Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 91 Confusing reality and reality

Angel rose slowly, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes... I don't know how long it took, but he still hadn't reached the stone wall above his head!

This is impossible! Angel remembered very clearly that although the stone wall above his head was high, it was definitely not so high that he could not reach the top!

In other words, he is not in the maze of underground tunnels, but inside a certain building. Now that he is out of the building, the sky is above his head, so he cannot touch the top? This possibility is also very small, because Angel can clearly feel that the surrounding air convection has not changed, and even outside, it is impossible to be so dark that he can't see his fingers.

Angel secretly speculated that he might have accidentally broken into some kind of ecstasy magic circle? Or, is it a "ghost beating the wall"?

Jon once explained to Angel the phenomenon of "ghosts hitting walls". It is not a mysterious thing, it is just a subconscious movement of biological instinct in a state of blurred self-perception. And the movement of biological instinct is - circular movement.

So, in this absolute darkness, was he flying in unconscious circles?

Angel didn't know. He felt that his sense of direction was correct, but he did not touch anything real.

However, Angel did not rule out this possibility. Because his current state is very strange, his own gravity is extremely low, so he can fly into the air. When there is gravity, it can make him know the direction of the center of the earth; now that his gravity is reduced, he may also make mistakes in judging the direction of the center of the earth. In the infinite darkness, what he thought was below might be to the left or right. This is considered a flaw after he loses gravity.

How to solve the problem of "ghost hitting the wall"? Jon once said that there are four methods: "locating the direction with reference objects", "identifying the position in the starry sky", "concentrating on carefully observing the surrounding scene", and "carrying direct or indirect luminous objects with you". The first three methods are obviously very useful to Ange. Your current situation is not suitable. Only the last method is more reliable.

Angel was not a big smoker like Nausicaa, and he did not have the habit of carrying a smoker with him. But the absence of fire does not mean that there is no bright way.

Angel fumbled and took out the pocket watch from his underwear, deftly opened the back cover of the watch case, and took out the thin chip from inside.

This thin chip was the holographic tablet given to him by Jon. Angel once read about how to operate the holographic tablet. If he remembered correctly, there was a "flashlight" option in the control panel.

After Angel took out the holographic tablet, his tense mood relaxed slightly. At this moment of relaxation, he did not realize that the pocket watch he put back in his breast pocket did not feel as solid as he had imagined. It has only one "shape" but no weight at all...

The holographic tablet was originally a smart watch with a watch strap. It’s just that the strap has been worn. Later, after Angel obtained the holographic tablet, he tied a thin hemp rope through the holes on both sides. Angel quickly picked up the hemp rope and tied the holographic tablet to his wrist.

After confirming that it was tied tightly, Angel controlled the buttons of the holographic tablet.

Press the switch button——

After a while, there was no response. Neither the system opening screen nor the holographic projection appeared in front of me.

Angel frowned. He remembered clearly that not long ago he had passed the power test on the holographic tablet. When the battery is fully charged, the holographic tablet can be used continuously for several weeks without any problem.

So, what's the situation now? Could it be broken? Or, the special characteristics of the Nightmare Realm make the holographic tablet useless?

With a hint of luck, Angel pressed the switch again. Still no response.

"Damn it! Why did something go wrong at the critical moment? Come out!" Angel cursed in a low voice.

Just as he finished speaking, a strange change occurred in the mysterious world that he didn't know about. If it were daytime, Angel could clearly see that the holographic tablet hanging on his wrist had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The holographic tablet he originally took out, like the pocket watch, had only a 'shape' but no 'reality'. The essence is actually illusory, but with Angel's curse, the original illusory holographic tablet gradually appeared in real outline. It changed from virtual to real very quickly. In just a few clicks, the virtual and the real were reversed, and the real and the fake were transposed. !

Angel didn't know yet at this time, and was still lamenting to himself.

When he pressed the switch button again with a trace of anger and vent, a blue holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at the system startup interface, Angel's eyes widened in surprise! Isn't it broken? Why can it be used now? Angel was completely confused. He was still a little angry before, but he didn't know whether to be angry or laughing at this sudden change.

Forget it, as long as it can be turned on. In a nightmare world full of unknowns and dangers, Angel has no time to think about other issues. How to reach the coordinate point provided by Sanders safely and smoothly is his most important thing at the moment.

Through the faint blue light of the holographic projection, Angel could vaguely see the surrounding scene. Although the view was still unreal, he confirmed that there were no monsters around him.

Angel quickly found the "Flashlight" function option. As he pressed the virtual key, the boundless darkness was broken by a long bright light. Like the morning star that wakes up the day, all the surrounding dark fog is swept away.

This was Angel's first time using the flashlight function. He never expected that its light would be so bright, and the intensity and range of the light also surprised Angel.

Looking along the beam of light, one can see almost endlessly.

"Good baby!" Angel's eyes lit up. Ever since he solved his mentor's puzzle and started using the tablet, he had not really studied many of the tablet's functions, but only had a rough idea. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com For example, the "flashlight" function, he only knows that it can illuminate at night, which does not sound like much. Oil lamps, torches, and candles can all illuminate at night, so he has never tried it.

But he didn't expect it to be as bright as daylight, which was beyond his expectation.

Now it seems that he still underestimated the technical level of scientific and technological civilization. For many seemingly mundane functions, just one sentence introduction cannot truly summarize its functions. You still need to test it yourself.

With the illumination of the flashlight, Angel also had a certain grasp of the surrounding environment.

There is no doubt that he is currently in mid-air. When he shines the flashlight above his head, he can clearly see that the top stone wall is more than ten meters away. It can be seen that he may have really been blinded just now, and he was performing circular motion in place.

Angel shined the flashlight on the ground again. When the light swept across the ground, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The moist land is covered with countless flowers. These flowers looked normal at first glance, but under the strong light, Angel could clearly see their appearance——

The petals, branches, and leaves are all fine, but at the stamens of the flowers, there is a mouth that looks like a human being. The mouth opens and closes, and you can even clearly see the lips and tongue inside.

With countless flowers, there are countless mouths.

It was a good thing that Angel's light didn't shine through. When the light swept across, all the flowers that were originally silent suddenly appeared strange.

A strange sound came from the flower's mouth. Or laughter, or crying, or mumbling, or muttering. The flowers also swayed, looking extremely creepy.

But none of this matters.

The most important thing is that Angel unexpectedly discovered that he seemed to be able to vaguely understand what these flowers were saying? !

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