"A mere human."

Bo Xun was unmoved, his dark pupils seemed to be filled with disdain.

next second

The ax in his hand turned into two giant dragons.

Bite towards Saber and the others.

"Don't even think about succeeding!"

Galahad appeared in front of everyone.

With a bang, he put the shield in his hand on the ground.

Galahad activated his Noble Phantasm: "Lord Camelot (already distant ideal city)!!"

The blue magic circle rises.

Endless magic power built a white city wall in front of everyone!


The moment the flying dragon hit the wall, it was bounced off, and reappeared on Bo Xun as two huge axes.

"What kind of artifact is this? Why have I never seen an artifact with this ability?" Hermes was astonished.

"Is this the city of chalk in the legend of Camelot? It's so holy!"

Da Vinci said excitedly, the paintbrush in his hand couldn't stop at all.

"Troublesome." Lancelot nodded to Galahad.

Then he looked at Saber.

"let's go!"

Saber opened her eyes.


The golden light in his hand extended and turned into a lightsaber with a blade reaching two meters!

Can't help but say

Except for Galahad and Tristan, the other five knights followed their dynasty and charged towards Bo Xun.


Bo Xun roared

The sky darkened.

Storm and rain pouring down!

Bo Xun once used nine difficulties to hinder the unenlightened Sakyamuni, Prince Siddhartha.

However, today he will impose these nine difficulties on these knights!

"Hey! Leave it to me!"

Seeing the oncoming hurricane, Mordred stopped abruptly.

Hold the big sword in your hand with both hands.

Stab it!

The scarlet lightning flickered and shattered the ground!

"Cl-arent Blood Arthur (rebellion against my magnificent father)!!"

"Ah, here." Hearing the shout, Gao Wen carefully glanced at Saber.

But the latter had no expression on his face, as if he didn't hear a single glance.


Red lightning shot up into the sky, and the ground under Mordred's feet was cracked!

A beam of light pierces through the sky like a saber releasing the sword of vowed victory!

Light up the faces of the audience.


In Mordred's roar.

The scarlet beam of light slammed down!

Lightning rubbed against the tornado formed by the hurricane.

The next moment, the red lightning in Mordred's hand expanded in a circle!


In Bo Xun's shocked eyes, a red light flashed in front of him.

And the hurricane he created turned into a breeze and dissipated in the world in an instant.

"It's now!"

lancelot yelled

Taking advantage of Bo Xun's stupefied time, the lake light in Lancelot's hands without regrets bloomed a blue as clear as the sea.

Then he slashed obliquely towards Bo Xun's chest!

"Don't forget me!"

Behind Lancelot.

The spear in Gareth's hand glowed with a blue light.


A blow, straight to Zhongbo Xun's abdomen.


The huge impact made Bo Xun spit out a mouthful of saliva.

In the next second, he was directly pushed into the sky.


Looking at Bo Xun who was being pushed into the air, Gareth did not choose to pursue the victory, but shouted to the sky.

Gao Wen, who had already been on standby at high altitude, slowly raised the holy sword in his hand.

"Burning everything on earth, this sword belongs to the sun."

"Stupid old man, the enemy will react when he calls out again." Gareth interrupted.

Gao Wen: "."

It's a rare time to come out, don't you let me pretend to be cool?

But it had already been interrupted, and he was ashamed to continue talking.

"Let me help you." Listening to the conversation between the siblings, Bedivere couldn't help chuckling.

Then he raised his [Silver Arm].

It has the same name as the god-made armor used by the Celtic god of war Nuada, and its real body is "Excalibur, the unreturned holy sword"!

"Switch On - Airgetlám (holds his sword, silver arm)!"

Bedivere swung fiercely towards the sky.


In the next second, white light pierced the sky.

cut through the clouds

in the howling wind

The incomparably dazzling sun was revealed.

"Thanks, Lord Bedivere!"

Gawain said something to Bedivere, who was handing it out, and then looked solemnly at Bo Xun in mid-air.

He raised the holy sword in his hand high.


Spread like a sun-like flame.

The extremely hot fireball made both the gods and the audience feel suffocated.

From a distance, it looks like a small sun!

The sun gods of all god systems are about to cry.

Here comes another power grabber.

Is anyone watching? Squeak if someone sees it.


next second

These flames shrink rapidly

Gao Wen's whole body was illuminated by golden light!

