After lunch, Huang Roujia is going to take Su Yang to go shopping, have afternoon tea, eat dinner, and watch movies together. The general process of couples should be like this.

Just as she and Su Yang were about to go out, Su Yang's phone rang.

Su Yang took out the phone and saw that it was from the general nurses station.

Soon, Su Yang answered the phone.

"Xiaosu, this is Fu Jing."

On the other side of the phone, Fu Jing looked at a middle-aged woman with a headache, and sat on the bench in front of the nurse's station with the pale and frail girl.

"Well, you said the head nurse?"

Su Yang knew that it must be the patient's business, otherwise he wouldn't call him on Corey's phone.

"Xiao Su, the girl you received last night came to be hospitalized at noon, but her mother insisted that you be admitted. I have no choice but to call you."

Fu Jing did have a headache. This girl had symptoms of early shock and fever. However, her mother insisted that Su Yang came before they received treatment, and seemed to completely distrust other doctors.

Therefore, Fu Jing called Su Yang.

The girl last night?

Could it be that necrotizing fasciitis secondary to systemic poisoning infection and shock?

"The head nurse, you call her mother and I will tell her."

The situation brooks no delay, and it is impossible for him to fly to the hospital immediately, but the girl must be treated immediately.


Fu Jing breathed a sigh of relief. If this girl insists on not receiving treatment, what is wrong in general surgery, what can we do?

Holding the microphone in her hand, she said to the girl's mother: "Doctor Su wants to tell you."

The girl's mother who looked terrified, heard the words Dr. Su, stood up abruptly, trot over, and took the microphone.

"Doctor Su, I was wrong last night. I shouldn't believe you. You must save Xiao Juan. I can only trust you now."

The girl's mother said eagerly.

Su Yang heard what the girl’s mother said on the phone, and knew that the girl was taken to a private hospital by that teacher last night. She must have not received the correct treatment. After one night, the infection spread to the whole body, necrotizing fascia. Yan is so dangerous.

"Okay, don't say anything else, you can ask her to receive treatment right now, I'll be there later."

It’s no good if Su Yang doesn’t go. If you delay for a moment and a half, the girl will be in danger. This girl and her mother are also in danger. They didn’t believe in Su Yang before, but now they only believe in Su Yang. This is going from one extreme to another. An extreme, too paranoid.

"Okay, okay, Dr. Su, I'll listen to you."

The girl's mother said as if it were amnesty, she was afraid that Su Yang would reject her at the moment. In that case, she really didn't know who to believe.

Some people, just like this, have found something that they think they can believe, and they are especially superstitious about what they think. It's like this kind of person can only pretend that little thing in their heart.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yang felt very heavy.

With treatment now, the girl’s life can be saved, but what about her hands?

Putting the phone down, Su Yang looked at Huang Roujia apologetically.

"I'll send you there. Since they only believe in you, in this case, you must go."

Huang Roujia actually wanted to say that you don't need to go, but she understands Su Yang, and in Su Yang's heart, the patient is just a patient.


Su Yang nodded, Huang Roujia understood him, and everything was silent at this time.

Forty minutes later.

"Doctor Su, you are finally here!"

As soon as Su Yang entered the department, put on a white lab coat, and went to the nurse's station, when Fu Jing saw him, she greeted him and said.

"Well, how is the patient's condition?"

Su Yang then asked.

"Xiao Gao has been admitted to the hospital, capacity expansion and anti-infection are on, and the situation is basically stable."

When Fu Jing saw Su Yang coming, she finally settled in her heart. She was really the patient's mother, too paranoid.

"I see."

Su Yang nodded. When he came to the office, Gao Jun just finished writing his first medical record. Seeing Su Yang coming in, Gao Jun stood up immediately and said, "Doctor Su, you are finally here. This patient is too difficult to deal with."

Gao Jun looked a little sad, and it was really troublesome to encounter such a patient who was appointed to find a certain doctor, and others did not believe him.

"Has the shock condition been corrected?"

Su Yang nodded and asked.

"It has been corrected so far, but the infection and poisoning are still very serious, and surgery must be performed immediately to remove the necrotic part of the hand."

Gao Jun said solemnly.

"Did you communicate with the patient, did the patient agree to the operation?"

Su Yang asked again.

"The communication passed, but as soon as the patient heard that there was a risk of amputation, he insisted on waiting for you."

In Gao Jun's view, the possibility of this girl's right hand being amputated is very high.

"I see, leave this patient to me, thank you for your hard work."

Su Yang understands Gao Jun's difficulties and puts himself in the situation. If he encounters such a patient, he will be blind.


Gao Jun nodded fiercely, and let out a long sigh of relief. It's really that the girl's situation is too troublesome.

Su Yang picked up the medical record and looked at the various indicators and examination results. The situation is indeed not optimistic. The symptoms of shock and infection are very serious. Now the operation is urgent. If the necrotic tissue that releases toxins is not removed this morning, then Girls will be in danger of their lives.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the office and walked towards the girl's ward.

After a while, Su Yang came to the door of the girl’s ward. He looked inside and saw the girl lying on the bed, pale and very weak, while the girl’s mother looked sad and regretful. Sitting in front of the hospital bed blankly.

Su Yang organized his words and walked into the ward.

Seeing Su Yang walk in, the girl's dim eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had seen hope.

The girl's mother stood up abruptly and said anxiously, "Doctor Su, I really regret that I didn't listen to you, you must save Xiao Juan!"

"What treatment did she do last night?"

Su Yang asked suspiciously, even with simple infusion and anti-infection treatment, the girl's current situation would not be as serious as this.

"After we left last night, Xiao Juan’s teacher took us to a photon therapy session for Xiao Juan to do that photon therapy. The teacher said that many big stars do this treatment, so I also gritted my teeth. It took eight thousand yuan to do it for two hours. But when I got up this morning, Xiao Juan looked like this."

The girl's mother said very regretfully.


Su Yang doesn't know what to say. Photon therapy is just for beauty treatment. This has nothing to do with Xiao Juan's disease, and it has nothing to do with half a dime. Some people, in order to make money, really don't have a conscience.

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