Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 57 Bruce Wayne's Negotiation With Sengoku

"10 billion Baileys..."

Sengoku was stunned, this number already scared him a little.

You know, the bounty of One Piece Roger is 5.5648 billion Bailey, and the bounty of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world today, is 5.046 billion Bailey.

That is to say, Bruce Wayne will use the price of nearly two Whitebeard heads to let the tourists in his mouth learn the six-style and swordsmanship at Naval Headquarters.

And, even if they can't learn it, it doesn't matter, as long as they teach carefully, they can get the money.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Sengoku didn't quite believe it.

Seemingly aware of Sengoku's suspicion, Bruce Wayne lifted the briefcase in his hand and turned it down.

Then, under Sengoku's gaze, one heavy box after another fell from the mouth of the briefcase and hit the deck heavily.

As if thinking of something, Sengoku looked at the boxes in front of him, his hands trembling a little.

Opening a box, sure enough, what caught my eye was a pile of gold that was neatly coded.

Picking up a piece of gold, Sengoku looked at it carefully for a moment, then picked up another piece, another piece...

After some serious observation, Sengoku determined that the gold in these boxes is real!

"The gold here is worth about 5 billion baileys. As long as you sign a contract with Marshal Sengoku, you can move all these back, and the remaining 5 billion baileys of gold will be paid after the matter is over."

Bruce Wayne said with a smile on his face.

Diana, who was on the side, watched this scene and tried to maintain her expression to prevent Sengoku and the others from discovering anything.

10 billion Bailey's gold, although it is a huge wealth for the people of the pirate world, even Marine who maintains the peace of the sea.

However, for the employees dispatched by these super-dimensional communication companies, the 10 billion gold is actually not much different from the stone.

Even Bruce Wayne was able to come up with that money simply by virtue of the Wayne Group in their world today.

When Liu Xingxing introduced the food department before, he said that the bigwigs of the food department use a universe to cultivate ingredients, and even his one-star chef can get a planet.

So how can the Ministry of Commerce, which is equal to the Ministry of Gastronomy, be worse?

Bruce Wayne and the two came to the pirate world to negotiate with all parties. If they can really use a pile of gold to complete the task, then they will really make a lot of money.

Because in that case, the amount given by the company is almost all the two of them.

It's like the two of them completed the task with a stone that can be seen everywhere, but what they can get is a pile of precious gems.

"So, Mr. Sengoku, do you want to agree to this deal?"

Bruce Wayne asked with a smile.

"I answer..."

Hearing Bruce Wayne's words, Sengoku's words almost blurted out.

Even Sengoku was wondering what to do with this pile of gold.

However, at this moment, Sengoku's suddenly awake brain stopped his fantasies.

"I want to know what you mean by company, travel, guests, study...everything I need to know"

Sengoku asked.

Seeing Sengoku refraining from his desires, Bruce Wayne felt both pity and admiration at the same time.

"The company behind us is called the Super Dimension Exchange Company, a force that connects countless worlds, and the guests that this business needs to receive come from the super dimensional train sent by the Super Dimension Exchange Company"

Bruce Wayne explains what Sengoku wants to know, such as Hyper Dimension Exchange.

After listening to Bruce Wayne's narration, Sengoku was silent for a long time, and finally asked in a very shocking tone:

"What you said is true?"

In response, Bruce Wayne nodded, then sighed.

"To be honest, if I could, I would also lie to you that I was just entertaining a group of ordinary guests, but the company's internal regulations do not allow us to do this, because then you will not entertain guests with your heart."

"So, what's your answer?"

Hearing Bruce Wayne's question, Sengoku did not answer directly, but instead asked:

"Then what can you give?"

Knowing the existence of the super-dimensional exchange company, then Sengoku will not put his vision above the 10 billion Baileys.

However, this question of Sengoku has not been answered.

"We can give a lot of things, it depends on what you want. Of course, we won't agree to things that are too much."

Bruce Wayne smiled mysteriously.

According to the regulations of the super-dimensional communication company, the content of the transaction cannot be concealed, because only when Sengoku knows what kind of customers they are going to contact, they will be more attentive.

But in terms of price, there is no such restriction.

Even if Sengoku only gets 10 billion baileys, that's a lot of money for Marine.

Therefore, although you can get more, the super-dimensional communication company will not take the initiative to give it to you.

Facing the mysterious smile of Bruce Wayne, Sengoku had a headache for a while.

The current situation is like when you are doing business, you hold the goods yourself, but you don't know the value of your goods.

At this time, the buyer came to the sentence: You can set the price yourself, as long as it is not excessive, I can accept it.

If I knew how to price it, would I ask you?

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