Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Chapter 102: Ling Yun Giving Equipment to Xilin

Honkai looked vigilantly at Ling Yun who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?!"

This space was clearly set up by him as a space barrier, how did this person come in without being discovered by him?

"It's been a long time since anyone asked me my name." Ling Yun looked into the distance with deep eyes.

That look seems to be indifferent to all things in the world, detached from the existence of the world.

Honkai: I know this look! Just like me.

"Since you asked the question sincerely."

"Then listen, my name is"

Ling Yun took a deep breath.

Honkai's attention was attracted.

"Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Natural Mirao Supreme True Jade Emperor God!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking sonorously, he even patted his chest.

Breathe a sigh of relief.

Kevin, who had just walked in, almost fell over.

This guy is really shameless.

So many noble words are used.

But don't say it, it still sounds a little tricky.

Honkai listened honestly and carefully: "..."

There is something wrong with this guy, with such a long name.

"Haotian... what are you doing here?"

Honkai originally wanted to call Ling Yun the name he said before, but got stuck for a while, and finally changed it to you.

"Ling Yun, what are you talking about?" Thor looked at Ling Yun in a daze.

"Brother Ling Yun, who is she?" On this side, Xilin also noticed the blonde woman who had been following Ling Yun.

It's just the tail behind it...

"Honkai Beast?"

Sirin said suspiciously.

"She is my kanban lady. I will explain this matter to you after it goes out, and deal with the Honkai matter first." Ling Yun said.

Honkai watched all this in silence.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have been tricked.

"Long time no see, Honkai."

At this time, Kevin who was standing aside spoke.

"It's you!"

Hearing the sound of Honkai, he noticed that there was an extra person here.

It's just that when he saw that figure, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Kevin.

The terrifying ice spread towards the surroundings.

The world switched to another scene in an instant.

Although Honkai turned part of it into four gems, she is Honkai after all, gathering the power of all Herrschers.

Plus the power to seal this part of her here.

So a series of operations such as switching spaces are still possible.

"You can settle the matter between you two yourself." Ling Yun glanced at Kevin.

"Now that I've seen it, I'm going to do it to the end." Kevin nodded.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand has already formed the posture of a great sword.

The raging fire was burning crazily in this icy world.

"You just want to use this most basic power to destroy me?" Honkai looked at Kevin with a sneer.

"Just dealing with a part of it is naturally enough."

"Arrogance!" Honkai's expression changed.

The surrounding wind suddenly increased.

The ice crystals swept towards Kevin with the tornado.

the other side

Ling Yun rubbed Xilin's little head.

"I haven't seen you for a month, do you miss me?"

"I think so, but Brother Lingyun, what you said before was too hurtful."

"I'm already very restrained. After I have five gems, I won't make the mistakes I made before." Xiao Xilin pursed her lips and looked at Ling Yun with some dissatisfaction.

Obviously he worked very hard.

In the comics, she lost when she faced Walter, but this time, she faced Theresa, Siegfried, and Walter, and it ended in a draw.

I have become different

"Yes, yes, my little Xilin is the cutest." Ling Yun covered Xilin's face with both hands, and rubbed vigorously.

"It's so perfunctory."

"No, I'm serious."

"Stop rubbing, it's a little swollen." Xiao Xilin said vaguely, but she didn't pull Ling Yun's hand away.

In front of this most important person in her life, she is willing to let go of all her defenses.

Ling Yun smiled and pinched Xiao Xilin's face.

"I haven't seen you for a month, but little Xilin is still so cute."

"Hee hee, does Brother Ling Yun like it?" Xiao Xilin was not so shy and shy compared to when they first met.

This made Ling Yun very happy.

"I like it, why don't I like it, oh, yes, I just take advantage of the time now to digest these few gems."

Ling Yun put his hand down from Xi Lin's face, and took out the four gems that he had held in his hand before.

"But you can exchange this into points, Brother Ling Yun made a perfect version for you."

Ling Yun suggested.

"Yes." Little Celine nodded.

In her heart, she naturally trusted Ling Yun unconditionally, so she could do whatever Ling Yun said.

"Then I will exchange these four gems for you."


The next moment, each gem turned into 4,000 points and entered Little Sirin's black card.

Four is sixteen thousand.

A huge sum of money, Xiao Xilin is now the richest person.

However, without anyone noticing, a number flashed on the black card.

Twenty-six thousand

Excluding the 16,000 points converted from gems, the rest were obtained by Sirin from defeating Walter Theresa and the Valkyries of Destiny.

The gems turned into points, Ling Yun stretched out his hand, four rays of light of different colors converged in the void, and began to slowly form the prototype of the core.

What's so good about little gems? My little Xilin will use the core.

The complexion of Honkai who was fighting with Kevin in the distance changed suddenly.

He quickly looked in the direction of Ling Yun and the others.

Just now, he felt that the four gems he made had lost contact.

It's as if it just disappeared out of thin air.

But in an instant, his expression completely changed.

He actually saw four Herrscher cores representing different authorities appearing in the void? !

There is actually someone in the world who can control the core of the law like Honkai? !

This discovery made Honkai no longer able to sit still.

Doesn't it mean that as long as this person thinks, he can form an army of the Herrscher? Doesn't that mean that his envoys are useless at all?

"Where do you want to go?"

Just when Honkai was about to leave the battlefield, the fiery red sword blocked his sight.

Kevin looked at Honkai with a smile on his face.

But he complained to Ling Yun in his heart: I just said it was the core of the Herrscher, but I didn't admit it; but you can even make the core of the Herrscher, you really have it.

"Get out of the way!" Honkai said sharply.

"That's not okay."

The fire flashed, and the two fought together again.

Xiao Xilin stared blankly at the four cores suspended in front of her.

Including the one in my body, there are a total of five cores!


The capitalized ignorance is printed on the face.

"Oh, speaking of which, it's time to change the equipment." Ling Yun noticed Xi Lin's expression and smiled slightly.


"(Middle) I didn't get it, I only got two of your exclusive stigmata for you, and this weapon I specially made for you, the Key of Nothingness."

Ling Yun handed two stigmata cards and a gun-shaped weapon to Sirin.

"In this key of nothingness, I have depicted some power about space. As long as you activate it, you can use more powerful power, and it can also be used for body protection in normal times."

Thor watched silently.

So it turns out that the friend Ling Yun mentioned is her?

But the expressions of these two people are not like ordinary friends at all.

Thor got a little pissed off.

But after thinking about the Skadi of Tianshuang that Ling Yun gave her, it seemed that she didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

It doesn't matter if you come first, I am the one who has been with Ling Yun the longest.

I have two updates, but the time is different. You can see that the time written on the starting point has not exceeded zero.

Thanks to the book friend 'Yuan Luo' for the 1000 starting point coins.

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