
More than a dozen sounds of being poisoned to the ground.

"I can't stay here any longer, Hexi, the king of filth! It's so filthy to break through the sky!"

The Pirate Empress closed her eyes and did not blink.

The three sisters, Tushan Yaya, walked away from the sky with the corners of their mouths twitching.

"The angels of the super **** plane are really open to men and women..."

Li Maozhen snickered and disappeared with Xuan Jingtian and Ji Ruxue.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Hexi, you idiot, what a shame for our angels!"

Seeing the surrounding women retreating and fleeing one by one, Keisha almost fainted.

"Hehehe, what I said is just the truth, there are no outsiders anyway."

"You can't deny Wang San's excellence, except that there are more women, there are no other shortcomings. It's more reliable than the scumbag Huaye that day."

Hexi narrowed his eyes.

"Such a high evaluation? Is it because he promoted you to the fifth-generation divine body?"

Keisha snorted angrily.

"Almost, although Sister Keisha understands the profound meaning of the law atom, she lacks the energy for evolution. This is not the Angel Nebula, and you can't use the energy of the Sky Blade system to achieve the complete evolution of the fifth generation."

"The energy required is too huge, and I can't do anything about it! After all, the realm of law is the realm of true gods, and it is the level of real immortality. If you don't go with Wang San and don't want to use his law energy, think about it. It will take at least 2,500 years to fully evolve on its own."

"We angels don't care about time, but here, in just 2 years, you will be left behind by the women around you."

"At that time, going to a more advanced plane to do tasks will be a hindrance."

Hexi analyzed it carefully.

Her previous jokes were not all jokes, but were brain-analyzed.

With Keisha's strong character, she wouldn't allow herself to be the tail of a crane.

"Is there a world higher than our angel plane?"

Seeing that Hexi finally mentioned the business, Keisha frowned.

"Of course, there are more than 10 million dimensional planes! I'm not doing elementary school arithmetic in the Myriad Realms Library these days."

"As long as Wang San's prison system reaches a sufficient level, the Marvel Universe, Dragon Ball, Prehistoric, etc. will be opened later. The level of terror is more exaggerated than our world."

"Unless you're afraid to stay here all the time, you always have to face those real mission challenges."

Hexi said with some yearning.

When she reached the fifth generation of gods, the law atom, she no longer cared about Carl and others.

Hexi, who naturally likes to pursue truth and power, is full of yearning for the challenge of the future terror plane...


"It really is an infinite universe! Once you break through the dimension, you can be infinitely wonderful."

"You're right. Invincible has been at ease for 20,000 years, and I'm really tired of it. So at that time Karl used Reina's supernova to bomb me, and I didn't stop it."

"At that time, I just needed to kill Reina, who was the teleportation center, and I could easily break the game. I was just invincible for too long, and I was tired of it."

"But now that such a situation has occurred, of course I want to see the horror and scenery of those ultimate plane worlds!"

Keisha's eyes flashed with a curious color that she hadn't seen in ten thousand years, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"Hey, Keisha, where are you going?"

"If you just came here, you should plant potatoes. The points here are very useful!"

Seeing Kaisha's silent heart being ignited again, Hexi said in surprise.

"I know that points are very useful, but I'm not in a hurry for this day."

"I'm going to find a man to upgrade me first. He can get your praise, that kind of thing... It should be too difficult."

Keisha waved her hands without looking back.


"It's clear that I can't bear to be surpassed by me! Sure enough, I don't even care about this kind of thing!"

Hexi gritted his teeth.

He is now the fifth-generation law **** body, but Wang San helped him a lot in the process of comprehension!

When it comes to laws, of course, it is better to comprehend them without external force.

Once Keisha reaches the fifth-generation Divine Body, the use of the power of the law is absolutely superior to herself.

"This bastard, you won't allow yourself to surpass her for a quarter of an hour."

"When I find the evolutionary path of the sixth-generation divine body, you have to come and beg me! Hmph—"

Hexi pouted and walked towards his research room.

In Zhutian Scientific Research Center, as long as you pay a certain amount of points, you can have your own research room in it, and all kinds of equipment and materials can be exchanged with points.

Hexi's points are basically spent on scientific research.

"Hey! Keisha-kun, you're too out of touch, you even drank the coffee I made!"

In the warden's office, Wang San, who came back from exercising, was stunned when he saw Keisha sitting in her seat and banging Erlang's legs leisurely tasting her coffee.

