Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 62 The magical nightmare world

Your gifts are special.

Angel smiled helplessly and mentioned talent again. But until now, he didn't know what his talent was. I asked the cheap tutor, but he remained silent. He said that he would not tell him until the day he became a wizard's apprentice.

But the prerequisite for becoming an apprentice is the guidance method! He still doesn't know which path he should choose.

Sigh... Angel always feels that according to this development, his future will be very worrying. He couldn't figure out whether his talent was good or bad, what benefits it could bring to himself, and what benefits it could bring to Sanders.

Angel lay on the bed. After a long time, he turned over. Facing the empty room, he sighed deeply.

In fact, looking back and thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult for Angel to come up with the answer in connection with Sanders' various rhetoric.

Sanders gave him three choices, but could he choose the first two? In other words, does he dare to choose the first two?

Sanders clearly pointed out that "your talent is very special", "my spells have a lot to do with the nightmare world", and "you have to choose carefully", isn't this saying something?

Thinking with a brighter mind, maybe Sanders really wants to give him three choices, and there is no other unspoken statement. But Angel is definitely and sure that the one Sanders wants him to choose the most must be the last one. choose.

Angle wonders what will happen to Sanders if he doesn't pick this one.

disappointment? Give up on him? When he doesn't exist? Maybe that's the best case scenario.

Or let it destroy itself, or even worse, force it to do it. This possibility is not small.

Therefore, if he does not want to hate Sanders, no matter what, he must choose the third one.

Nightmare world... Nightmare world! Angel sighed with emotion and decided not to think too much about it. He would go to Sanders's library tomorrow to carefully check the information about the Nightmare Realm.

For now, let's go to sleep.

A night of silence.

In Sanders's library, Angel was sitting on the slide, with a few books introducing the metaplane scattered on the bookshelf beside him.

From the "History of the Development of Another World" and "The Pros and Cons of Plane Conquest" written by the twisted great wizard Bazel thousands of years ago, to the "Strange World" and "Space" written by Feiwenda, the mysterious side space wizard who has risen in the past century. "Reverse Journey", in addition to more than ten volumes of the "Boundless Plane Conquest Record" published by the Frost Moon Alliance.

Most of the books written by the twisted wizard Bazel were reflections on the journey through the planes. Angel read them one by one and saw many magical planes. For example, the Burning Plane is full of lava. This plane is as vast as the wizarding world. There is an intelligent life whose body is covered with purple crystals, and the crystals are strung together by silk threads similar to fiberglass.

"This kind of high-temperature crystalline organism is very similar to silicon-based life." Angel thought to himself.

In addition to the burning plane, Bazel also recorded the annihilation plane with gaseous life, the abyss plane filled with various monsters, the maze-like vortex plane, and the silent plane where sound cannot travel... …The various strange planes are eye-opening.

Angel's brother Leon often told him that his biggest wish was that the world was so big and he wanted to see it. Look at different regional scenery and different humanistic feelings. If Leon were here, he might immediately decide to travel around the major planes.

It's a pity that he is Angel, not Lyon. However, he hoped that one day he could take Leon and mentor Jon to look around.

Hope that one day.

After reading the book of the legendary wizard Bazel, Angel did not find that he mentioned the "Nightmare Realm" at all. Could it be that the Nightmare World was not discovered thousands of years ago?

That’s not right either. According to the historical data of the wizarding world, the plane conquest started tens of thousands of years ago. In less than ten thousand years, the pan-plane near the wizarding world was left with heavy traces by the wizarding army.

Then why hasn't Nightmare Realm been discovered? Is the nightmare world far away from the wizarding world?

With doubts, Angel picked up the "Record of the Expedition on the Boundless Plane" published by the Frost Moon Alliance and looked at it.

This is a chronicle that is published every hundred years. It has published 16 issues so far, which coincides with the establishment time of the Frost Moon Alliance. 1,600 years ago, the Frost Moon Alliance was established in the permanently frozen ice fields of the Northland Kingdom. It has 13 wizard organizations under its command and is the main force in the conquest of the Southern Realm. Every hundred years, they will release various contents about the plane conquest.

Angel started reading from issue 1.

Angel looked through the catalog one by one. Book after book, it was not until the 14th issue, two hundred years ago, that "The Record of the Expedition of the Boundless Plane" officially included the Nightmare Realm.

Moreover, Angel discovered that there were only two pages in the book "The Expedition of the Boundless Plane" describing the nightmare world! There are only two thin pages in a thick publication with thousands of pages! This completely goes against Frost Moon Glory, which focuses on "plane conquest". Any other plane, regardless of whether the conquest was successful or not, is filled with all kinds of trivial articles. I wish that a small encounter between a few people would have the feeling of "a confrontation between two countries".

Angel turned directly to the two pages about "Nightmare Realm".

Angel soon finished browsing.

After reading it, Angel's expression became even more strange.

According to the records in the book, the Nightmare Realm is an extremely erratic plane. So far, there is no stable passage that can directly reach the Nightmare Realm. At present, the only way to enter the nightmare world is through the space holes that are randomly opened when it periodically approaches the real world, and enter accidentally.

Unstable plane, random passage, accidental entry, three consecutive words to be studied, directly mark the positioning of the nightmare world.

"Uncertain" mark. Find bookstore

In addition to the uncertainty of the plane passage, the nightmare world is also an extremely dangerous plane. According to the records in the book, due to the accidental nature of the plane passage, so far, no more than ten wizards have entered the nightmare world and returned intact, which shows the horror of the nightmare world.

What is even more puzzling is that people who have returned from the Nightmare Realm are silent about the Nightmare Realm. Even if they occasionally mention it, they do so in a very vague way, and it can be clearly seen that they are deeply afraid of the Nightmare Realm. But at the same time, they are full of greed for the nightmare world. Whenever they hear that a passage to the nightmare world appears, these people swarm in, not knowing what they are grabbing.

Such behavior makes the rumors in the nightmare world even more incredible. What is there in the nightmare world that they both fear and desire?

Of course, the data mentioned above are all from two hundred years ago. Angel doesn't know whether there have been any changes now.

Angel then opened the book written by the great wizard Fei WenDa. Compared with other people's "academic school", Fei WenDa is more like an elegant bard.

The books he wrote are more like travel notes or fantasy novels than popular science articles.

For example, the book "Strange World" is entirely about Fei WenDa's travel records, from the fairy world full of tall green leafy plants to the ocean paradise of colorful fantasy foam. If it were not for Fei WenDa's authoritative status, Angel would even think that This is a fairy tale.

Feibenda's words and sentences are also quite literary and artistic, without any murderous atmosphere. The aristocratic style of words and sentences makes people admire his literary talent while admiring him.

Angel flipped through the pages very quickly, and soon he also finished Feiwenda's book.

Feiwenda did not write about the Nightmare Realm in his book, but he mentioned many times that he wanted to travel to the Nightmare Realm. He only had one sentence to comment on the Nightmare Realm:

"Project reality, shine into illusion, and generate reality."

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