Super Dimensional Wizard

Section 39 Customized wish food

Outside the golden curtain, Sanders crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Next to him was Flora, whose bare feet were suspended in the air, moving up and down leisurely.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that it was really this group of people who were haunted." Greya covered her mouth, pretending to be surprised, but the next second she changed to a normal smile: "But I didn't expect that the gold card holders He's an ordinary person. I guess he was still on the Redbud when we came in. No wonder we didn't find him."

Greya suddenly became angry again: "These people are really shameless. They take advantage of ordinary people and eat and drink together. They are really shameless. Oh, the most important thing is Jinka! Greya must give it to me. He makes customized food, and his customized wishes are used on ordinary people, what a waste!"

"By the way, since I'm just an ordinary person, if I go in and threaten him and make him count me in, can't I just eat and drink as well? What a great idea, I'm so smart!"

Greya was talking to herself, but Sanders didn't express any opinions. It wasn't until she finished that Sanders said lightly: "The highest-protection magic patterns in Barbie's restaurant are all arranged here, and the magic energy mechanisms are all arranged here." Heavy, are you sure you want to break in?"

Flora blinked and looked at Sanders: "Mentor, won't you help me?"

Sanders glanced at her sideways, "If you want Barbie's to be completely annihilated, I can help you."

Even the instructor can't enter through normal means? Flora thought to herself, the defense level of this Golden Cayenne living room is too high!

In the banquet hall——

Greya glanced in the direction of the curtain inadvertently, and she naturally knew that Master Sanders and his apprentice were eavesdropping outside. If it were anyone else, she might have asked Neo to drive him away, but Sanders... As he said himself, although he couldn't enter the banquet room in a normal way in a short time, he definitely made Barbie's Restaurant annihilated. The strength of a scumbag. Therefore, Greya would not easily offend such a master.

"Angel, as the gold card guest of this banquet, according to the restaurant's practice, I will customize an exclusive food for you according to your request." After Greia said the above words in a solemn voice, she seemed to be finished A ceremony. Then she became frivolous again, and used a folding fan to lift Angel's chin, "Little brother, you can tell me as much as possible about the effects or requirements you want to achieve with the customized food ~ ohhhhhhh~"

"You are still an ordinary person now. I suggest you choose food that can increase your talent or spiritual power limit. This will be of great help to you in the future to be promoted to an official wizard~"

After saying this, Greya stopped talking.

Can the upper limit of mental power be increased? And the improvement of talents and qualifications?

All the wizard apprentices here are wide-eyed. They dream of improving even one of them! Official wizards don't care about these, because after becoming a formal wizard, the importance of mental strength and qualifications will be far reduced. What a formal wizard needs to accumulate is knowledge and self-understanding.

But for wizard apprentices, even if their qualifications are slightly improved, they will have a chance to become wizards. If you don't become a wizard, you will eventually decay. As for the pursuit of knowledge and truth, it is still too far for these precarious apprentices!

The restlessness of the wizard apprentices seemed to attract Greya's attention, and she turned her eyes away from Angel and looked at the others present.

Greya: "Oh oh oh oh, I almost forgot. In my Barbie restaurant, the level of custom-made food for Bronze VIPs can only be selected at level 1-2, and cannot be shared with others. The level of customized food for Silver VIPs will be increased to Level 3, you can share it with others, but I will only make one serving. I don’t care whether you eat it or someone else eats it. As for gold card VIPs..."

Everyone's ears perked up.

After arousing everyone's interest, Greya revealed the secret: "For gold card VIPs, the level of customized food is still level 3, and I will make the portions according to the number of people present."

"There are 8 of you in total, so I will make 8 copies. Speaking of which, you are taking advantage of little brother Angel this time, and you are getting an advantage in vain."

Greya's words made the commotion in the room even worse, and the eyes of the wizard apprentices almost glowed! They actually had a share!

Regardless of whether Angel chooses to improve his talent or spiritual power points, they can further improve their qualifications, which means they are one step closer to becoming a formal wizard!

Moro was so excited that he almost jumped up, opportunity, opportunity! Isn't this the opportunity he prayed for so hard!

He did not expect that after leaving Pat Manor, Angel would bring him another opportunity! He originally thought that after being promoted to level 3 wizard apprentice, he might be like this for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that not long after, he would have another opportunity! And it was brought by that boy!

At this moment, Moro suddenly felt regretful. If he had known that Angel was such a lucky star, he should have taught Angel the triangle guidance method after getting on the boat to prevent Angel from having a negative impression of him. Oh, what a pity! But it doesn't matter. After leaving today, he still has a chance to make up for the relationship between the two!

On the other side, Yisli, who is the least powerful among the Barbie restaurant team and the biggest addition today, is also very excited. He was living on the upper floor of the Redbud these days, and Mrs. Merlin tried her best to teach him, allowing him to learn a lot of common sense about wizards. How could he not know how important it was to be able to increase the upper limit of talent and mental power for promotion to an official wizard!

Yisli's mental power value is as high as 23 points. Find Shuyuan If his talent is further improved, wouldn't it be a certainty to be promoted to an official wizard? !

Yisli looked at the hesitant Angel and wished he could yell in his ear: "Choose the one who improves your talent!" But as the person with the least say in the room, he could do nothing but keep a smile on his face. I prayed anxiously in my heart.

All the wizard apprentices are almost ready to celebrate. They believe that Angel will definitely choose one of the two, because this is the biggest promotion for him!

Angel actually prefers to choose one of the two, and as the chef, Grea should not trick him. But he didn't know what his talent and mental strength were.

When Angel was in trouble.

On the other side, Jellal, who had always had a straight face, suddenly asked: "Do you have fragmented ephemera here?"

The fragmented mayfly, like the protozoa, is a non-existent creature. However, unlike the market of Twisted Basin, which has almost no demand, the fragmented ephemera will attract wizards who smell the direction of the wind to flock to it almost as soon as it appears. Because its function is unique, it can open up a new bilateral channel in a stable plane. Although this channel is one-time, it is still very useful for wizards, and they do not need to rely on the plane channels of large wizard organizations. A stowaway trip, if you meet the opportunity, will make a lot of money, so its value is high enough to deter most wizards.

However, what corresponds to the extremely high value of the fragmented ephemera is its treasure level. No one knows how it appeared in the wizarding world and where to find it. However, there are rumors that every appearance of the fragmented ephemera has the shadow of Once Upon a Time.

Barbie's Restaurant is part of the Candy House in Fairy Tale Town. That's why Jellal asked this question.

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