Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 30 Weird Picture, Miraculous Knife Work

Seiichiro Yukihira and Gin Dojima did not doubt what Nakiri Erina said.

After all, even if Nakiri Erina was deceived because of her young age, could Nakiri Senzaemon be deceived as well?

Therefore, the two immediately believed what Nakiri Erina said.

It is precisely because they believed what Nakiri Erina said that the two were even more curious. What kind of ability does this young man, who is obviously not older than Nakiri Erina, have the ability to instruct the Demon King of dine-in cooking.

On the other side, after sorting out Liu Subaru's lectures, Nakiri Senzaemon looked at Yukihira Seiichiro and the others.

"Seiichiro, Gin, in the next few days, this old man needs your help. At noon in seven days, Totsuki will be hosting a tour group."

"Let's talk about it first, for this reception, you must show 12 points of your ability, and you can't have the slightest mistake!"

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a serious expression, the inadvertently exuding momentum made Nakiri Erina, the granddaughter of Nakiri Senzaemon, a little unbearable.

This kind of aura was completely unexpected. The old man who was humbly asking for advice in front of Liu Subaru was the same person as the one in front of him.

Yukihira Seiichiro and Dojima Gin looked at each other, and then Yukihira Seiichiro said with a smile:

"I'm fine here, everything at home is settled."

"Me too, I have arranged the work for the next few days at the resort."

The words of the two made Nakiri Senzaemon a sigh of relief. To be honest, without the help of the two, Nakiri Senzaemon might not be able to entertain the passengers of the super-dimensional train.

You know, it can be stated on the order that there are as many as 2,688 passengers.

"We've agreed to help, but old man, should you tell us what's going on right now?"

Yukihira Seiichiro said.

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded, and then came to Liu Subaru's side:

"This is Liu Subaru, a chef whose cooking skills are far superior to the old man. His dishes are the most delicious among all the dishes that the old man has tasted, and such dishes are just his handmade creations."

"In the next period of time, he will give us some cooking instructions. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask questions at any time."

Nakiri Senzaemon's words surprised the two of them.

"Huh, and our share?"

Yukihira Seiichiro raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Before that, I don't know if I can bother Chef Liu to show a hand for the two of us."

Different from Yukihira Seiichiro, Dojima Gin looked at Liu Subaru very seriously and said.

"Don't be so formal, just call me Subaru."

Liu Subaru said a little embarrassedly, and then he looked at the fish tank in the kitchen, where several top-quality fish were dangling leisurely.

"If you want to show it, just use the fish in this tank."

After speaking, Liu Subaru once again took out his kitchen knife and began to select suitable fish.

"Sashimi? You two should watch it carefully."

Guessing the dish Liu Subaru wanted to show, Nakiri Senzaemon spoke to remind Yukihira Seiichiro and the two.

After all, in addition to the ingredients themselves, the most important thing for sashimi is the chef's knife skills, and Liu Subaru's knife skills...

Nakiri Senzaemon's reminder made the two of them look forward to what would happen next.

"Are you coming again, Chef Liu's knife craftsman?"

Next to him, Hishako Shinto looked at Liu Subaru's back with a look of anticipation. With that kind of swordsmanship, Hishako Shinto felt that no matter how many times he watched it, he would not get bored.

Under everyone's attention, Liu Subaru finally chose a suitable fish.

I saw Liu Subaru rolled up his sleeves, and his back arm plunged into the water like lightning, accurately catching the selected fish.

After catching the fish, Liu Subaru waved the kitchen knife, and the light of the knife swept across the body of the fish. Everyone only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and then a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The fish fillets in the sky flew up from the fish. These fish fillets, which were as thin as cicada wings, fell into the plate that had been prepared on the kitchen table like petals, and the falling fish fillets were automatically arranged to form a pair of fish. Fabulous pattern.

Looking at this incredible scene, the three of Nakiri Senzaemon were fine. After all, it was not the first time they had seen each other, and this time it was just a little more gorgeous.

The eyes of Seiichiro Yukihira and Gin Dojima, who saw this scene for the first time, were about to pop out. They couldn't imagine that Liu Subaru would actually cook like this.

After the sashimi was finished, Liu Subaru waved his hand and put the fish back into the fish tank.

Everyone looked at Liu Subaru in puzzlement, and did not understand why he put the fish that had already been cooked into the fish tank again.

However, when they looked at the fish tank, a terrifying picture came into their eyes.

I saw that the fish that had been cooked was swimming in the bathtub, as if nothing had happened.

But the weird picture of only the fish head and fish bones proved that everything before was not their illusion.

"This, this...what is this!!"

Nakiri Erina exclaimed again, this picture once again touched her blind spot of knowledge.

Of course, not only her, but other people's reactions were similar to Nakiri Erina.

"Oh, this, because my knife is fast enough, even though this fish has been cooked, its brain didn't respond that it was cooked, so it will still live as before."

Liu Subaru calmly said the words that sounded completely unbelievable to everyone.

"This state can last for more than a month. During this period, if anyone wants to show me a hand, let him watch this directly. I believe this fish is enough to prove my cooking skills."

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