Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 65 Projecting reality

Angel noticed that there was a prefix in Sanders' words - "when I come back."

Does this mean he's leaving now?

"Teacher, I read a lot of books about the Nightmare World today, but I still don't have a concrete idea. What kind of world is the Nightmare World?" Angel didn't care whether Sanders left. For now, the Nightmare World is World matters are the most important.

Upon hearing this question, Sanders did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a while before slowly saying: "The Nightmare Realm is a very special plane."

When he said this, many emotions flashed through his eyes, complex and contradictory.

"No one understands its nature. It can reflect all reality, making people feel that it is false in front of them, but after you really come into contact with it, you find that there are some things in it that are real. It has a set of rules, but no one can explore it. to reveal its reality."

What Sanders said was ludicrous and even more mysterious than what was recorded in the book.

"I still haven't figured out the details of the nightmare world. But what I can tell you is that 80% of my achievements today come from the nightmare world, and I have spent hundreds of years only in the nightmare world. Exploring the periphery of the world, this alone clearly shows the value of the Nightmare Realm."

Just hanging out on the outskirts of the Nightmare Realm and creating a powerful wizard with a reputation throughout the Southern Territory? !

"But its degree of danger is proportional to his opportunity, and it is even more dangerous." At this point, Sanders suddenly paused, and then looked at Angel: "It's dangerous, and you should probably be aware of it." Understood. Haven't you ever experienced the nightmare of the nightmare world? You were caught in a near-death crisis twice in a row, but I don't know if it was luck or something that helped you, but you escaped smoothly. sky."

The conversation suddenly turned to Angel. He didn't react for a moment, and his face was full of doubts: Have I experienced this too? Or a near-death crisis?

Have it? Why don't I know this myself? Angel recalled his fourteen years of life. He was born in a noble family. His parents were harmonious brothers and brothers. Although the family power was very small, it was the dominant family in Gru Town. Angel was in such a family. Growing up in middle school and being the youngest in the family, he had a smooth journey and never encountered anything that put him in a near-death crisis.

Besides, even if this was true, how would Sanders know?

"Have you forgotten? That rabbit hole illusion created by monsters from the nightmare world, and the woman with her face covered with stitches." Flora looked at the confused Angel and rolled her eyes disdainfully: "This You said it yourself, and you actually want us to remind you."

Rabbit hole, stitch weirdo!

Angel suddenly thought that if you include that "Dream in Wonderland", he had actually fallen into crisis twice. However, Angel always thought that what happened when testing his talent was a false illusion, and he never really took it seriously.

It turns out that there was a life crisis at that time?

Also, that place that looks exactly like Pat’s Manor is the Nightmare Realm? ? !

If that place is really the nightmare world, then he seems to understand a little bit what Feiwenda said about the nightmare world in "Strange World".

——Project reality, shine into illusion, and generate reality.

The Pat Manor he experienced, which was full of weird atmosphere, was actually a "projected reality", projecting the real Pat Manor into the nightmare world.

If you understand it this way, many things will become clear. But, what do the next two sentences, "Lighting into illusion and generating reality" mean?

Sanders: "No one can tell you clearly about the Nightmare Realm. I can tell you something. I just said that the Nightmare Realm can reflect all reality. The 'reality' here does not refer to our world. But all worlds with intelligent life."

"When I first went to the Nightmare Realm, there was a giant silver pyramid where I landed. I didn't think too much about it at the time, but many years later, I participated in a plane development, and that plane was not yet connected to the passage. , no one has even entered it, but only discovered the crystal wall of the plane that intersects with the wizarding world. As pioneer wizards, we are the first people to step into that plane. "

Sanders sighed: "Do you know what the first thing I saw when I stepped into that new dimension?"

Sanders' tone made Angel vaguely guess the answer.

"Yes, it is the giant silver pyramid that I saw in the nightmare world many years ago." When Sanders recalled this, he said with deep emotion: "At that time, I almost thought I had entered the nightmare world. We must notify other wizards to evacuate. Because the nightmare world is full of dangers and must be treated with caution."

"But it later turned out that that plane was not a nightmare world, that plane was just a very ordinary plane. There were no resources, and even the land used as a food and grass base was not fertile. The only saving grace was that there was a kind of semi-human The intelligent life of the stone man can be regarded as a pretty good model for some wizards who are willing to study living creatures. "

"This is just an example. It may not be possible to prove that the nightmare world can project the world of all intelligent life, but later I communicated with several wizards who have entered the nightmare world, and they all had similar experiences. Therefore, the speculation we came up with is It is the nightmare world that can project the reality of all intelligent life."

After listening to Sanders' words, Angel silently thought to himself: According to the bold assumptions of academic research and careful verification methods, perhaps this speculation should have a premise or assumption. For example, the premise of projection is that intelligent beings from this world once entered the nightmare world.

"It's hard to explain clearly what happened in the Nightmare Realm. But this time you choose to go to the Nightmare Realm is both a challenge and an opportunity."

The topic of "Nightmare Realm" ends here, and Sanders did not comment much on Angel's decision. Angel even felt that he had previously suspected that Sanders was a coward, and maybe it wouldn't be a big deal if he chose to sell himself into the Savage Cave or create his own mental model. Find Shuyuan But now it's too late to say anything, he has already said it out...

After Goode removed all the plates from the table, he arranged for someone to bring some baked snacks and milk.

The milk was specially prepared for Angel. Although Angel tried his best to hide his hobby of drinking milk, it seemed that the effect was not enough. Goode would tinker with dairy products for him every day.

However, fortunately, only Gude knows that he likes to drink milk...

"You like drinking milk? Sure enough, you haven't grown up yet." Fortunately, before Angel could finish his thoughts, he heard Flora, who was drinking an unknown blood-colored liquid, saying with a smile.

Angel: "..."

"If you like drinking milk, drink more milk. Children will grow faster if they drink more milk." Sanders said with serious concern.

Angel swallowed and said with difficulty: "Actually, I don't like drinking milk."

Sanders didn't hear anything, and turned to Goode and ordered: "Allocate all the cows in the pasture to Angel's name."

Goode: "Yes, sir."

Angel: "..."

"Did you see the thunderclouds today? How do you feel?" Although Sanders' tone of voice remained straight and straightforward, Angel vaguely felt that there was less of a barrier and unfamiliarity when Sanders spoke to him. , more intimate and casual.

"It's very strange." Angel said, "The thunderclouds haven't dispersed since noon, and they must be too large. It's like they have enveloped the entire sea area."

"Hehe, haven't you noticed that there was only thunder and lightning all afternoon, and not even a drop of rain fell?" Flora held a wine glass filled with bright red liquid.

"Indeed." Angel also discovered this. There was thunder for a whole day, but no rain fell.

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