King Kong Corpse: "Although I used to be a villain with no evil, I even killed the man who loved me the most! But those nobles are more Damn it than I was before, and they don't deserve to live in this world!"

Vegeta: "After watching "Slashing the Crimson Eyes", I feel an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, so let's go see "Pokémon" and heal it!"

Uchiha Madara: "That world really needs to be cleaned up again, but @拜月, isn't the boss saying that you are learning socialism? Why is it suddenly going back to the old profession?"

Moon worship: "The root cause of all ugliness in my world is that the people in power have not met the basic needs of the people! They may have love, but in order to survive, they can only abandon these spiritual things! They are still saved! And Ace Des’s world is really hopeless. Those nobles take pleasure in torturing and killing civilians. This kind of guy is no longer worthy of being called ~ human!"

Paying the moon: "My lord, please agree to my request. I want to summon water monsters to clean the world of Acedes-!"

Xia Tian can feel that the moon worshiper this time is really fun!

There is no harm if there is no comparison! The extremely ugly Nanzhao Kingdom in his mind, compared to the world of "Slashing the Crimson Eye", is simply heaven! He is such an extremist who chasing truth, goodness and beauty, and carrying out love! Can't accept the ugliness of that world at all!

Well, Xia Tian said he can't accept it either!

Lord of the group: "Don't people still have rebels?"

Moon worship: "Those people’s speed is too slow, and absolute rights will cause absolute decay! If they capture Wang Cheng, will they still practice slavery in the future? Then they did not fundamentally end their ugliness, just It’s just another ruler! Nobles, must be destroyed, and power must be handed over to the people!"

Sure enough, has the lunar worship leader who has been baptized by socialism studied sociology to this degree? His persistence made Xia Tian embarrassed to refuse it! I am afraid that it will hit the scientific research enthusiasm of a revolutionary, politician, biologist, scientist, astronomer...!

Horrible, there are so many titles in the moon worship, he is really a technology lunatic!

Lord of the group: "@ Ace德斯, do you want to try to be a queen?"

Xia Tian's brain is running wildly, so there is almost the idea of ​​letting Acedes become the queen! After all, isn't she the Queen of Shaking S? It's just that the title has been implemented!

Acedes swallowed and made himself queen? The literal meaning is to let yourself overthrow the current emperor, right?

Even if she has made great achievements. Even if she is capable of heaven-defying, such a rebellious idea, she has never had it! Sure enough, are these guys big villains? Instigate yourself against the empire as soon as you appear!

Suddenly found out that this villain is the least pursued and most promising person in the group!

Ace Desi: "@群主大人, can I say no?"

Lord of the group: "Guess!"

"Di, the host of the group has issued a transformation mission to become the queen of the empire! Mission reward: 5000 dimensional consumption points, five group members can be selected as helpers in the group! Do you accept the mission?"

accept? Still refuse? Acedes just hesitated for a while and made a choice!

"Dip, Acedes chose to endure the transformation task of the leader of the group: ascend the throne to become the queen; five people can be recruited to go to the world of Acedes to assist each other, and all group members can sign up! Participants can get award!"

Is this a new task? There are only five places! You must get it, and you must get the quota! The task represents the dimensional consumption point, and also represents the strength! After the dog group members heard the prompt, they boiled!

Conan: "@ Ace德斯, Queen, please take me to your mission!"

Rocky: "Go away, elementary school student, the task is mine! I'm the Lord Cthulhu!"

Lina Li: "@ Ace德斯, for the sake of being a woman, add me to it, why should a woman embarrass a woman!"

At a glance, Acedes sneered at the three guys who coveted him. Am I the kind of person who can lead wolves into the house? The three of you, whose names have already been written on the notebook by the general, it is impossible to participate in the mission!

Uchiha Madara: "This kind of task that requires group battles, I'm afraid the old man is the most suitable!"

Athena: "@ Ace德斯, the concubine is a goddess, I can help you comfort the people after the war! Please be sure to bring your concubine!"

0 ·····Find flowers····

Paying the moon: "I have to wash away the evils of that world! You can also try to see if socialism is really practical!"

Time Chicken: "@ Ace德斯, I (o) grew up in the grassland, thirsty to drink dew, hungry to eat grasshoppers! Not all chickens are called time chickens! Please trust my (o) ability."


Xia Tian looked at a bunch of dog group members, and he could not help but sneer for the appearance of a dog's brain for a place! He believes that Ace Desi is a smart girl. How can there be no masters in this kind of thing?

Acedes is also thinking about whom to give this place!

Although she is a newcomer, she doesn't know much about these group members! Their strength can only be seen from the remarks, but first of all, they must exclude Conan, Linali, and Loki who covet themselves!

.... .. .......

As for who to choose, first of all, the leader of the group is indispensable! Maybe you can discuss with him in your own world, the methods of abuse!

Then there is the person "Worshiping the Moon". Although she doesn't know what socialism is, she can see that this person is an excellent politician! And the strength is also third-order advanced! Very strong!

The next thing is that Jiang Chen is a fourth-order low-level boss, which can be regarded as a wave of flattery, and there is also a Monkey King. Unfortunately, because he did not speak, it would be inconvenient to disturb him. What if he gets angry?

Pull up Athena again, the low-level strength of Tier 3 is still a goddess, and it will definitely be very useful!

With this calculation, four strong people have been recruited. In order not to be considered by the group of friends that they only recruit people based on their strength, then they have to find a weak scum to seal it up.

Well, this time chicken is not bad, you can see that it is not a humanoid creature! She would never covet herself, and she was also very curious about what the talking chicken was all about. Could it be that it existed like a dangerous species?

Ace Desi: "I have already selected a good candidate @群主大人, @拜月, @蚩尤, @亚洲娜, @时光鸡"

The dog group members who watched the screen and waited for the sentence were almost blinded by Acedes's choice. They chose the unreliable poultry of Time Chicken, and they refused to choose me? I am not convinced! Inch.

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