"Otherwise, let's go for a picnic!" Xia Tian glanced at the sisters at home. Isn't it a good time for the campfire party in the middle of the night?

And even the ingredients are readily available in the system space! A three-kilometer-long dragon corpse can last a long time! Moreover, such a huge thing requires a lot of space for dismemberment. On earth, I am afraid that only the Super Seminary can provide a venue!

In fact, the system can also dismember the dragon corpse, but the asking price is too harsh, for 10,000 points of consumption, Xia Tian directly refused! How could Xia Tian, ​​who has always been diligent and thrifty, allow herself to be so extravagant? Can't get through the future?

"The picnic, is it going to be in the villa yard? I'm going to prepare!" The little maid Aixia stood up, and the expression on her face showed that the girl was looking forward to it!

Xia Tian shook his head: "No, this picnic needs a lot of places, about four or five kilometers of wasteland, and the surrounding area is uninhabited! By the way, Qiangwei, you should know where there are places that meet the standards, right? "

"I know, our Super Theological Seminary has such a piece of land for military exercises, or I can apply for it for you?"

"What to apply for? Let's go directly! Thornton, take a good look at the house, I will bring you back delicious food!"

"Good boss, that's the same thing, people are at home!"

Xia Tian nodded with satisfaction. In the past two years, there are not many security personnel who have been so simple and foolish! 447 Sure enough, I still keep the watchdog, which is much easier to use than Erha!

Therefore, the family packed up the tools for the picnic, and under the leadership of Xia Tian, ​​they cut through the space directly and came to the place that Qiangwei said.

It is surrounded by mountains, with a radius of more than 5,000 meters in the middle. It is full of wasteland, and there is very little grass growing. It is extremely quiet, and you can see the stars and moon in the sky when you look up. It is very suitable for bonfire parties! The only downside is that there is no river! Less the fun of dating!

"Nice place, you are all standing by my side, I want to take out the ingredients!"

Looking at the appearance of Xia Tian, ​​Liang Bing thoughtfully, "You don't want to eat that monster, right?" When he thinks of the huge black dragon in the world of "Wu Geng Ji", Liang Bing's heart trembles a little, that stuff is true Can you eat it?

"Cut, hillbilly, heavenly dragon meat, it's the kind of creature meat, if you pair it with the cooking skills of Erina sauce, it will definitely make you want to stop!"

Xia Tian took out the dragon corpse as he spoke.


The huge dragon corpse weighed more than 100,000 tons. Just when it was placed on the ground, the whole earth began to tremble, and the ground that was pressed by the dragon corpse was filled with several meters deep.

Although it was just a corpse, it was a Tier 4 low-level sacred beast after all, and the natural pressure made the birds and beasts in the surrounding mountains and forests panic!

Also thanks to the women around Xia Tian are at least the second-order strength, otherwise in front of a corpse, I am afraid it would not be easy to even stand up!

"Master, is this the real dragon we have eaten before?"

It was the first time that Lias saw a creature like a dragon. Even if it was just a corpse, the blood pressure that was inherently higher than that of ordinary creatures made her shocked!

As for the weakest Erina, the hands holding the kitchen utensils are shaking slightly, do you want to deal with such a terrible monster? Just getting closer, I can't help but tremble~ trembling!

"Don't be afraid!" Xia Tian wrapped Urina with her own strength and helped her get rid of the coercion brought by the dragon corpse. "You are my queen cook, and you will have to cook more advanced ingredients in the future! Take it now! This guy practice his hand! By the way, your kitchen utensils may not be able to break its scales, so this sword will be given to you!"

Xia Tian took out a silver +20 barren ancient dust light sword, which is also a product enhanced by the river god. It can damage the fourth-order intermediate body, which is already an incredible artifact!

But now Xia Tian has the sword technique of burial in the air, and the strength will be stronger in the future, and that local tyrant gold version of the ancient dust light sword is estimated to be eliminated!

Erina held the lightsaber tightly, walked slowly to the side of the dragon corpse, and slowly recovered the chef’s instincts. "Although I have never seen this kind of creature, in general, tenderloin is the most suitable for barbecue. NS!"

She quietly observed the black dragon thousands of meters away, and suddenly jumped up high, "This is it!"

The silver lightsaber threw down pieces of sword light, and collided with the hard scales of the black dragon and shot out a large piece of sparks. Even so, Erina still took off a piece of tenderloin that was bigger than her!

But she was also out of breath and consumed a lot!

Fire, barbecue, and picnic atmosphere gradually become joyful~ enjoyable


"The head of the report, just now there was an emergency report from the B training ground. There was an unknown monster there, a huge body winding for thousands of meters, comparable to the lofty mountains, and it also caused a small-scale earthquake!"


Du Kao looked like he had seen a ghost. It was already a headache because it was just an invasion of a gluttonous civilization. After the terrible monsters came out of the earth, he felt that he would not be an admiral for long!

Are they all here to bully me Dukao? Wronged! He rubbed his temples, "Tell me more about the situation!"

"There is no detailed information, because the special forces king who sent the intelligence has been dehydrated and fainted due to excessive sweating and excessive pressure! But they suggested that a male company should be dispatched!"

"Then inform the company of the male soldiers. By the way, let them conduct high-altitude surveys now. If it is too dangerous, they will return first. After all, they are the hope of our humanity!"

"Know the chief!"

Soon, the company of the male soldiers assembled and boarded their exclusive plane! Go straight to training ground B!

"I heard that our mission this time is to fight monsters? I always feel a sense of Ultraman's vision!" Xin Zhao's palms were a little sweaty! Very nervous, after all, the monsters are different from the Monkey King who tested them before! That thing is inhumane!

"Brother Monkey, I heard that you have lived on the earth for thousands of years. Have you ever seen any monsters?"

"No, I have seen a few super genetic warriors, but they have already been sealed! I think there must be something strange about this!"

"Don't be nervous! There is this goddess, no matter what monster he is! I am the goddess..." Lena instinctively looked out of the window of an airplane, and couldn't help but be stunned! In the distance, it was like a dark mountain range, exuding a faint brilliance under the moonlight, and the most important thing was that amazing aura, which made her a little bit afraid!

"Goddess Lena, are you stupid? What are you looking at? I rely on!" Liu Chuang was also stunned, shivering involuntarily!

"Report! The plane can't land anymore. The pilots feel that there is a strong pressure underneath. They can't bear it anymore!"

Finally, they saw the true face of the monster Lushan, a black dragon winding thousands of meters.

"I think it's better to write a last word first, this thing can swallow us all in one bite!" Cheng Yaowen silently took out the paper and pen and has already taken action. He is a pragmatist! .

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