"You are going to make me, what does it matter if I drink the coffee you made."

Keisha raised the corner of her mouth.

Wang San...

Chapter 0444 Kaisha Goddess ~

"Is this what Hexi feels infatuated with? Being abused by a man...?"

Looking at the man in front of her, Keisha's perfect face was surprisingly rosy.

In the face of Keisha, the best female angel who is perfect to the soul, Wang San has no reason to refuse, and works hard with his greatest enthusiasm and state...

Keisha's voice quickly spread to all corners.

"At such a time, do you need to recite some angel's declaration or something?"

While working, Wang San asked badly.

Keisha gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes, reciting such a thing!

Keisha has a new understanding of Wang San's shameless disposition!

The difficult and bone-piercing lingering lasted until the early morning of the next day.

The Angel King, who tasted the nectar for the first time, finally realized the infinite beauty between men and women for the first time.

I am used to the holy Kaisha who is proud of the world, even if the strength is far inferior to my own man, but at least this kind of thing can take the initiative and turn over...

In the morning, under the strength of Wang San's battle several times the usual, Keisha was shocked and defeated.

"I, I am willing to put away my wings for you, think what you think, think what you think..."

"I would like to be..."

Under Wang San's various "threats", Keisha finally compromised in shame and anger, and read the Angel's Declaration.

"Okay, the last sentence can be changed. You don't need to protect me, because I am strong enough to keep you safe in your life."

Wang San said in love.

Keisha rolled her eyes, but there was still great sweetness in her heart.

She finally understood why Hexi was willing to serve Wang San with so many women.

The man in front of him is a peerless character who has comprehended the core truth of life, and that all laws follow your heart and rules are only me! All the truths become convincing truths when Wang San speaks, and the rules and power are changing with Wang San at any time.

Even Keisha felt that she was not being told by a man, but by the way of the heavens...

During the process, her soul had unspeakable happiness and joy.

"I don't understand why you are so happy."

"I am the holy Keisha. I know I have to share the same man with so many women, yet I can still be so happy..."

"Is it because of Wang San's soul aura? What level has the opponent's life level reached?"

"Above the gods..."

Keisha could no longer think about it, she could only sway gracefully under the storm...

In the morning's service hall, Hexi and the others looked at the holy Kaisha who slowly appeared, and the smirks at the corners of the girls' mouths had already explained everything.

"You're satisfied, right? That's right, I was described as miserable by that bastard."

"Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

Keisha grunted angrily while checking the state of her upgraded divine body.


Xiaoqing's person in the distance laughed.

"It turns out that the Angel King is also very humorous. I thought that he would fight against the adults and never give in."

Yanling Ji Jiao smiled.

"You guys just want to see me and Keisha joke."

Hexi glared at Yanling Ji angrily.

"After all, you are gods, so I wonder how God does that kind of thing."

Yan Lingji spread her hands.

"God's wool, have you ever seen a **** who could be killed so easily?"

"I used to rely on angel genes to be able to live for a long time. Now I have just stepped into the realm of laws, so I can be regarded as a little god."

"In addition, I can tell you responsibly that female gods are no different from you when they do that kind of thing with men, and they will still call when they should."

Keisha explained seriously.

Yan Lingji and the others stumbled, and they all lowered their heads and covered their faces with red faces!

Even Bai Suzhen was drunk!

Can this kind of thing be explained as science...

Chapter 0445 The most beautiful tenderness

"Well? Do you want to set up a separate angel task group? The third group?"

At noon, Wang San looked at the curvy Angel Queen Keisha sitting on his desk, and said in a stunned manner.

Wang San is still very concerned about this beautiful angel who has just been glued to him, the strongest woman in the super **** plane.

Keisha and Hexi are both core figures who can subtly improve the knowledge level of the women. It can make the entire harem more perfect and wise.

"That's right, in the morning, in addition to planting potatoes, I also had a discussion with the current two female emperors."

"It's ugly to be lucky not to lose."

"So I think I should have the strength to be a team leader with you. Don't you want people to do more things?"

Keisha smiled and got up, and walked in front of Wang San.

"Uh, of course that's fine, but where did you get the points to open the Battle Center to challenge them?"

Regarding the tenderness of Queen Keisha's daughter, Wang San couldn't bear the strength to refuse, and asked with a wry smile.

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