Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 121 Dangerous Aortic Dissection

In today's outpatient clinic, there are not many patients on the Suyang number.

After seeing a few patients, Su Yang sat in front of the office, carefully read the medical literature, and prepared Sun Dan's surgery plan.

At this moment, Dong Xin walked in and said, "Dr. Su, the emergency department asked you to go to the consultation, saying that there is a patient with a hand injury."

"Well, I got it."

Su Yang put down the documents in his hand, stood up, and walked towards the emergency department.

Emergency treatment is generally only for patients who are more critical. Those patients who belong to various departments will usually be consulted by doctors in each department and then transferred to each department.

Although Su Yang is going to an outpatient clinic, if he needs a general consultation, he will usually be called to the nearest clinic.

Soon, Su Yang came to the emergency department.

The emergency doctor Wei Cheng saw Su Yang coming and quickly said, "Xiao Su, here is a drunk patient whose right hand was stabbed by a beer bottle. Now the emergency department is too busy, so you can take care of it."

"Okay, I see, Doctor Wei."

Su Yang nodded.

"I'll take you there."

Wei Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Today is really too busy. Although this kind of hand injury can be dealt with in the emergency department, it is always good to share some workload in general surgery.

However, this is also a good thing for Suyang people. If someone else, they might shirk their own department and the department is still busy.

After all, this kind of hand injury caused by a beer bottle can be dealt with in emergency and general surgery.

After a while, Wei Cheng led Su Yang to the debridement room. As soon as he entered the door, Su Yang saw a drunk middle-aged man lying on a hospital bed with a bandage on his right hand, still bleeding and hanging. Bottle, judging from his appearance, he was already drunk and unconscious.

There was a young man sitting next to him. He looked normal. He shouldn't drink alcohol.

"Dr. Su, the patient has been drinking too much, and naloxone has been used. You only need to do debridement and suture for him."

Wei Cheng said.

"okay, I get it."

Su Yang nodded.

Seeing that Su Yang had taken over, Wei Cheng left the debridement room. He still had several patients waiting to be treated.

Su Yang looked at the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed. Although he was already drunk and unconscious, he still mumbled and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Doctor Su, are you going to prepare a debridement kit?"

Dong Xin asked while standing on the side.

"Well, you go to prepare, the patient is inconvenient to carry, so let's deal with it here."

Su Yang said to Dong Xin.

"You are his family member, how did he get hurt?"

Su Yang asked the young man. Although Wei Cheng had already told him about the basic situation, Su Yang would still conduct a more detailed inquiry and physical examination for the patients he took over. This is a habit. .

"Doctor, isn't my brother drinking boring alcohol at home? I didn't know what was going on, so he fell and broke the beer bottle and got stuck in his hand."

Said the young man.

"Drink early in the morning."

Su Yang asked with some doubts.

"Business has been sluggish recently, so I can use alcohol to relieve my sorrows."

The young man sighed and said.

These are all routine inquiries, but when Su Yang heard "I don't know what's going on" and "Fall", he immediately felt a strong sense of vigilance.

"Were you there when he fell?"

Su Yang asked again.

"I was in the bedroom when I heard the sound of a broken wine bottle. When I came out, I saw my brother lying on the ground."

Said the young man.

Su Yang was thoughtful and fell down for unknown reasons, which is worthy of vigilance!

This is the first time that Su Yang has seen a warning sign in the patient's heart since his intuition has risen to a level.

This patient must have a problem.

"Does he have any previous medical history, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.?"

Su Yang asked again.

"Big brother has high blood pressure."

The young man said immediately, it seems that he still cares about his brother.

"How's your usual control?"

Su Yang asked again.

"This is not clear. What's wrong, doctor, do you have any other questions?"

The young man asked.

"I haven't found anything for the time being, but falling drunk and high blood pressure are still worthy of vigilance."

Although nothing was found, Su Yang's sense of anxiety and vigilance in his heart became more and more serious.

At this moment, the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed seemed to wake up a bit from the infusion. He frowned, raised his left hand without the infusion, stroked it on his chest, and said vaguely, "It hurts. "

Seeing this scene before him, Su Yang seemed to have a flash of lightning flashing across his mind.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, and quickly stepped forward. Su Yang touched the pulse of the middle-aged man's hands in turn. When he felt the pulse of his right hand, Su Yang's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

No pulse on the right side!

I can't feel my pulse at all with my right hand!

Combined with a history of hypertension, falls and chest pain.

This is a thoracic aortic dissecting aneurysm! ! !

Su Yang suddenly entered a state of high concentration. This is the blood flow of the aorta through the rupture of the intima and into the aortic wall, peeling off the middle wall of the aorta.

However, because of the rupture of the dissection of the blood vessel wall, the patient will cause blood pericardium, a large amount of arterial blood gushing out, completely enveloping the heart, exerting pressure, and leading to cardiac arrest.

The most important thing is that the aortic wall is fragile and easily broken, the operation is difficult, and the mortality rate is high. The 24-hour survival rate after dissecting aneurysm is only 40%! ! !

At this moment, Dong Xin walked in with a debridement kit and said, "Doctor Su, do you start debridement and suture now?"

"This is an aortic dissecting anoma. Call care and prepare for intravenous injection of Alfonate immediately. You can contact the ultrasound department and tell them that an emergency bedside echocardiogram is needed here."

Su Yang quickly issued instructions.

"I see, Dr. Su."

When Dong Xin heard that it was a dissecting aneurysm, his brain exploded a bit. This is a dangerous sudden disease with a mortality rate of nearly 50%!

It's just a time bomb!

No, it's a bomb that has already been detonated!

"Doctor, what's wrong with my brother?"

The young man was a little frightened when he saw Su Yang suddenly become so serious.

"He is a dissecting aneurysm, which is likely to cause the rupture of the aorta and directly lead to death."

At this time, Su Yang also had to tell the truth.

"Ah? Doctor, what do you do then?"

The young man panicked. He was still in college and it was a holiday, so he lived with his brother.

And the sister-in-law, after the divorce, took the child back to her hometown.

"Check first to see what the situation is. If the ascending aorta is not involved, then conservative treatment can be used."

Su Yang confirmed that the middle-aged man was a dissecting aneurysm, but he was still unsure whether the ascending aorta was the place where it ruptured.

The ascending aorta is the largest and thickest artery in the human body, and it is directly connected to the left ventricle. It is conceivable that once the ascending aorta wall ruptures, then half of the patient's foot has already stepped into the ghost gate!

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