"Hey, I don't feel dizzy anymore!"

The temperament aunt said with some surprise.

"Stand up and walk around and try."

Su Yang said again.


Aunt Yiyan stood up and took two steps.

"Do you still feel dizzy?"

Su Yang asked gently.

"No, doctor, I'm not dizzy at all."

The aunt said with a look of surprise.

"Oh, that's amazing!"

"How did this happen? Isn't this an ancestral technique?"

"I have never seen this before."

The aunts and grandpas around were in an uproar.

"Huijuan, are you really dizzy?"

An aunt asked.

"Well, I really don't faint anymore, I'm very sober now."

The temperament aunt replied.

"This is really a god!"

If she hadn't come with the temperament aunt today, she would have thought that the temperament aunt was Su Yang's trust!

"Doctor, what is the problem with me?"

The temperament aunt didn't feel dizzy anymore, looked at Su Yang and asked.

"Yeah, doctor, tell us about it."

An aunt said, this is a rare thing, usually you can't see it.


Su Yang nodded.

"Doctor Lu, do you understand it? Let me tell you about it."

Su Yang said to Lu Chenxi.

"Ah, me?"

When Lu Chenxi saw Su Yang's whole set of movements, he thought of the dizziness of the aunt, and he had already determined what was wrong with the aunt.

"Yes, you can tell everyone about it."

Su Yang continued.

Clinically, treatment is not difficult. The most difficult thing is that you don't know what the patient's problem is.

Therefore, when Su Yang finished this set of actions, Lu Chenxi, who had a solid foundation, naturally knew what was wrong with the aunt.

"Auntie, this disease you have is called otolithiasis."

Lu Chenxi said to the aunt.


The temperament aunt is puzzled.

I have only heard of earshi, what is this otolith?

"The so-called otoliths, simply put, is that there is a place in our ears that controls balance, called the inner ear. There are many small crystals attached to the membrane of this inner ear. The reason why you get dizzy is because of these small crystals. It fell off and moved left and right, causing dizziness."

Lu Chenxi said professionally.


The temperament aunt didn't understand, and the surrounding aunts and grandpas were also at a loss.

Su Yang smiled, and Lang said to his aunt: "In simple terms, it is the little stone in your ear that has fallen and stimulated the balance of the ear tube, so you will be dizzy."

"Doctor, then say that, what did you do just now?"

The temperament aunt seems to understand a little bit.

"Well, the set of actions just now is to restore the small stone that fell from your ear to its normal position."

Su Yang nodded and said.

"So that's it!"

The temperament aunt suddenly realized.

"There are still small stones in your ears?"

"When a little stone falls, people will feel dizzy?"

The aunts and grandpas around were amazed, saying that they had never heard of such a thing.

"Little doctor, the technique you just used is amazing, is it ancestral?"

An uncle suddenly said.

"Yeah, little doctor, is your ancestor a royal doctor who passed down this technique?"

"I think it is, you see, after this set, people will not dizzy immediately. This is an immediate effect."

Su Yang was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard these words.

However, he did not give too much explanation. Sometimes, the patient only needs to know what the doctor told him, how to treat it, and whether it is cured.

Knowing these three points is enough.

"Little doctor, you have to charge extra for this technique, right? Where do I go to pay?"

The temperament aunt said suddenly.

"Auntie, today is a free clinic, and there is no charge."

Su Yang said.

"How can it work? I watched it so many times, but it didn't work at all. You can heal me at once. What if you don't charge money?"

The temperament aunt felt that she must give money.

"Also, the technique you used just now, it must be secret, right, you exposed it in public, it's not good for you, right?"

The aunt said anxiously, this is the ability of others to eat.

"Auntie, the diagnosis of otoliths is only difficult, but the treatment is actually not difficult. And my technique is actually in the textbook of our medical school."

Su Yang said helplessly.

"I don't believe it. I have seen so many doctors and they have no effect. They are all from the same school, so how can you do it, they can't?"

The aunt said with a look of disbelief.

"That's it, little doctor, the same teaching material, some people can learn to become masters, some people can't, this is the gap."

The retired old man who had treated Su Yang just now also continued.

"Auntie, this time we are here, it is really a free clinic. If you have other questions in the future, you can come to my clinic to find me."

Su Yang said again.

"Well, then I can look for you."

The temperament aunt said in a dull manner when she saw that the payment was not possible.

With the examples of retired grandpas and temperament aunts in front, the grandpas and grandmas who lined up at the back were immediately full of enthusiasm, and everyone prepared a bunch of words to ask Su Yang.

It was originally a simple free medical examination site, but in the end it became another clinic.

It's half past six in the afternoon.

With great difficulty, Su Yang finished watching the extremely enthusiastic grandfather and aunt, and by the way, he finished watching the community property, security, and street office staff.

Originally, I only needed to watch the uncle and aunt, but Su Yang's magical performance spread all of a sudden, so even the staff of the community and street office came to see Su Yang together.

With Su Yang's physical strength, Rao also felt a little tired.

And Lu Chenxi and Dong Xin, not to mention them, almost spread out on their chairs.

"Great God Su, how come you are so popular wherever you go?"

Lu Chenxi couldn't help but vomit.

In one afternoon, there were no fewer than ten people who wanted to introduce Su Yang to the grandfather and aunt.

"Yeah, Dr. Su, I have introduced you so many people, are you busy?"

Dong Xin also said to the side.

"Don't talk about it. This free clinic is held once a week."

Su Yang couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the uncle and aunt.

"You all worked hard today."

Su Yang looked at Lu Chenxi and Dong Xin. Both of them are very dedicated. Although the family conditions are good, they are not squeamish.

"Doctor Su, you have worked hard too."

Dong Xin said.

"Go back early and rest."

Su Yang said slowly.

These two people are really interesting.

If you change someone else, this is painful, tiring, and unpaid. Who wants to follow you?

"Doctor Su, which community do you live in?"

Dong Xin asked suddenly.

"Jinlin Community."

Su Yang said.

"Jinlin Community? The rent there is very expensive."

Dong Xin was a little surprised.


Su Yang said lightly.

It seems that Dr. Su is not as poor as everyone said!

Dong Xin thought in her heart.

"Let's do it today, the clinic may have a lot of operations in the future, and it will be busier then, so be prepared."

Su Yang said again.

In this independent clinic, he has a special idea.

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