Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 3787 Black Market

Chapter 3786 Black Market

Of course, using the time-to-money ratio of the side quests to infer the funds needed for the main quests is actually flawed.

After all, the side quests clearly state the goal of "accumulating one million".

The main quests did not explicitly ask them to save money, but they inferred that it might be saving money.

If there is a way to pass the second round of the main quests without saving money. Then, the concept of "time-to-money ratio" is not applicable.

The funds required for the main quests may also be far more than one million, or far less than one million.

However, Angel decided not to consider these for the time being.

Isn't it because of lack of money that Yusup changed the Prada beauty pageant? Even if there are other ways to pass the second round of the main quests, Angel is sure and certain that money will definitely open Yusup's mouth.

If Yusup doesn't give in, it means that the money he spent is not enough!

So, regardless of how much money is needed in the end, let's try to get one million for now!

Thinking of this, Angel no longer considered the correct way to complete the main task, but concentrated on thinking about how to quickly earn a lot of modern coins.

"Now it's too close to the end of the second round of the main task. It's a bit difficult to find a way to earn a lot of modern coins in just six hours."

The only formal method Angel can think of now is to disassemble the pages to sell cards.

For example, he can now disassemble the "clown" page and sell it. As far as he knows, although this card is not a particularly high-level card, it is a basic monster from the gorgeous series and has a wide audience. If it is sold, it will be quite popular.

Not only newcomers are willing to buy it, even fashion magicians who already have "clowns" may buy it for "recasting ability".

So, the clown card should be sold.

I just don't know where to sell it and how much it is appropriate to sell it for?

In addition to the clown, Angel can also complete some other side quests, quickly obtain some fashion monster puzzles, and then use "universal fragments" to collect them, and finally disassemble them to sell.

This kind of card dismantling and selling can definitely make money faster.

Of course, the premise is that he can find a suitable channel for selling.

As for irregular methods, of course there are some. Although he is a law-abiding person, if time is really running out, he doesn't mind taking some unconventional paths.

For example, he can "borrow" some modern coins from others.

But this behavior may also deepen his causal entanglement with the copy. Unless there is a last resort, Angel will generally not consider taking this step.


Angel walked out of the Beverly Nursing Center with a thoughtful look on his face.

Ten minutes ago, he went to see Connors, the director of the nursing center.

First, he asked about their research progress on the mutant strange virus to see when they could complete the hidden task "Resurrection"; second, he also wanted to find out from Connors where there is a channel for "selling cards".

And Connors's answer was that there has been no breakthrough in virus research.

As for "selling cards", Connors didn't know much about it. He could only ask a doctor who used to be an adventurer, and finally summarized two channels.

Formal channels and informal channels.

For formal channels, if you are on the surface, you can go to the Fashion Guild to sell... Although the Fashion Guild often shouts the slogan of "strictly cracking down on private transactions of book pages", if you take the book pages directly to them to sell, they will accept it.

If you are in the underground block, then go to the Wandering House to sell it. The Wandering House has the endorsement of the Dark Round Table, and generally there will be no cheating.

However, whether it is the Wandering House or the Fashion Guild, the price given is generally not too high, basically 10% to 20% lower than the market price to purchase.

Although the price is not high, the transaction is guaranteed, and generally there will not be too dirty.

And informal channels generally refer to private transactions on the black market.

For private transactions, if there are magicians who are in urgent need of specific card types, even if it is a low-level book page, the price they purchase is much higher than that of the Fashion Guild and the Wandering House.

But compared with formal channels, private transactions are generally not guaranteed and can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

However, for Angel, he was actually happy to run into some trouble, so that he didn't have to bother to "borrow" modern coins.

Then, Connors also marked several black markets that could trade book pages. It is worth mentioning that there was also a black market in the "Grave Street" that Angel went to in the Eighth Town.

However, Angel still remembered that the controller behind the Grave Street was the Wandering House?

Could it be that the Wandering House was planning to take both black and white?

Angel didn't know the inside story, and he was too lazy to think about it, because he himself was not going to the Grave Street.

According to Connors, those who are willing to pay a high premium to purchase book pages are generally private buyers. There are relatively few private buyers in the black market of the nearby underground town, and it is likely that the disassembled book pages can only be sold to black market merchants. Although their prices are higher than those of regular channels, they are not much higher.

Therefore, Connors's suggestion is: "If you want to go to the black market, it is best to go to the black market in the 61st town."

The 61st town is located below the central area. The headquarters of the Dark Round Table is here. It is also the largest of all underground towns.

Therefore, the 61st Town has the most abundant and largest black market in the entire underground block.

Many private buyers who want to buy cards will also go to this black market. Even the fashion magicians on the surface will come here to buy cards.

Therefore, based on this information, Angel personally prefers to go to the black market in the 61st Town.

When saying goodbye to Connors, Angel also asked about the current circulation of Modern Currency in the account of Beverly Nursing Center.

He thought that if it was really not enough, he would take some from the nursing center.

However, Connors's answer disappointed Angel.

"The current circulation of Modern Currency is about 200,000."

This 200,000 also includes employee salaries, drug purchases, replacement and repair of medical equipment, and daily expenses of the nursing center... and so on.

If Angel took it all, the nursing center would basically stop operating in the future.

Angel would naturally not do this.

He also hoped that the doctors at the nursing center would wake up the patients with the mutant weird virus.

Therefore, he also ruled out the option of withdrawing money from the nursing center's account.

It seems that he can only tear the pages apart and sell them.

Thinking of this, Angel left the nursing center and planned to return to the surface to take the Silver Wing Express to the central area.

