"His condition is indeed very serious."

Su Yang said.

Before coming out, Lin Feng told Su Yang that this conversation with the patient's family was all done by Su Yang.

This is also a kind of experience for him, after all, in terms of communication and exchange, Su Yang still has a lot to learn.

"Doctor Su, tell me, I can hold it on."

The boy's father said tremblingly.

"After exposing the femur, we found that the tumor tissue has occupied most of the femur."

Su Yang continued.

"So, does it have to be amputated?"

The boy's father shook his body a few times and was about to fall down.

"Doctor Su, is there really no other way? Xiaoshuai, I grew up with my own hands since I was a child, because I don't have a mother, and I owe him a lot. If this is no more legs, what should Xiaoshuai do? ?"

The boy's father looked at Su Yang with hopeful eyes.

He is a divorced man with a child. After so many years, only he knows the hardships.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Su Yang comforted the boy's father who was a little excited.

"Although his situation is terrible, we considered a new surgical plan. However, this surgical plan has no precedent before, so we need to seek your opinion."

Su Yang said slowly again.

"A new surgical plan?"

The boy's father muttered to himself.

"Doctor Su, you said, as long as Xiaoshuai can keep his leg, I agree with everything."

The boy's father said eagerly.

"That's it. Opening his leg, we discovered that the tumor tissue grew much faster than we expected. Therefore, if the conventional surgical method is used, all the right leg must be removed to ensure his postoperative survival. Rate."

Su Yang paused, then said:

"However, because tumor cells have a much lower tolerance to low temperature than normal cells. Therefore, he can take out his femur as a whole, put it in liquid nitrogen, and kill the tumor cells with low temperature. Transplant back."

Su Yang tried his best to explain the operation plan in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

"Doctor Su, this...this low temperature, will Xiaoshuai's normal bones be frozen?"

The boy's father asked with some confusion.

"This won't be possible. As long as you grasp the time, you can just inactivate the tumor cells. Normal bone cells will fall into dormancy. After transplantation, they can resume normal activity."

Su Yang continued.

"Doctor Su, if you do this, you don't have to amputate your limbs?"

The boy's father still asked in disbelief.

"Yes, in this case, his femur can be preserved intact, basically not affecting his future motor function."

Su Yang said confidently.

This method is actually not difficult, but no one thought of it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Su."

The boy's father choked a little, and his eyes were a little moist.

He is too difficult!

Divorce, unemployment, and difficult re-employment, none of these crushed him.

However, his son is the sustenance of all his hopes, and he can sustain it entirely by a kind of faith.

That is, the son must not fail like him in the future!

"Don't worry, we will try our best."

Su Yang patted the boy's father on the shoulder and comforted him.

Operating room.

"Okay, the femur has been completely taken out, and liquid nitrogen can be prepared."

Lin Feng said to the equipment nurse next to him.

He was with Su Yang carefully taking out the completely separated femur from the boy's leg.

"Okay, Director."

The equipment nurse responded.

She turned around and joined the anesthesiologist, and brought a bottle of liquid nitrogen from the edge of the operating room.

As soon as the lid was opened, a white mist began to fill the mouth of the bottle, and the temperature in the operating room seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

This is liquid nitrogen!

It can reach an ultra-low temperature of -196℃. If you put your hand in at this time, it only takes three minutes. When you take it out, tap it lightly, and your frozen hand will shatter like glass.

Lin Feng and Su Yang carefully held the femur, and slowly moved it above the mouth of the bottle.

Next, is the most critical time control.

This time must be exactly the same.

Over time, normal bone cells will freeze to death.

If there is not enough time, the operation will be done in vain.

Fortunately, there are certain precedents for the study of cell viability at ultra-low temperature, so there is still a standard at this time.

Two minutes.

This is the most accurate time after calculation.

Not only can the tumor cells be frozen to death, but normal bone cells will not be completely inactivated.

Just take it out and slowly thaw it, the bone cells will regain their vitality.

"Put it in."

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.


Su Yang nodded.

The two of them carried this femur together. Although the burden was not heavy, the two of them at this time felt like a huge weight.

After all, what they are holding is the lifelong hope of a father and the lifelong dream of a boy!

Carefully, the two put all the femurs into the liquid nitrogen bottle.

Thirty seconds.

Forty seconds.

One minute.

. . .

Two minutes.

"Time is up!"

Lin Feng stared at the electronic timing screen in the operating room and said.

"Take it out."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, together with Su Yang, he took the femur out of the liquid nitrogen bottle in an instant.

Put the air-conditioned femur on the large tray, Lin Feng cut the frozen tumor tissue into three small pieces from different places, and handed them to the instrument nurse.

"Go for an expedited pathological examination."

The most critical step is here. Now a pathological examination must be done to determine whether the tumor cells have been killed.

"Okay, Director."

The instrument nurse put the cut tumor tissue into a small bag, and handed it to the nurse who had been prepared by the side.

Next, it's time to wait.

Even for an urgent pathological examination, it takes forty minutes to get the results.

After all, it takes forty minutes to slice, stain, and perform microscopic examination. Forty minutes is already very fast.

"Xiao Su, take a break, and then wait for the result."

Lin Feng looked at Su Yang who was meticulous and very serious and said.

Su Yang is a doctor who sincerely considers patients, and he knew this since he saw Su Yang.

"I see, Director."

Su Yang replied.

Although he is very confident, there is no precedent to follow this operation. Therefore, whether it will work or not, you must wait for the results of the examination to know.

"Xiao Su, if it succeeds this time, this operation may become an example of a new treatment for osteosarcoma. When I was your age, I still cut the thread behind Wei Lao."

Lin Feng said with emotion.

In fact, he is also a genius, otherwise, Wei Lao's so many students would not value him so much.

However, in comparison with Su Yang, Lin Feng felt that all the geniuses he had met before had become native chickens.

"It's just a whim. As far as experience is concerned, I still have to learn a lot."

Su Yang said lightly.

He did think so too.

Technology is technology, but surgery is not just technology.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Forty-five minutes later.

The phone in the operating room rang.

Everyone understands that this must be a call from the pathology room.

"Xiao Wang, go answer the phone."

Lin Feng looked at the anesthesiologist and said.


The anesthesiologist nodded.

The other three people in the operating room were all wearing surgical gowns, and of course he answered the phone.

He walked over and picked up the phone.

A minute later, he hung up the phone and returned to the operating table.

"How about it?"

Or was the equipment nurse uncomfortable and asked first.

Su Yang and Lin Feng both stared closely at Xiao Wang, the anesthesiologist.

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