It took Xia Tian five days to establish his status as the patron saint of the earth.

Just like most coups, this time the struggle of theocracy to replace the political power, more than a thousand heads of countries died in the hands of Xia Tian, ​​this is the result of Xia Tian's mercy.

In fact, he is so strong, he is only to be able to better promote the development of the cultivation system, after all, the ultimate fear is about to come, and he needs to quickly improve his strength.

Facing the ultimate fear that is mysterious but enough to destroy civilization, if Xia Tian says that he is not worried, it is definitely a lie. Even if there is a system, he has some guilty conscience. What if he can't wake up after falling asleep one night?

Known enemies are nothing. This kind of potential threat is scary. It's all because of Sara Lei's pitted screenwriter. What kind of mystery is playing, and what is the ultimate fear? The brain hurts.

Now, civilians all over the world know that those inexplicable statues were made by the patron saint of the earth, but no one knows what the patron saint looks like, even those who have watched the live broadcast of Xia Tian, ​​after turning off the live broadcast , I can't recall the true appearance of Xia Tian in my mind.

This is the result of Xia Tian having spent great magical power to get it out. Otherwise, it will be watched by others everywhere, it is better to destroy the world directly.

It's very dramatic to think about it. He always wanted to be a salted fish, but he turned out to be the only one in the group who ruled a planet.


The group has been relatively quiet these days. It seems that everyone has something important to do. Even the driving time at night has been cancelled. You know, even if the world was destroyed before, the old drivers in the group would meet every night. Half, spread some knowledge about skills.

Severely poisoned, the members of the group are physically and mentally healthy.

Monkey King: "@群主大人, we have already discussed something privately, and we plan to discuss it with you on this auspicious day today."

At this moment, the Demon King is holding a piece of paper in his hand, densely filled with words. Look carefully, it is all about the group members’ proposal to go to other worlds, get resources, and get treasures. How to report to the group owner on this topic , A bit like a speech.

The Monkey King, who was originally a poorly educated person, was stunned by the whole monkey, but who would call him such a high level of strength?

Have something to discuss with this group owner?

Xia Tian couldn't believe the tone of Sun Wukong's speech, when did this monkey become so elegant? I also know to use honorifics. Is there no water group these days, the people in the group are crazy?

Lord of the group: "Tell me about it..."

Monkey King: "After serious discussion, our group members, in order to promote the good development of the transformation group and realize the great plan of the complete transformation of the villains of the world, we have unanimously decided that we hope that the lord of the group can issue a task to help Athena seize all power."

Wait, these words look like the old stick of the moon, and help Athena?

When did his own godly pit master become so popular?

I rely on it, come to think of it, these guys said they were going to sack the mythical world of the "God Killer" world. They thought that they hadn't discussed it publicly for a few days. They had given up this frenzied plan, and they didn't expect to switch to underground work. And also reached a consensus, really awesome.

I almost thought that the villains in my group had become helpful!

Lord of the group: "Are you sure you are going to help Athena, not to rob?"

In an instant, the hearts of the dog group members peeping at the screen touched their throats.

Except for the first day, when Xia Tian was not in the group, they had discussed it publicly, and all other times were in private chat, how did the dog group owner know? Is he peeping at the screen all the time?

Sure enough, the owner of the dog group is not a good person. Peeping the screen dog is too annoying, but will he agree?

Monkey King nervously flipped the paper in his hand, and he vaguely remembered that it had emergency measures for emergencies.


Monkey King: "My lord, since he is helping Athena regain all the power of God, fighting is inevitable. If the gods dare to stop, then we will kill the gods!"

Very good, very good, not a word mentions robbery. But Xia Tian knows very well that if you get to that world, you will run to find the troubles of the gods, and you will tag others as helping the god Athena, kill them, and then take the spoils?

Xia Tian sneered, he could see the purpose of these guys, which was to fight the autumn wind behind his back, avoid oneself, and prevent oneself from getting too many benefits.

Sure enough, they are all scheming bitches! Didn’t you peek at the screen before when you were me?

"Di, Lu Die joined the transformation group. Say hello to everyone, right?"

Lu Die: "Is this really a chat group connecting the heavens and the world? Can you help me escape from the world of "Blood Firmament"?"

The atmosphere in the group became weird in an instant. It was originally a mutual trial between the dog group owner and the dog group members, who had tried their best to fight wits and brave organs, and suddenly a spoiler appeared, which made both sides feel bad.

Especially Monkey King, he is clearly only one step away from success. Didn’t you say that today is a lucky day?

Are you afraid that you are looking for a fortune teller under the overpass? Liars, they are all liars!

Xia Tian originally planned to play tricks with the dog group members slowly, but now, is it going to start the villain rescue activities again? There are so many villains in the group that don't make people worry.

Master of the group: "` 〃@孙悟空, I have agreed to your request, but I want 10% of the trophy, and I want to be the first choice."

Such an abrupt sentence did not give Monkey King the opportunity to refute at all, it was completely unreasonable and did not play cards according to routines.

Shouldn’t we have to bargain first, and then we have to agree to it after we succumb to it?

Wait, when did you become so nasty? Although Yicheng has a lot of trophies, it is still on their psychological line, and these are all written on that piece of paper (Li Dezhao).

Monkey King: "Thank you very much, Sir, I don't know when we will leave?"

The host of the group: "What's the hurry? Didn't you see any group members waiting for me to rescue? @陆蝶, I will be there soon, wait for me."

As for why Xia Tian chose to rescue Lu Die first, it is because the world of "Blood Firmament" is a virtual world, which is similar to the world of "Sword Art Online", where people will die after death.

There are executors inside, just like NPCs who only know about killing and destroying. In the world of "Blood Sky", as long as you kill these NPCs, you can scan the QR code on the opponent's corpse to obtain cards similar to superpowers. Wonderful world.

Xia Tian intends to get the entire virtual world of "Blood Sky" to see if it can be transformed into a virtual battle training ground that will not affect reality after death, and seek breakthroughs in battle to stabilize the realm.

Sure enough, today is an auspicious day! feather.

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