Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 66 Experience the Great Maori Kogoro and Jiraiya

"Hahaha, back in the day, when this immortal traversed the ninja world, I don't know how many ninja girls fell for me, and at the same time, countless people regarded me as an idol"

"Even Tsunade, who is also a Sannin with me, has pursued me, but because this immortal is unruly, he did not agree to Tsunade"

"Even if it is the position of Hokage, I don't like it, but I can't stand the hard pleas of Sarutobi teacher. This is for the village. Namikaze Minato is accepted as a disciple and trained as the Fourth Hokage"

On the coast, surrounded by a group of beautiful mermaids, Jiraiya laughed and described the past that he added, exaggerated descriptions, and fascinated the mermaids around him.

"The heroic immortal of the bohemian "Nine One Zero", Jiraiya-sama is really amazing"

"Yes, yes, although I like the stable type, but when I hear about Jiraiya-sama's past, I actually have a yearning for this kind of life that travels all over the world."

"Jiraiya-sama, tell me more about the ninja world"


A group of mermaids pulled Jiraiya's arm and kept begging.

As the author of the best-selling book "Intimacy Paradise" in the ninja world, coupled with the half-life experience of wandering in the ninja world, Jiraiya's experience and literary talent, where is this group of mermaid girls who have never left The fish men island can compare.

So Jiraiya easily gained the adoration of a crowd of fish.

Feeling the admiration of the mermaids, looking at the moving appearances of the mermaids around me, the most important thing is that the mermaids have been in contact with the water for a long time, so they are used to wearing less clothes.

Various factors, Jiraiya finally understood why Kogoro Maori has always respected mermaids.

"This is simply a gift from God, damn, why is there no mermaid in our world!"

Jiraiya felt resentful in his heart, he felt that he had lived in vain for so many years.

On the other side, Maori Kogoro was also surrounded by a group of mermaids.

However, compared to Jiraiya, Maori Kogoro's eloquence is much worse, and his experience is not as rich as Jiraiya, but some mermaids like the uncle type of Maori Kogoro.

In addition, Kogoro Mori used to be a criminal policeman and a detective, and there are actually things that he can take out.

For example, Kogoro Mori is now telling the mermen around him about the dangerous process of catching criminals when he used to be a criminal police officer.

When it comes to the thrilling place, those mermaids will exclaim and hug Mouri Kogoro's arm, making Mouri Kogoro extremely proud.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri and Jiraiya smugly, Mourilan became angry, and she taught Conan, who had just been brought back by her, to teach her angrily again:

"Conan, listen to me clearly, don't learn from those two guys, or I'll send you back to your mother!

Seeing Maurilan's angry look, Conan kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Never let Xiaolan know that Kudo Shinichi and Edogawa Conan are the same person, absolutely not, otherwise Kudo Shinichi's life will not be saved!!

Conan madly alerted himself in his heart.

After Conan's lesson, Maurilan's anger finally subsided, and at this time, Suzuki Sonoko came to her side, and began to get angry.

"To be honest, these uncles are really good at talking, what kind of unruly immortals, and Sister Tsunade pursued him? Good guy, if I hadn't seen Sister Tsunade with my own eyes, I would have believed it."

"And Xiaolan, your father, I don't think you should bring him next time. If you want to bring him, you will also bring your mother."

After saying this, Suzuki Sonoko looked at Conan with contempt.

"And this little pervert, don't let him come next time. It's not bad to be in the same class as him and live in Dr. A Li's house."

"By the way, Dr. A Li is also a good candidate. He is old and it is time to enjoy it"

As soon as the call came down, Suzuki Sonoko had basically decided on the lineup for the next hyper-dimension train trip.

But when Maurilan heard Sonoko Suzuki's words, she nodded and agreed without much thought. The current scene made her a little lucky that Kudo Shinichi didn't come with him.

Otherwise, it is hard for her to imagine what she would do if Kudo Shinichi was like her father, Kogoro Mori.

It's not that she is not confident in herself, but that these mermaids are so beautiful, and the characters of these mermaids are all extremely enthusiastic types. Even she was almost invited to play with the group of mermaids just now.

So Mao Lilan didn't want Kudo Shinichi to come here and be seduced by these mermaids.

When Maori Kogoro and Jiraiya were chatting with the mermaids, suddenly, a scream came into everyone's ears.

"His Majesty Neptune, the three princes, and Princess Shirahoshi have descended on our Mermaid Bay!! 35

Hearing this exclamation, the expressions on the faces of the mermaids who were originally smiling turned into shock.

This made Mao 4.0 Li Xiaogoro and the others a little puzzled.

"what happened?"

"Princess Shirahoshi actually came out"

Hearing Kogoro Mouri's question, a mermaid explained.

"Princess Shirahoshi has never left Ryugu Castle because of being plotted against by gangsters for a long time."

"But I heard that before, a strong man came to help His Majesty Neptune solve this problem, so the residents of The fish men island welcome you so much"

"This should be the first time Princess Shirahoshi has appeared in front of all citizens in ten years"

"By the way, the beauty of Princess Shirahoshi is above all the mermaids on The fish men island, even the most beautiful human being, Boa Hancock, the pirate queen, can't compare".

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