisha resurrection to scare us!"

"In my opinion, this is the sign that Angel Yan is about to fail! Without Hexi, the current city of Angels can't stop us at all."

Ruoning gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Last time, he was almost killed by Angel Yan's guard, which made Ruoning go crazy!

"Well, if Keisha is alive and suddenly runs out, you are responsible for cleaning up."

"Sumali, organize an attack! I want Angel Yan's long legs tonight!"

Hua Ye wiped the corners of his mouth and said.

Ruoning rolled her eyes fiercely, she was drunk on this lecherous and timid king!

Chapter 0441 Stinky man!

"What's the matter! Did he appear and disappear again? Or was it the same man as Hexi..."

Inside the throne of the City of Angels, a beautiful figure looked up at the sky with a thoughtful look.

"Why in the end? Such a man, a force, suddenly appeared in this universe? Even I was involved?"

Yan Yan thought of the result of the relationship calculation of his Heavenly Blade system, gritted his teeth inexplicably, and his delicate and unparalleled face showed a hint of ruddy.

"I always feel that we will meet eventually."

"My Sky Blade system has never gone wrong..."


Hyperdimensional prison space.

Hexi, Reina, Qiangwei and the others looked at the holy Kaisha who had been summoned after being resurrected, and were stunned for a long time before they could say a word.

"Tell me, Hexi, what's going on? I'm obviously dead, and at the moment of my resurrection, I sensed through the Sky Blade system that I've already died once."

"But, what's the situation?"

Sacred Keisha looked at Tianji King Hexi, and then turned to Wang San, Reina, and the stunned girls around.

The different but outstanding aura made Keisha speechless, and several women even gave her a potential sense of crisis. Does this mean that these women have the power to destroy her?

What made Keisha speechless was Wang San!

She couldn't perceive Wang San's power level, couldn't analyze it, couldn't analyze it!

But in her mind, there is the system's final love calculation, the man in front of her will be his man...

When Keisha received this only conclusion, her heart was stagnant, which was why she stared at everyone for three minutes after being summoned here.

Keisha never thought that there would be a man worthy of her in the universe! There will be guys who are worth it to put their wings away...

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