When he returned to the surface, it was still raining in the modern city.

The corrosive acid rain made the entire street empty. Except for the city train in the air that was still operating normally, the entire modern city seemed to have been paused.

There were still neon lights flashing and high-rise buildings, but under the dual attack of acid rain and polluted fog, it was so prosperous, but it was revealed with an indescribable depression.

The acid rain fell, splashing tiny water in the puddles on the street. The polluted fog enveloped the high-rise buildings, making the neon lights hazy and blurred, as if covered by a layer of soft gauze.

Both prosperous and decadent; both impetuous, but quiet.

Angel sighed as he slowly stepped into the rain.

The power of nightmare concealed his figure and held up an invisible umbrella. Even when walking in the rain, he did not cause any movement.

Angel walked silently on the street, checking the arrival time of the Silver Wing Express from a God's perspective, and observing the changes in Modern City.

In particular, see if you can find some people who are suspected of being "targeted" by fashion monsters, and then go over to do some side quests.

After all, if you want to sell cards, one page may not be enough.

Angel kept looking down at Modern City from a God's perspective, focusing on those activity stages, looking for "sleeping" people.

Because it is difficult to judge whether someone is really asleep or being targeted by fashion monsters only through a God's perspective. So Angel needs to specifically keep an eye on those "activity stages". Many stages in Modern City are held to attract fashion monsters. Those who are sleeping near the stage and protected by everyone are likely to encounter fashion monsters.

Angell looked around and found a person who was suspected to be targeted by a fashion monster near an indoor model show.

This was a royal sister who was dressed extremely exaggeratedly. She looked like she had just stepped off the stage and didn't even change her clothes. She lay on the ground backstage and fell asleep.

She was surrounded by a circle of bodyguards in black suits, who looked murderous and prevented anyone from approaching.

These suit thugs seemed to be protecting her, but they didn't dare to move her easily, or even touch her...

From this situation, this fancy-dressed royal sister was most likely targeted by a fashion monster.

Moreover, judging from the model show held at the front desk... The fashion monsters who targeted her were either from the gorgeous series or the style series...

"After hanging around here for a few days, I dare to judge the type of fashion monster..." Angell laughed at himself in his heart: "But then again, if it is really a fashion monster from these two series, the price should be very high after disassembly."

However, this royal sister who was suspected to be targeted by the fashion monster was in a shopping mall in the East District at this time, far away from Angell.

He was still a little hesitant whether to go over.

In addition to this queen, Angel also found a person who seemed to be the "bid winner".

But Angel was relatively familiar with this person.

- Zuniga.

This homeless man who appeared near the West District Carnival.

He was also the only NPC in Modern City who was "specially marked" by Angel.

Because he was too special, his gossip spirit had the hidden ability "fixed news", and even locked Angel across half the city.

Of course, it was not directly locking the real person's information, but Zuniga already knew the existence of the "outer man".

This is also the only NPC in the current copy who knew about the "outer visitor".

But even if Zuniga knew about the "outer visitor", Angel didn't care too much.

The main reason why Angel gave Zuniga a special mark was that he had heard two children mention it near the stage in the West District before, and Zuniga often fell asleep suddenly regardless of the occasion.

Combining various details, Angel guessed that Zuniga seemed to be very attractive to fashion monsters.

Angel's "Variety Elf" was also obtained from Zuniga through a side quest.

Because of this, Angel marked Zuniga, hoping to continue to take advantage of him in the future.

When using the God's perspective this time, because of the "special mark", Angel subconsciously glanced at Zuniga. Then he found... he was in a coma again.

Now it was dark, and sleep seemed to be normal.

But Zuniga's coma was different. He was on the street edge in the central area at this time...

In fact, Zuniga was sleeping in the middle of the street at the beginning.

At that time, acid rain was still falling in the sky.

Fortunately, he was discovered by the people nearby, and then he dragged Zuniga to the street edge with eaves.

It was raining outside, and Zuniga couldn't sleep on the street, so there was only one possibility: he fell asleep suddenly.

In this case, if it were someone else, Angel might still doubt whether it was a "symptom", but for Zuniga, whose identity and background were extremely mysterious, there was only one possibility: Zuniga was targeted by the fashion monster again.

"Zuniga's identity is very unusual, and the fashion monsters that are eyeing him are also very rare..." Angel's variety elf originated from Zuniga, and the variety elf has almost never appeared in the modern city. But on Zuniga, Angel received the side quest of the variety elf.

From this, it can be seen that once Zuniga pops rice, it will definitely be high-quality rice.

Zuniga is now targeted by fashion monsters again, maybe I can go over and get some wool?

Just right.

Zuniga is now in the central area, so it's just a matter of time to go over there...

However, why did Zuniga appear in the central area?

Angel still remembers that Zuniga lives in the West District? Why did he suddenly come to the central area?

Could he come to the central area to find the "outer man"?

Previously, Zuniga obtained a fixed-point news through the ability of the gossip spirit:

"Fixed-point news: Poor Falu still doesn't know that the reason why he boarded the sky curtain illusion at this time is just because the outsider wants to attract the attention of the onlookers in Tina Square and get close to the current main planner of Tina Entertainment."

Zuniga learned about the outsider in the central area.

So, Zuniga came to find "me"?

Angel pondered for a moment, and his heart was a little more certain about this guess...

But even if he really came to find him, Angel didn't care. Anyway, he went over to get some wool, accepted the side quest and left.

With this thought, Angel's footsteps also accelerated a bit.

However, at this moment, Angel noticed another thing through the God's perspective.

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