Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 149 Ten Rare Weird Diseases in the World-Alice in Wonderland Disease

"Su Dashen, what is the problem with this little girl."

Lu Chenxi said confusedly.

After watching for a long time and thinking for a long time, she still couldn't think of what the problem could be with this little girl.

"Let me ask you, what kind of chief complaint can be summed up by what the little girl said?"

Su Yang asked.

Lu Chenxi has a good foundation, but his thinking is still somewhat limited.

"What she said seems to be a fairy tale from that movie! These are all delusions, right."

Lu Chenxi's thinking is still limited in the framework of thinking that this little girl has delusions. After all, children are at an age with rich imagination and fantasies.

"Indeed, these can all be regarded as her fantasy. But from another angle, what if we believe that what this little girl says is what she actually sees?"

Su Yang said to Lu Chenxi.

"This... From this perspective, I really haven't thought of it."

Lu Chenxi really did not think of the situation Su Yang said. Generally speaking, in this situation, adults would only be more willing to believe that what the little girl said was her fantasy, rather than tend to believe what she said. , Is what she really saw.

After all, what the little girl said is a bit too bizarre, and it is understandable to see the rotating things.

But seeing the people around you sometimes get bigger and sometimes smaller?

This sounds like a fairy tale.

"So, if you put aside the influence of the fairy tale movie. We take the little girl's words as the truth, then her main complaint will be obvious."

Su Yang said again.

"Think about it again, what kind of chief complaint is contained in her description?"

Su Yang said in an inspiring way, Lu Chenxi's foundation is very solid, but her thinking is limited, and she only wants to have surgery.

As everyone knows, surgery is just a way to treat diseases.

Judgment and cognition of the disease are more important things.

"That way, let me think about it."

Hearing what Su Yang said, Lu Chenxi fell into deep thought.

After a while, she tentatively said: "What the little girl described is that the object becomes larger or smaller. This should be a kind of visual perception. Therefore, her main complaint should be visual distortion. Is that true? ?"

"Yes, Ruzi can teach."

Su Yang nodded, Lu Chenxi did get resuscitated very quickly, and she knew it just a little bit.

"But why should she be given a MRI of the brain? If it is a visual distortion, shouldn't her eyes be checked?"

Lu Chenxi asked suspiciously again.

"The visual distortion she described is the distortion that appears after processing by the brain. It is not directly caused by corneal or retinopathy. These are two concepts."

Su Yang paused, and then said: "The occipital lobe of the brain is the main area that controls visual information. Therefore, I guess that her main complaint is very rare, and only one of hundreds of thousands of human species will appear. disease."

"What's that? Great God Su?"

Lu Chenxi couldn't wait to ask.

"The name of this disease is Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, also known as visual migraine. It is a highly confusing phenomenon in neurology that affects people's visual perception."

"The main manifestation of this disease is that when observing a thing for a long time, it will suddenly be like Alice in Wonderland. The surrounding things will suddenly become bigger or smaller. Some patients will have a sense of time-space distortion. Straightforwardly lose the sense of time."

Su Yang briefly introduced this extremely rare disease.

"Shen Dashen, where did you learn about such a rare disease?"

Lu Chenxi asked very suspiciously. She hadn't seen any description of this disease in the textbook.

"So let you broaden your horizons and don't just stare at major surgery all day. There is a practical example of this disease, the famous German artist Kayss Kollhuis, because of this disease, the artistic style is from natural Ism has become expressionism."

Su Yang cited a practical example. In this world, there are many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. There are many patients who have lived their lives, even if they have passed away, without a precise diagnosis of what they are suffering from.

"This... I really didn't expect it."

Lu Chenxi's admiration for Su Yang at this time has reached the extreme.

"This disease is difficult to diagnose because the main complaint will be covered up. Just like this little girl, she went to see so many psychiatric doctors and was even diagnosed as schizophrenia."

Su Yang said.

It is hard to say how many patients have hallucinations due to physical reasons, such as brain tumors or neuropathy, and have been diagnosed with paranoia or schizophrenia, and thus admitted to a mental hospital.

"Doctor Su, this patient is really lucky in her life to meet you."

Lu Chenxi said with a sigh.

If this little girl is not diagnosed, it is due to physical reasons and hallucinations.

Then, when she grows up a little bit, she will most likely develop into a true schizophrenia because of this illusion and the incomprehension of the people around her.

"As a doctor, we must be cautious, and we must not let go of any doubt. One of our decisions or diagnosis may even change a person's life."

Su Yang said seriously.

He said this because of several patients he had received and operated on recently.

And for these patients, the fate has indeed changed.

Time came to eleven o'clock in the morning.

There were still many patients in the morning, but Su Yang handled them very well.

At this moment, the little girl and her parents came in outside the door.

"Doctor Su, the results of the examination have come out."

The little girl’s mother walked up to Su Yang and handed Su Yang the result of the examination.

"Well, let me see."

Su Yang took the result of the inspection, and Lu Chenxi also turned his head and looked at the result of the inspection together.

Put the MRI film on the reading rack, and Su Yang watched it carefully for a while.

Ten minutes passed.

He took the film down and slowly said to the little girl's parents: "It is certain that her illness is not schizophrenia."

"Doctor, is this true?"

The little girl's mother asked excitedly.

The expression on the face of the little girl's father, who was standing on the side, also showed that he was not at peace at the moment.

"Yes, there was a tumor on the occipital lobe of her brain. Because of this tumor, it affected her visual information expression."

Su Yang picked up the film and pointed out the tumor on the occipital lobe to the little girl's parents.

"The doctor, that said, is because there is something in Huihui's brain, so she sees things abnormally?"

Said the little girl's mother.

"Yes, you can think so."

Su Yang said with certainty.

The explanations like what Lu Chenxi just said were too professional, and the little girl's parents might not understand it. However, the little girl's mother had a clear mind, and what she said was basically true.

The little girl’s mother hugged the little girl all of a sudden, tears flowed down immediately, she said to the little girl guiltily: “Huihui, it’s mother's fault, mother didn't believe what you said. It's mother's fault.”

The thought of almost sending her daughter to a psychiatric hospital made her heart full of guilt.

Why doesn't she believe what her daughter said?

The father of the little girl beside him was also full of guilt, and he was also very afraid in his heart.

A good child, it was because something had grown in his mind that he saw those weird things.

If he is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, it does not necessarily mean that he will become mentally ill.

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