Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 32 Super Taste! The Tongue Of God Without Flaws

Growing up playing in the kitchen?

Hearing this, everyone in the kitchen felt a little better. After playing in the kitchen, at least they have been exposed to cooking skills, rather than starting from a pure white.

But even so, Liu Subaru's talent is still heaven-defying.

"May I ask, what have you been playing in the kitchen since you were a kid?"

Nakiri Erina resisted the disappointment in her heart and asked.

"I think about it... it's probably about burning fire, carving ingredients, and mixing spices, but what I miss the most is my mother's cooking."

Speaking of which, Liu Subaru's face was completely happy.

This scene, Nakiri Erina was envious in her heart.

For Nakiri Erina, feeling happiness from the cooking of her father or mother was something she longed for, but had never experienced before.

"Your mother must be a very good cook".

Nakiri Erina said.


Thinking back to his mother, Liu Subaru seemed to have endless words to say.

"My mother's cooking will never be forgotten by anyone who has eaten it, because the happiness of tasting the cooking is so unforgettable."

"Although I can easily restore my mother's cooking with my super taste, I can't restore the happy feeling contained in the cooking."

"That's my mother's way of cooking"

Liu Subaru stared brightly and talked about his mother.

"Super taste? What is that?"

While Nakiri Erina listened, she grasped the words in Liu Subaru's words that she did not understand, and when Liu Subaru finished speaking, she immediately asked.

"Super taste? It's a super sensitive tongue. As long as the food is eaten by me, I can know what ingredients are used in the food, how it was prepared, and the defects of the food."

Liu Subaru said.

"Isn't that my tongue of God!"

Hearing Liu Subaru's explanation, Nakiri Erina's face changed, and the three of Nakiri Senzaemon who were cooking on the other side also temporarily put down what they were doing and came to Liu Subaru with a dignified look.

"Subaru, you actually have the tongue of God?"

No wonder this group of people made a fuss. Everyone present knew very well how the tongue of God could help the chef.

"So, what is the tongue of God?"

Liu Subaru asked curiously.

With a sigh, Nakiri Senzaemon, the guardian of the Nakiri Family God's Tongue, said slowly.

During this period, Nakiri Erina's face was not very good-looking, and Nakiri Senzaemon, who was next to him, looked at his granddaughter from time to time.

Although the tongue of God is a talent that all chefs in this world envy, how many people know that the tongue of God is not only a talent, but also a curse.

This kind of overpowering talent is really useful for the growth of a chef, but when the tongue of God tastes high-end cuisine, the once-ordinary dishes are no longer difficult to eat.

And when you taste more delicious dishes, even those high-end dishes will no longer be delicious.

It took a long time to go back and forth like this, but one day, there will be no more dishes that can satisfy the tongue of God.

At this point, the owner of the tongue of God will fall into despair.

According to the records of the Nakiri family, countless owners of the tongue of God starved to death because of this despair.

Therefore, in order to break the curse of the tongue of God, Nakiri Senzaemon formulated the "Tama Age Plan".

This plan is to rely on the financial resources and prestige of the Nakiri family and Togetsu, at all costs, to find those children with excellent cooking talents, make them enter Togetsu, become a rough stone, and sharpen their granddaughter Nakiri Erina.

Bring Nakiri Erina's culinary skills to the top to create dishes never before seen on this planet and break the curse of the tongue of God.

Of course, Nakiri Senzaemon would not say these plans.

"...This is the so-called God's tongue"

Nakiri Senzaemon's voice fell slowly, and he looked at Liu Subaru star in front of him.

To say that once, Nakiri Senzaemon had only one choice, but the appearance of Liu Subaru may give him a new choice.

The super-dimensional exchange company, this existence that can connect different universes, will definitely be able to solve the curse of the tongue of God! !

After listening to Nakiri Senzaemon's narration, Liu Subaru stood with his arms folded, his brows furrowed.

"This kind of tongue, the defect is too big. My super taste has the same ability as the tongue of God, but it does not have the shortcomings of the tongue of God."

"When tasting food, if I need it, no defect can escape my tongue. If I don't need it, then my tongue will be like a normal person and can only taste delicious."

Hearing Liu Subaru's description of the super taste, Nakiri Erina's heart once again had envy.

The same ability, but the other party does not have her own troubles, which she cannot help but envy.

"A tongue of God without flaws, such a tongue should be a real tongue of God"

Yukihira Seiichiro sighed.

"Subaru, I think the super-dimensional exchange company behind you should be able to solve the defect of Erina's tongue?"

Dojima Gin asked.

This question made Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Erina focus their attention on Liu Subaru, and they were extremely eager for Liu Subaru's answer to be the answer they thought.

Under everyone's attention, a bright smile appeared on Liu Subaru's face:

"Of course it is!

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