Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 40 Food Features In The World Of Halberd, Additional Tickets


With a scream, Taihe Doma, who was about to eat sushi, stopped his movements and looked at his sister beside him.

"What's the matter, Xiaobu?"

Tsuma Taihei's eager voice called Tsushima back.

The first time after returning, Tsushima Mai looked at his body.

"Huh, still there"

Seeing the clothes that hadn't disappeared, Tsushima sighed deeply.

"It's okay big brother, it's just too delicious, so I can't control it, you can try it too"

Tsushima gave an embarrassed smile, but in his heart he kept wondering what was going on with the hallucination just now.

After taking a strange look at Tsushima, and making sure she was really okay, Taihei Tsuma put the sushi into his mouth.

Under Tsushima's gaze, Taihei Tsuma's face showed a very satisfied expression.

Just burying a person in the earth just now is just his own hallucination. Suddenly, Taihei Tsuma also exclaimed.

"Just, what was that just now?"

When he came back to his senses, Taiping Tsushima looked at his body subconsciously, and was relieved to find that the clothes had not disappeared.

"Oni-chan, do you have such hallucinations too?"

At this moment, the voice of the soil buried in the ears of the ears of Taiping, Taiping Tsushima turned his head, saw the solemn expression on the face of the soil.

"you also have?"

Tsuma Taihei was startled, he thought he was just hallucinating.

"Navigation assistant, what's going on? Why do we have such hallucinations when we eat food?"

Compared with the guests who boarded the train for the first time, the already experienced Tumabu encountered something he didn't understand, so he turned on the ID reader immediately and asked the navigation assistant inside for help.

"This is the gourmet feature of this world. Very delicious food will have a severe impact on the eater. Under this impact, the eater will have the illusion of bursting clothes."

"Rest assured, these are hallucinations from tasting delicious food, and do not spill over into reality"

"Note: Except for the members of the Nakiri family in this world"

Looking at the introduction of the navigation assistant, Tu Jianbu looked strange, and the food would have an impact on the eater, causing the eater to have the illusion of bursting clothes?

Man, is this exciting?

Are you sure this is the world of gourmet specialties, not the world of Lifan? What you eat is food, not chun medicine?

Knowing the "food characteristics" of the world of halberd, Doma began to consider whether to continue eating.

After all, that kind of illusion is too shameful.

"However, although it will be strange to eat these delicacies, but..."

Tsushima was fighting fiercely in her heart. It was because the food in front of her was so delicious that she didn't want to give up easily.

"It's just an illusion, it won't affect reality, so don't worry"

In the end, Tsushima convinced himself and once again tasted the delicious food in front of him.

Then, in the impact of the food in front of him, he was ashamed while enjoying it.

At the same time, there were countless passengers who fell into an illusion when they tasted the delicacies made by the three of Nakiri Senzaemon on the spot.

Most of the passengers looked shy, but they couldn't stop their hands and just put the food into their mouths.

A few passengers behaved relatively calm, but in fact the hallucinations they experienced were more exciting than the average person, which is exactly what it said.

A few hours passed by in a hurry, and when the last diners left contentedly, the three of Nakiri Senzaemon finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's finally over"

Nakiri Senzaemon took a deep breath, soothing his whole body tired from overcooking.

After a reception, only Nakiri Senzaemon was left at the scene, and the three of Yukihira Seiichiro and Dojima Gin could continue to stand.

As for the others, like Si Yingshi and the assistant chef from Nakiri's house, they were already exhausted when there were still a lot of people in the queue.

So as a last resort, Nakiri Senzaemon asked Nakiri Erina and Kobayashi Rindo, who were serving as waiters, to also help, so there was no trouble halfway.

After finishing their work, Nakiri Erina and Kobayashi Rentan also slumped to the ground without an image like Shi Yingshi. ''

As for the three of Nakiri Senzaemon, although they are not tired and paralyzed, they are not easy.

Just when everyone was powerless to rest, the flight attendant suddenly came in front of everyone.

"Mr. flight attendant? Is there anything else?"

Nakiri Senzaemon said weakly.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing"

The flight attendant gave his flattering smile.

"Thank you for your busyness, allowing the passengers of the super-dimensional train to enjoy delicacies from different worlds, and after data collection, 96% of the passengers gave you a five-star praise for your cuisine"

"As for the remaining 4%, it's not because the food is not delicious, it's just because of their own reasons, or they can't accept the food characteristics of the world you live in, and it has nothing to do with your cuisine."

"In view of your excellent performance, the company will provide you with an additional ticket for the super-dimensional train"

The voice of the flight attendant fell, and the crowd, who were too tired to even open their mouths, suddenly raised their heads and stared at the flight attendant with bright eyes.

"Add a ticket for a super-dimensional train!"

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