Put the big black dog aside for now.

After the whole morning, Xia Tian realized that he was still living in the hotel and checked out in a hurry. In his memory, he still had a villa to live in and took a taxi to the destination.

The first thing Xia Tian did when he arrived at the villa was to take the corpse of Huo Qilin out of the red envelope.

Although the Fire Qilin had become a corpse, it still exuded a kind of coercion, and this coercion alone might be able to make all the beasts surrender.

"Di, it is detected that the Host has a corpse of Qilin, do you upload it to the group mall?"

"Sell it to you? How many dimensional trading points do you offer?"

"It is not for sale, but for free upload to the group mall. The group mall will develop derivative products related to Kylin, and uploaders can get the privilege of buying a 10% discount! Only the group owner and group management have the right to upload items!"

Xia Tian opened the system's words in his mind and tried word by word, and the corners of his eyes twitched a little.

"Damn, you are shameless! You collect my things for free, and then sell them to me in turn? Your business is more profitable than robbery, right?"

It is completely doing business without capital, and there is no risk, Ma Huateng is not so cruel!

"Please choose whether to upload!"

Very good, very tough, very systematic!

Think about it carefully, whether to pass or not to pass, this is a problem.

Although this is the corpse of a sacred beast unicorn, the unicorn in the wind and cloud is not a high material, and the side effects are very great. You can understand the blood of the unicorn! Otherwise, people like Di Shitian would have stewed this guy in a pot long ago, right? Is it a pity to eat tasteless and discard it?


Xia Tian gritted his teeth and made a decision, reluctant to let the child catch the wolf. Enduring distress, he uploaded Qilin's corpse to the system.

"Di, the corpse of Kirin has been recovered, and derivative products have been put on the shelves! The 10% discount coupon has been issued."

"This, this is..."

Xia Tian looked at the dazzling array of Kylin brand products, and his eyes were straight. Especially the fire unicorn egg, which ranks first.

"Purebred fire unicorn eggs, priced at 100,000 dimensional consumption points (have a Tier 1 peak ~ peak strength after incubation, can swallow flames to grow, up to Tier 5 advanced)"

"Buy, buy, buy, you have to buy, but how can gold become stronger without krypton?"

I took a look at my remaining dimensional consumption points: 23650 points, enough to buy!

"Using a 10% discount card, I want a fire unicorn egg."

"Dip, consume 10,000 dimensional consumption points and get a purebred fire unicorn egg. Whether to incubate immediately, you need to pay 5,000 dimensional consumption point incubation fees."

Touched the hot unicorn egg in his hand, Xia Tian gritted his teeth, "I knew it would be like this, 5000 points, I'm out!"

"Hatch successfully!"

"Are you Baba?"

A fire unicorn the size of a pet dog broke out of the shell, blinked at Xia Tian Mengmeng, and opened her mouth with milky voice, seeing that the Xia Tian girl's heart is about to melt!

Hurry up and hug the little guy in his arms. Because he was just born, the scales on the little unicorn's body are still soft, and it feels fleshy, just like a warm handbag.

"Well, little guy, you will be called Xiaohuo from now on, okay? Although I am handsome, I am not your baba, I am your master!"

"Master?" Little Qilin tilted his head. "Yes, but I want to be called Long Aotian!"

"Long Aotian? Is it so awesome? But why?"

"Because I can feel that in the owner's mind, Long Aotian is the best!"


Is this little guy really just born? Do you know how to be awesome? The tires of the system are too good, right? So scary!

Forget it, Xia Tian immediately used the camera function of the chat group to shoot the Kirin on fire. No, it was Long Aotian who took a violent shot and chose the two most adorable photos and sent them to the group.

The villain transformation master: "My little pet Long Aotian, is it cute?" (Picture of Huo Qilin)

Super workaholic: "Is this the cub of the fire unicorn? I thought it was some kind of upgraded pet dog, Kawaii."

Do you like the depravity under the night: "It's so hobby but cute, and the important things should be said three times! Brother group leader, give it to me well, whatever posture, any location, it will do!"

"Do you like the depravity in the night? I was silenced by the owner for 1 minute."

Dominate the world: "Is that the cub of the fire unicorn? Is that the fire unicorn pregnant~pregnant?"

I was right: "My lord is really lucky."

Looking at the envious tone of other people, Xia Tian suddenly discovered that this 5,000-yuan consumption point is the value of the spend!

The villain transformation master: "Actually, you are all wrong! Don't you know that only krypton gold can become stronger? This fire unicorn was bought in the group mall!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Qunli immediately calmed down, their goal was clear, and they pointed directly to Qun Mall.

a long time

The throne is mine: "Hey, as a prince, I say that I am so poor that I can't afford a fire unicorn at all, but I bought the thing called unicorn arm. I feel that my right arm can burst out, five times more than normal. Power, 5000 consumption points are very cost-effective!"

The black king of this seat: "Wang, whoever buys a piece of fine unicorn meat with 5000 consumption points of this seat, this seat can reluctantly accept him as a pet! Accompany this seat in the battle of the heavens and the world! Wang!"

Super workaholic: "The owner of the group is indeed the number one tyrant in the group. I am already desperate when I see 100,000 consumption points."

Equipment strengthening master: "Thou tyrant, do you still lack pendants on your legs?"

Do you like the depravity under the night: "Finally, the silence is over, my lord, I still have 90,000 points to spend. Can I lend it to me? I am willing to accept it by myself!"

"Do you like the depravity under the night? I was silenced by the owner for 30 minutes."

I was right: "I bought a drop of unicorn blood just now, and after using it, I found that the power of Fire Style ninjutsu has been doubled! Is this what the Lord Seeker said, is Krypton Gold stronger?"

There is only one truth: "Something has happened, the owner of the group @反派改大师, the owner of the group, something has happened!"

The villain transformation master: "What's wrong? Is your world invaded by aliens?"

There is only one truth to the truth: "It's really worthy of the group leader. In the words, it seems that it was really invaded by a strange creature, and many people died. Now the venue of the'First Night Festival in the World' has completely panicked. "

"Dip, trigger a rescue mission: save the world of "Detective Conan", the number of participants: 2, the strength limit: the lowest second-level low-level, the task reward: 20,000 points of consumption points.".

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