At this moment, Gao Wen is like the sun god.

Powerful and dazzling!

The luminous and shining sword held by Gawain has a pseudo-sun sealed inside the hilt!

According to legend, this holy sword has the same power as Saber's holy sword.

King Arthur's holy sword Excalibur is to gather the brilliance of the planet, and Gawain's Galatine is to show the blazing rays of the sun.

High in the air

After charging, the holy sword in Gao Wen's hand was like the surface of the sun, shining with an incomparably dazzling light.

"Excalibur Galatine (Winning Victory Sword)!!"


In the dull eyes of everyone, a beam of light that can melt everything burst out suddenly.

From the sky directly to the earth!


In Bo Xun's roar, he shrouded it violently!


The huge flame light ball spreads.

A fireball with a radius of several hundred meters was formed!

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and countless soil and stones were turned into ashes!

A heat wave like the solar wind swept over everyone.

Just when I thought it was about to end

Saber drew out her holy sword.

A curry stick split the 100-meter fireball in two from the middle!


Water vapor diffuses.


A beast-like roar sounded from the beam of light.

Suddenly, there was scarlet in the sky!

Dense meteorites fell towards Saber and the others!


"Here, leave it to me." The sad knight Tristan turned his head.

Looking at the falling meteorites, he gently stretched out his hand to his bow and arrow, which looked like a bow and a zither.

Ding ding ding!

Gently plucking the bowstring on the bow and arrow.


blue light streaks across

The falling meteorite was cut into countless tiny stones and fell to the ground.

There was no way to break through Tristan's line of defense.

"Cheating! This is totally cheating! How can eight people beat one person?"

Some gods reacted and criticized loudly.

"Really? Didn't Bishamonten have seven people at the beginning? If you don't count zero blessings and Bo Xun, there are exactly eight people?"

"Bastard, who dares to refute me?"

The boar-headed god turned his head angrily, but the next second he was trembling nervously.


Sakyamuni ignored the clown god and looked around while eating popcorn.

"The small world opened up from one space is really amazing."

Isn't this the same as his Three Thousand Small Worlds?


"Unforgivable, mere human!"

In the dust, a furious voice came.

"Isn't it dead yet? This thing has such tenacious vitality." Lancelot frowned.

It was the first time he had seen an enemy who was still alive after eating Gawain's holy sword and the king's oath.

dust dissipated

At this moment, Bo Xun was extremely embarrassed.

One horn was cut off, the shawl was scattered, and there were burn marks all over his body.

Just like an evil ghost crawling out of hell, it is enough to make a child cry.

Looking at Bo Xun, Saber also frowned.

If after eating so many Noble Phantasms, it's still not enough to kill.

Only use that!


Saber shouted loudly.

Ling Yun next to Shakya laughed lightly after hearing Saber's call, and slowly raised his left hand.

"In the name of the Command Seal, Saber, the end of liberation!"

As the words fell, a red command spell slowly disappeared on the back of Ling Yun's left hand.

The gods and humans who heard the voice looked at Ling Yun in shock.

Is there any mistake, the legendary king of knights actually called this man master? !

"Huh? There are many secrets hidden in your body." Sakyamuni said with interest.

"Unfortunately, I don't want to be studied by men." Ling Yun shrugged.

And on the Hill of Camlann

With Ling Yun's permission, Saber thrust the Holy Sword of the Oath into the ground violently.

Hands stretched out into the void.

"Come out!"


white starlight

A pure white holy spear slowly took shape, and Saber's body also began to rise slowly.

In the end, she changed from an immature little girl to a mature royal sister.


All the Knights of the Round Table were shocked by this scene.

Is this still the king they know?

"Wang, become so beautiful!" Gareth's eyes were full of little stars.

"Lancelot, Gawain, I will leave the task of covering to you."

After the change of rank, Arturia slowly opened her green eyes, and a flat voice sounded.

Lancelot and Gawain immediately bowed, "Yes!"

Tristan in the back couldn't help shaking his hands after seeing the grown-up Saber, his expression excited: "That's it!"

Mordred on the side looked complicated.

She knows this gun!

It was this gun that stabbed her in Kamran Hill!

For a moment, Mordred wondered if this was revenge from his father for his previous treasure.

Note: the manga was only updated to 49 pictures when I wrote it, all friends who read it later pay attention, don't say that the skills, words and characters I wrote are different from the original

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