Bringing the languid Morgana to the roadside stall and sit down, Xia Tian still didn't know where to start, and didn't know the current timeline, so I planned to inquire about it first.

"Old man, is there any water? Both of us are from outside, can you tell me what happened recently?"

"Water? The second foreigner should come from fleeing?" The old man tremblingly poured two bowls of well water for Xia Tian and the others. Encourage the Great Zhou Wangji to send troops to destroy my big business. Alas, I'm afraid they will come to Chaoge City soon, right?"

"Have you started fighting? So what do you think of King Zhou~, old man?"

Xia Tian is very curious about King Zhou's image in the hearts of common people. After all, in "Wu Geng Ji", he can be regarded as a great hero against the power of the gods.

"My prince can be regarded as diligent and loving for the people, only for the sake of slaves and the gods. I am afraid that my king has done wrong! The gods control wind, rain and thunder, all kinds of thaumaturgy are unimaginable, relying solely on the flesh and blood of the human race, Ugh!"

After hearing this sentence, Xia Tian had already left the roadside stall with Liangbing, and there was nothing else on the stall except a gold brick.

Xia Tian took a sip of the well water in his hand, sweet and delicious "Cool ice, do you think human beings should resist the rule of the gods?"


"I mean you oppressed the humans under your rule? How did they react?"

Morgana was a little silent, not because of how cruel she was, but because she was embarrassed to speak!

Rule over humanity? In the Ten Thousand Years of her war with the angels, she only ruled a few devil galaxies with degenerate and free thoughts. Those were all races that angels looked down upon and were ready to be annihilated at any time! As for humans, most of them are under Guy Sha's rule. Even so, she has not been able to invade each other with angels, being chased like a mourning dog!

"No, I only preach corruption and freedom, why oppress them?"

Xia Tian nodded, and continued to move forward, the front is the royal palace of the Shang Dynasty!

The closer you are to the palace, the more soldiers in dark red armor. They guard the palace, or are ready to fight. With the help of the Protoss, the Great Zhou Dynasty is almost invincible! Maybe tomorrow, the war will spread to Chaoge City!

"who are you!"

A soldier yelled at Xia Tian and Liang Bing, but then suddenly there was a flower in front of him, and he lost the trace of the two. "No, there were clearly two people there just now? Is it dazzling?"


Harem Lutai

This place was built by King Zhou in order to marry Daji, surrounded by peaks, white clouds and lingering rings, strange rocks, vines and mushrooms, green bamboo, towering pines and cypresses, and willows hanging down together.

Xia Tian remembers that this Daji is also a protoss, whose real name is Xinyuehu, is a god of Doubu. After falling in love with King Zhou, he betrayed the protoss and gave birth to a child named Wu Geng.

"Who are you!"

King Zhou stepped in front of Daji and Wu Geng.

Xia Tian looked at this man who dared to resist the gods, he looked good, his eyes were firm and unyielding, and he still had a bit of Haki! "You want to resist the Protoss?"

Morgana also scanned King Zhou with great interest: "Although the physique is stronger than ordinary people, it is still too weak. How can this be God's opponent?"

Now, Liang Bing has clearly recognized the status quo, and no longer resists, the big deal has been hiding behind Xia Tian? Even if you die, you must die behind him!

Daji took King Zhou's hand and motioned to the other party not to get angry, and then looked at Liang Bing, "You are not from the Protoss. I can't feel the unique breath of the Protoss, but I can feel that you are very powerful."

"Am I strong?" Liang Bing looked at Daji in disbelief, obviously the real boss was by his side, and subconsciously asked, "What about him?"

"I can't sense it. Maybe it's a mortal, but it doesn't look like it. It's strange anyway!"


Spirit world

Xin Yuekui closed her eyes. As the current high priest of the Protoss, she had a foreboding that the divine power would collapse and the humans would overthrow the divine power! But now, the future is in chaos, and nothing can be predicted.

"Xin Yuekui, what's the big deal for you to call me out of the retreat in a hurry?" A man with silver hair and black nails appeared in the room.

"God, I just used the divine power of the empty god realm to fortune telling that in the future, the divine power will be overthrown by mortals, but now I can't fortune anything. It seems that something has blinded the secrets. I'm afraid things will change!"

As the Lord of the Protoss, Tian is the ancient Protoss ten Ten Thousand Years ago. No one has ever defeated him. He is a symbol of invincibility!

But at this moment, a touch of movement appeared on Tian's face: "It seems that the plan is going ahead. This time, I will personally lead the six god-tiers to meet the King Zhou!"


"You want to use the armor that the phoenix inhabits to challenge the gods, but do you know your ending?"

0 ·····Find flowers····

Xia Tian's eyes radiate a strange brilliance, this is the magical power born by absorbing the power of fate, Xia Tian calls it the future vision!

"This feeling can't be wrong. Although it is not the divine power of the empty consciousness, it seems to be able to predict the future! What are you trying to do?" Daji is a little nervous. With her divine power, she can only see from the broken picture of the future. The ending of King Zhou is probably not good, so she already has a countermeasure to preserve King Zhou's blood. If these two people who don't know the depth are malicious towards them, all plans may be destroyed!

"We are not malicious, maybe we can join hands! The guy called the god of the gods has offended me, and my purpose here is to kill him."

Xia Tian's tone is relaxed and freehand, but King Zhou and Daji can hear the murderous atmosphere inside.

.... .... 0

Especially Da Ji, she looked at Xia Tian in surprise, how could this man have the strength to fight against the sky? Even she doesn't know how strong the Lord of the Protoss is, but she knows that the ancient mythical beast Phenomenon is not an opponent of the Lord of the Protoss!

But this man said that the Lord of the Protoss had offended him, and he still had an attitude of inquiring about sins. Is he really stronger than the Lord of the Protoss?

King Zhou originally thought that he would be crazy if he wanted to fight against the Protoss, but now a man who was crazier than him came here, clamoring to kill the Lord of the Protoss.

He had communicated with the armor that the phoenix inhabited. During the heyday, the phoenix could only injure each other, but he almost died. If there was no rescue by King Zhou's ancestors, he would have died long ago!

Before he rebelled against the Protoss, he had already prepared for his death. He just wanted to use his death to arouse the human spirit of resistance to the Protoss!

"Then, how did he offend you?" Unknowingly, King Zhou had already used honorifics to speak to Xia Tian, ​​after all, this man seemed to be really awesome.

"I just wanted to reform him, but he refused, um, you know it, it would make me lose face. Therefore, their Protoss will disappear into this world in the future!"

Everyone looked at the lazy Xia Tian, ​​their eyes were full of disbelief.

Am I right? The word transformation should be used for bad guys, right? Besides, they just rejected you and swept your face. If you listen to you, they will destroy the Manchu? This is a bit scary, boss! Inch.

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