Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 92 The bell rang through the heavens and the earth, the descendants of Roland who knew the t


The melodious and melodious sound of the bell began to spread from the sky above the bean vines to the surrounding.

The first to hear the bell is naturally the residents who are in the Sky Island and the passengers who are visiting.

"This is the song of the legendary Holy Land..."

Somewhere in Angel Island, Gan Fauer, who was talking to the residents, trembled when he heard this voice.

The singing of the Holy Land, to the inhabitants of Sky Island, is a true legend.

Because of this song, it brought them Apayado and brought them a rich life.

Although this song also brought them the war with the Shandians, they were still grateful for the arrival of the Holy Land.

It's just that the singing of the Holy Land only sounded four hundred years ago, so the people of Sky Island four hundred years later can only rely on imagination for those legends.

But now, after hearing this touching sound, all the residents of Sky Island have decided in their hearts, this is definitely the sound of the legendary holy land when it appeared on Sky Island!


With a loud shout, Gan Fol called the mount that was listening to the bell.

"let's go!

Looking at the clouds above, at this moment, Gan Fu's mood was unprecedentedly urgent.

"When the song of the Holy Land begins again, it will be the end of the war between Sky Island and the Sandians"

I don't know which generation of gods started, this belief has become something that the gods have always believed in later.

Among them, naturally, this generation's god Gan Fuer is also included.

Originally, Gan Fu thought that he would not hear this voice in his lifetime, but he did not expect that the singing of the Holy Land would actually sound at this time.

So Gan Foer desperately wanted to know what all this was about.

As for the passengers of the hyper-dimensional train who also listened to the bell, not only those from Sky Island, but all the passengers of the Pirate World, at the same time as the bell rang, the voice of the hyper-dimensional communication company sounded in their minds.

[Please note to all passengers of the super-dimensional train, train passengers Edogawa Conan, Maurilan, Suzuki Sonoko, Mauri Kogoro trigger and complete the Sky Island hidden event - Shandora's Lights, unlock the Sky Island story, if you are interested of passengers, you can learn about it through the identification device]

[Please pay attention to all passengers of the super-dimensional train...]

[Please pay attention to all passengers of the super-dimensional train...]

The notification sounded three times in the ears of all passengers, leaving everyone stunned in place.

The notification this time is completely different from that of Naval Headquarters and Amazon Lily, because it is the same passengers who have caused this notification.

It must not be a simple matter to be notified by the hyper-dimensional train.

Therefore, all the passengers on the train, no matter what they were doing, stopped their movements one after another, found a suitable place, turned on the ID reader, and read the story of Sky Island.

As for how the passengers will feel after knowing the story of Sky Island, that is what happens later.

Below Sky Island, on Gaya Island.

Mont Blanc Kulick drilled out of the sea and looked up at the sky.

"Tsk, there are a lot of clouds today"

While Kulik sighed, two men who looked like monkeys came to him with towels.

"Boss, how is the exploration today?"

"Hmph, same as before"

Kulik snorted coldly.

As the only one among the descendants of the great liar, Mont Blanc Rolando, who has actually arrived at Gaya Island, Kulik's daily routine over the years has been to dive into the water to find the Golden Land where Rolando guessed that he sank into the water.

However, he has been looking for many years, but has not been found.

Today's Kulik no longer cares whether the Golden Land is real, or whether it is a fiction by Rolando. His purpose is to clarify everything.

"I don't know if I can do this in my lifetime."

Kulik touched his chest, his face a little unsightly.

Years of diving experience have made his body no longer the same as it used to be. Kulik has a hunch that his life is not many years.

But if he doesn't make things clear, he will definitely not be reconciled.

"Wait, Rolando, I..."

Before Kulik could finish his words, suddenly, a sound resounding through the heavens and the earth entered his ears.


The sound of the bell spread throughout the whole of Gaya Island, which startled the guide birds in the jungle of Gaya Island.

Kulik raised his head in astonishment, staring at the sky dully.

"This voice..."

"Ah ah ah, boss, look there quickly"

Suddenly, the subordinates around Kulik 920 exclaimed, Kulik looked in the direction they were pointing, and almost instantly, tears filled his eyes.

There, above the thick clouds, the scene from the sky is reflected.

It was a picture of people with small wings, cheering and ringing the big bell.

"It is said that there are people living in the distant sky. When the sun shines on those people, his figure will be reflected on the dense fog in the distance"

Kulick muttered to himself.

"So, it's true"

"Above the sky, the shadow of people ringing the golden bell, the sound of the golden bell, these are all proving that the Golden Land is now in the sky"

"Hahaha, my ancestor, Roland, did not lie, the Golden Land, it really exists!"

Kulick burst into tears while laughing.

He finally knew the reasons for everything. Even though he couldn't change other people's opinions, he could now pat his chest and say that their Montblanc family is not a family of liars, and his ancestor Rolando did not lie!

The Golden Land is real!

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