Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 1702 Lang Fanyun's Shock And Thoughts (Part 2)

The old man is the Marquis: "Two newcomers have joined the guild?"

Xia Shizi: "Welcome, welcome!"

Xia Shizi: "But...the names of these two newcomers!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Let the world feel the pain: "..... Demon Cult Leader! Hiss!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat: "Luo...... Luo Hao Hierarch?!"

Yuan Dagu: "!!!!"

Kyosuke Takasaka: "It's so scary."

Sakata Gintoki: "Has another leader been added? (Scalp numb.jpg)"

Yukinoshita Yukino: "...Calm down! Maybe this leader is not as terrifying as Luo Cuilian.

Yukinoshita Yukino: "However....Since the word "Devil Cult" is added in front of her! Presumably her character is not much better than Luo Cuilian?"

Gudazi: "Oh my god..." Zero One Seven"...Are you saying this to comfort others? I'm even more panicked when you say that, okay?"

Suzeks: "It's so real! I panicked too."

Tony is not the richest man: "Terrible...but then again! The name Rain-Curling Sword! I seem to have heard it somewhere?"

Tony is not the richest man: "Where did I hear it..."

Tony Stark frowned, he stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed the center of his brows.

But no matter how he thinks... he can't remember which memory copy he saw this name in.

F: "...

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "...

The two figures from Datang World suddenly remembered where they had heard this name, and fell into deep thought.

This is, Su Han mentioned before...the future Shattered Void character of Datang World? Or...just a coincidence?!

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archaeology: "@雪下蛋那. Isn't it right?"

Jackie Chan thought for a while, and directly refuted it.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology: "Miss Xuexia, I remember that the sect that Luo Hao's leader is in... shouldn't be a demon sect, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao: ...Yes, Luo Hao is clearly called the Holy Teaching. The holy religion of the five prisons!"

After Su Han replied, he silently looked at the two newcomers.

Dongfang Bai, the leader of the Demon Cult...this should be it! The female version of Dongfang Sister?

"Scary! This is really scary." Su Han murmured. But after thinking about it, he felt a little lucky.

Compared to this heroic oriental elder sister... If the person who joins in is that neither male nor female oriental ladyboy, that would be a terrible thing.

Su Han couldn't even imagine what kind of fryer the guild would be if it was really the one who joined in.

As for the Sword of Rain... Su Han didn't pay much attention to this one!

After all, the name is too obvious...He didn't need to think about it to know that this is the peerless master Lang Fanyun whose role in the ups and downs is no less than that of the protagonist.

Rain-covering Sword:...Lying at home and tasting wine! But I don't want to be confused...There is such a strange interface in my mind!"

Fu Yujian: "Is this because I want to become a fairy? Or maybe it's just that I drank too much wine and had hallucinations..."

After a short pause, Lang Fanyun laughed dumbly, took another sip of wine, and spoke in the guild on his own.

Rain-covering sword: "I was stupid! Now I am far from the limit of Li Tian... unless I fight to the death with the magician Pangban! Maybe there is a 50% chance of breaking the void and stepping into another world Right? From this point of view, there is only one answer...

Although Lang Fanyun felt that he was drunk now, he didn't think it was a big deal. Drinking...isn't it just to get drunk?

Father Whitebeard: "...Sure enough! Rain-covering sword, and magician Pangban!"

Whitebeard lay on the bed, tapping the sheets with his fingers, thoughtful.

Tony is not the richest man:........I didn't expect it! It would be him. "

Tony Stark's expression also became complicated.

If the rain-covering sword alone still makes it difficult for him to recall...with the magician Pangban, he can remember everything.

But immediately, the expressions he looked at Song Que and Shi Zhixuan became weird.

"The great master who saw the future of his own world! I don't know what expressions these guys have at the moment?" Tony Stark looked a little playful, "This is really curious.

Sky Knife:

Tiandao: "@母雨剑. The following is the Great Tang Dynasty, the former leader of the Song Clan, and now Song Que, the Emperor of the Central Plains Great should know me, right?"

Rain-covering Sword: "!?????"

Fu Yujian: "I know Song Que, the Heavenly Sword, but isn't the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin?"

Lang Fanyun was in a daze, what kind of weird dream was this? How come the emperors in history have changed!

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "Ahem..... I'm here! Evil King Shi Zhixuan! You can also call me Pei Ju, Master of the Tang Dynasty! You should know me too, right?"

Fu Yujian: "...Knowledge is acquaintance! However, I really don't know that Shi Zhixuan and Pei Ju are the same person...... Besides, even if it is Pei Ju, he has never been a national teacher. .....Wait! Was there a national teacher in the Tang Dynasty?"

The more Lang Fanyun thought about it, the more confused he became, and finally he took another sip of wine. The wry smile was speaking in the guild.

Fu Yujian: "This dream is really getting more and more confusing."

Su Xiaoxiao: "There's no need to try...the worlds of the two of you should be equivalent to parallel worlds. Although they are similar! But they are not the same."

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "I can see it!"

Four-browed Lu Xiaofeng: "Although I didn't try it...but I guess! This Rain-Fuying Sword probably doesn't know me."

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "...Aren't you talking nonsense? He doesn't even know that I am the Great Tang Master! Obviously, after we joined the guild, the plot of our world, or the destiny! Change...his world, and mine will no longer be synchronized!"

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "Your world merged with mine, it was not known how long after that, how can this be confused in 4.2?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "@母雨剑. Lang Fanyun, don't think about it! You are not dreaming now! I suggest you go and take a look at the brief introduction of the trade union...."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then, take a look at the Legend of the Tang Dynasty Double Dragon and the Legend of Lu Xiaofeng in the copy of the guild's memory... After reading it, you should understand what is going on now?"

Rain-covering Sword:  ………

Lang Fanyun froze for a moment, then shook his head with a broken smile. He first read the brief introduction of the trade union and was amazed.

At this time, he was still a little amazed at his imagination, that he was able to dream of such a cumbersome thing while dreaming.

However, as he kept flipping through the Legend of the Great Tang Double Dragon... his expression gradually froze. .

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