Su Yang got a reply from his family and quickly returned to the operating room.

However, as soon as Su Yang said the operation plan, Gao Jun stared at Su Yang and said, "Doctor Su, your thinking is too broad, I don't know how to say it anymore."

Gao Jun did feel very dazed, how long Su Yang's brain was, although the new surgical plan sounds a bit weird, but after careful analysis, it is very feasible.

It just took out the nerve from Pomen and received it in the hand. It felt a little weird.

The next procedure is similar to what was done before, but the difference lies in the junction of the nerves in two different places. The difficulty is much higher than that of the blood vessels.

Su Yang has long experience in suturing the nerves of mice, so he is familiar with the operation of joining tiny nerves.

It took a full three hours before this massive operation was finally completed.

"Doctor Su, this operation of yours is the first case in the country."

Gao Jun looked at Su Yang admiringly, not to mention the extremely high level of technology, this brain circuit is not comparable to ordinary people!

"Just thought of it, well, let's transfer the patient back to the ward."

Su Yang said lightly, for him, this was just another ordinary operation.

Surgery that seems incomparable to others, under Su Yang's hand, it can only be said to be ordinary, because he has systematic help, just follow the picture.

However, Su Yang decided to fully exercise his eyesight in the future. If he can see the blood vessels and nerves that can be anastomosed through his eyesight, then even if there is no system, he is still a first-class doctor!

Two hours later.

Boy's ward.


The boy who woke up in the hospital bed was shocked when he heard that the nerve of his Pomen had been taken to his hands.

"It's okay, Xiaochao, in that place, if you don't feel it, you won't feel it."

The boy's father said awkwardly.

"Yes, Xiao Chao, Dr. Su said that by doing this, your hands will recover very well."

The boy's mother followed.


The boy didn't know what to say for a while.

Although I am not that kind of man, it still feels too weird. That Dr. Su, wouldn't it be a Frankenstein?

"Xiao Chao, you can recover from the illness with peace of mind. My sister will help you solve the problem of expenses. When you are better in the future, you will re-enter the third year of high school and enter the university."

Xiao Chao's hands have hopefully recovered, and his brother and sister-in-law have regained hope in life. Lin Wei feels at this time that this is like a home, caring for each other, and considering each other.

"Sister, I'm not going to take college entrance exams. When I get better, I want to learn about excavators. I heard that excavators are very profitable."

The boy used to work at a waste collection station and heard the uncle of the excavator at the nearby construction site say that if he works well and can endure hardship, he can earn seven or eight thousand a month, which is much more than carrying it by himself.

"Xiao Chao..."

Lin Wei felt a little sad, Xiao Chao was too sensible.

Xiaochao's parents were also relieved to hear Xiaochao's words.

Standing outside the door of the ward, Su Yang smiled when he saw this warm scene.

In any case, relatives are relatives. In this world, the only people who can help you unconditionally are relatives.

Su Yang had this operation one morning, and it was half past eleven.

Huang Roujia is no longer in the hospital, and Su Yang will have lunch alone.

He walked out of the department and walked in the direction of the cafeteria, but when he passed the small garden, he saw Fu Jing, the head nurse, sitting desperately on the bench in the small garden.

Su Yang clearly saw that her eyes were bloodshot, crying and laughing nervously.

It looked like it was a huge blow.

However, Su Yang and Fu Jing are not very familiar, so after looking at them from a distance, Su Yang went to the cafeteria to eat.

After a while, Su Yang came to the cafeteria, and as soon as he had prepared the food and turned around, he saw Dong Xin sitting at a dining table and beckoning to him.

"Doctor Su, here!"

Dong Xin waved his hand vigorously.

Well, it's no good to pretend to be invisible now.

They are all colleagues in the same department.

Su Yang had to carry the dinner plate and walk over and sit down.

"Doctor Su, you are amazing. I heard that you had another major operation this morning."

Dong Xin looked at Su Yang in admiration and said.


Su Yang said faintly, he didn't feel much special after doing too many similar operations.

"Xiao Dong, just now I saw the head nurse sitting in the garden alone, what happened to her?"

Even as a colleague’s concern, Su Yang felt that he must understand, not to mention that Fu Jing might be carrying some old things on her back.

"You don't know yet?"

Dong Xin asked with a look of surprise, almost everyone in the department knew about the head nurse.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Dong Xin's surprised look, Su Yang felt that he just realized it later?

"It's okay. The head nurse is divorced, and I heard that the man already has a woman outside, and that woman is pregnant with a child."

Dong Xin said it five to ten. She really didn't know where she got the detailed information.

It turned out to be like this, Su Yang was thoughtful. If this was the case, the blow to a woman would indeed be quite big.

"Oh, I heard that the head nurse insists on the custody of his son."

Dong Xin said with a sigh.

They are all women, and she still feels a bit empathetic to this kind of thing.

"But, Dr. Su, let me tell you, the head nurse, how should I put it? Although the person is very good, it is a little weird."

Dong Xin suddenly said mysteriously.

"What a weird way?"

Since Dong Xin took the initiative to say, Su Yang followed her and asked, which is what he wanted to know.

"You know the three checks and fours on nursing. The requirements of the head nurse to us are absolutely abnormal!"

Dong Xin seemed to have suffered deeply, and kept complaining about it.

"Check the information, yes, it doesn't matter."

Su Yang said lightly.

"No, Dr. Su, you don’t know that you are not taking care of you. Generally speaking, it is enough to check three times, and the head nurse asks us to check five times. That’s not to be counted. She needs all the allergy-prone drugs to be injected. Check it yourself. You say, isn't this a delay?"

Dong Xin complained a little.

Su Yang secretly felt strange when he heard this.

Checking the information and the drugs to be injected is indeed a clinical standard, but there is a clinically fixed process in the clinic, and the unreasonable increase in the workload is almost doubled, which is indeed undesirable.

Clinical work is already busy, and doubling the workload of a certain link will indeed bring a great burden to medical staff.

This shows that Fu Jing is really sensitive to certain things.

Especially for injection, allergy-prone drugs!

She must have a problem!

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