Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 94 Who is the Queen?

saliva? !

Angel felt a faint fragrance in his mouth, and remembered that in his dream, he kept drinking the water drops falling on his lips... It tasted quite delicious, with a refreshing taste.

However, no matter how fragrant it is, it is still mouth-watering!

Angel suddenly felt nauseated, sat up, and vomited violently to one side. But the strange thing is that the nausea was very strong, but he didn't vomit anything.

At this time, Angel, who had already sat up, suddenly remembered what happened before he fell into coma. The feeling of dying was so bad. What on earth was going on with that wall? ! Fortunately, he was pulled away by the vines at the critical moment. If it had been a second later, maybe he would have ended up here. Angel still remembered that before he fell into coma, he seemed to see the flower in the sky.

So, was he saved by this flower?

If this was indeed the case, wouldn't it be inappropriate for him to vomit in front of the flower? If Angel remembered correctly, in the dream he was shouting "I'm so thirsty" before the water dropped.

Others...oh, it was the other "flower" who wanted to save him, but he vomited in front of the other "flower". It was really rude.

Angel thought of this, held back the discomfort in his stomach, and thanked the flowers in the sky slightly.

His gratitude did not receive a response, but he felt that the big-mouthed flower in the sky - let's call it "big-mouthed flower", Angel thought - seemed to be awake to him and was in a very happy mood.

Angel felt some rustling next to him. He turned around and saw a group of "big-mouthed flowers" coming from nowhere and surrounding him.

These big-mouthed flowers kept jumping around Angel. Every time they jumped, Angel could see their roots breaking out of the ground. The roots of the big-mouthed flowers were the ones that took him away from the gambling wall earlier. Green vines.

Sure enough, Big Mouth Flower saved him, Angel whispered to himself. He suddenly remembered something. When he was flying towards the wall, he was "plotted" by these big-mouthed flowers many times. Angel was not aware of it at the time. Looking back now, maybe the big-mouthed flowers wanted to warn him. He's away from that wall, right?

However, Angel was still confused, what was going on with that wall?

The big-mouthed flowers have no thoughts of their own, but Angel can feel their emotions, as if they are celebrating something.

Are you celebrating that I woke up?

Or is it to celebrate that I woke up and you can stew me and eat it?

Angel thinks the former is more likely. The big-mouthed flower seems to be friendly towards him. At least Angel feels that if the big-mouthed flower really wants to harm him while he is in a coma, that will be the perfect opportunity. .

Looking at this group of weird-looking but cheerful big-mouthed flowers, Angel suddenly felt quite cute. Tentatively, he reached out his hand and touched the petals of a flower.

After cautiously testing, Angel was actually feeling uneasy.

But the result was very gratifying. Angel found that the big-mouthed flower didn't seem to care about his touch, and even acted like a baby bird in his hand. The petals tickled his palms.

While stroking the petals of the big-mouthed flower, Angel was thinking about a question in his mind: Is the big-mouthed flower considered a monster?

Didn't Sanders say that monsters in the nightmare world will attack outsiders? Why hasn't he been attacked by monsters since he entered the nightmare world? Of course, except for the wall, Angel still didn't know if that wall was a kind of monster.

Angel happily stroked the big-mouthed flowers around him, but did not see that the big-mouthed flower with the most gorgeous petals in the air suddenly emitted an unpleasant emotion.

As this displeasure spread, all the big-mouthed flowers around Angel were swept away. Either skipping and running far away, or simply burrowing into the ground and disappearing.

Angel also sensed the emotions of the big-mouthed flower with starry sky petals.

Why are you unhappy? Don't you want to kill him? Angel looked at the big-mouthed flower in the air, feeling a little uneasy.

Until now, he didn't know why these big-mouthed flowers saved him or why they were kind to him. Angel doesn't think he's special, nor does he think he's like the lucky protagonist in a novel, with beauties, treasures, and mythical beasts attached to him. He is self-aware, so he is uneasy.

It can make the surrounding big-mouthed flowers disperse due to its displeasure. Angel estimates that this black big-mouthed flower may be the boss of these flowers.

Seeing the big-mouthed flower exuding displeasure in mid-air, Angel didn't know how to deal with it, so he subconsciously reached out his hand to comfort it.

Just when Angel touched the petals of the big-mouthed flower, the mouth at the stamen immediately opened into a big smile. His unhappy mood was swept away, and the whole flower became much brighter!

Looking at the King of Big-mouthed Flowers, who was acting coquettishly towards the palm of his hand like other Big-mouthed Flowers, Angel said silently, could this guy be showing off his displeasure because of jealousy?

Angel thought he might have guessed it right.

Looking at the joyful flowers, Angel was still wary, but he was much less alert.

"Who are you?" Angel asked in a low voice.

This king of big-mouthed flowers seems to be wiser than other big-mouthed flowers, and he actually answered Agel's question.

"I am a flower." The mood was extremely joyful.

"Why are you saving me?" Angel asked.

"Don't die." He was slightly nervous.

Because you didn't want me to die, so you saved me? Big Mouth Flower's wisdom is limited, and she doesn't seem to understand what Angel wants to ask. When she comes back, it's always fragmented, and it's hard to find a clue.

Angel thought that his question was too tactful, so he simply asked directly.

"Do you like me?" Angel felt his face heat up after asking this question. Wouldn't it seem too narcissistic to ask this?

However, the big-mouthed flower does not understand human thinking. It swayed its petals without hesitation:

"I like it." He was very happy.

After receiving this very firm answer, Angel felt slightly relieved. It seemed that these big-mouthed bastards really had no ill intentions toward him.

"Why do you like me?" Angel asked again shamelessly, his cheeks burning.

Dazuihua answered after a long pause this time:

"It has the aura of a king." The emotion was a little awe-inspiring, but also a little yearning.

The breath of the king? Do I really have the potential of Long Aotian? Angel looked at Dazuihua in surprise and looked for Shuyuan www. I was wondering if it had something to do with my talent. Maybe his talent is the kind of talent that can make the air fly in seconds?

But the next moment, Angel felt like he was hallucinating.

Dazuihua answered again very proactively:

"It smells like a queen! I like it so much!"

After receiving this answer, Angel was instantly petrified. Girl, girl, girl...the aura of a queen? What the hell is this?

Angel asked: "Who is the queen?"

The big-mouthed flower swayed with flowers, and saliva dripped from its mouth, leaving a strange fragrance all over the ground.

"The queen is the king." The mood was full of respect.

"What is the queen's name?" Angel insisted to understand. How could he smell like a queen?

"The queen is a king?" The mood was full of respect and confusion.

Angel asked several questions in a row, and Dazuihua's answers were all ambiguous. The main reason was that his intelligence was too low. With the IQ of a child of about two or three years old, he really couldn't ask for too much.

Finally, Angel asked without giving up: "Where is the queen?"

"In the king's place." The mood was respectful.

Angel was completely at a loss for this chicken-to-duck conversation and could only give up.

He didn't have time to waste here with Big Mouth Flower. God knows how long he had been asleep. Ask the big-mouthed flower, it doesn't even have the concept of time, how to answer?

The most important thing now is to find mentor Sanders, otherwise he won't even know how to return to the wizarding world.

Thinking of this, Angel suddenly remembered the half of the twisted protozoa that Sanders had thrown to him when he entered the nightmare world. This seemed to be a certificate for leaving the nightmare world. Angel quickly searched his body, but it was not lost. Angel found the body of the parasite in the bag.

After collecting the parasites, Angel decided to continue on his way.

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