Feeling happy, the uncle cooked a few more dishes, and the three of them settled lunch in the shop together.

Strangely enough, the uncle and Li Qiang, the father of the piano girl, are quite close to each other.

Just the wine that the owner didn't take away from the shop.

The two middle-aged men drank their faces and their ears were warm, and when the wine came up, both of them were counting out the romantic past in a loud voice.

When Su Yang saw the two middle-aged uncles who were still fighting for wine, he couldn't help but smile. Maybe this is also not bad!

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Yang was sitting in the consulting room, still thinking about opening a shop. Lu Chenxi didn't know what happened, so Dong Xin was the only one in the consultation room.

"Doctor Su, why didn't I see you in the cafeteria at noon?"

Dong Xin stood beside Su Yang and said.

"Oh, a friend opened a store, I'm going to accompany him to choose a store."

Su Yang was still thinking at this time, whether he should develop a few new dishes, just one braised beef is definitely not enough.

"Open a store? What store?"

Dong Xin asked curiously.

"Just an ordinary snack bar, which specializes in braised beef."

Su Yang said, this can be regarded as a publicity.

[Host, please focus on the career of becoming a super doctor, and don't spend too much energy on irrelevant things. 】

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly rang in my mind.

This is the first time the system has actively spoken out since Su Yang asked!

[Host, a new drug that has been systemically optimized before is worth tens of billions in this world, please don’t divert your energy from the doctor’s career for a little profit.]

The system said in his mind again.

【System, this is interpersonal communication, it is also very helpful for sound and strong my psychology. To become a super doctor, a strong psychological quality is also necessary, isn't it? 】

Su Yang said in his mind.

【Ding! Begin to analyze the theory of the host]

【Ding! After searching the database of this system, the system initially agrees with the behavior of the host]

【Ding! In the future rewards, the system will pay more attention to the improvement of psychological quality, please be aware of the host]

Then, the voice of the system fell silent again in Su Yang's mind.

This system, seemingly silent, is actually paying attention to him all the time.

Su Yang couldn't help thinking.

"Doctor Su, Doctor Su?"

Following Su Yang's words, Dong Xin asked him where the shop was, but Su Yang seemed to be in a daze and did not hear her voice.

"Well, you said."

Su Yang came back to his senses and answered Dong Xin.

"Doctor Su, I just want to ask, what is the name of this shop, I will advertise it to you."

Dong Xin is very concerned about Su Yang's affairs.

"I just booked the store, and it hasn't opened yet. When it opens, you call your friends and go to the store to have a show."

Su Yang said.

"Well, good."

Dong Xin answered sweetly.

At this moment, from outside the clinic room, an aunt walked in, followed by a woman who looked twenty-seven and eighty-eight, and looked very delicate.

As soon as the aunt came in, she said to Su Yang, "Doctor Su, it turns out that you really have a clinic here?"


Su Yang's face became stiff, and he didn't know how to answer these words.

He saw, isn't this the aunt who had his otoliths reset yesterday?

But why does it sound so strange? I am a doctor, and of course I have my own clinic.

Could it be possible that I was still setting up a stall on the street, saying that I was an ancestral genius doctor, and now I violated the group's training and released the secret recipe to save people?

"Doctor Su, I mean I thought you were a disciple of the kind of hermit, who came to the world to experience."

The aunt said again plausibly.

"Are you going to see a doctor? Or?"

Su Yang didn't want to take this, so he shifted the topic and asked.

This aunt will not be when she was young, so she has read a lot of martial arts novels.

Where do so many hermits come from?

"Doctor Su, my daughter is going to see a doctor."

The aunt continued, and then pulled her daughter over, pressed her into the chair and sat down.

This aunt's daughter seemed to be reluctant to come to see the doctor.

"Doctor, hello, I think I'm fine, but my mother wants me to come and see."

The woman said helplessly.

"Wenwen, you seem to be here, just see the doctor. I tell you that Dr. Su's seen it well."

The aunt said with some plea in her tone.

"All right."

The woman said helplessly to her mother.

"Doctor, I don't actually have a big problem."

The woman looked at Su Yang and said that she still had a lot of scientific research tasks to complete. This time she was forced by her mother.

"Since you are here, let's talk about your symptoms."

Su Yang said calmly, no matter what the patient is, now that he came to his consulting room and sat in front of him, it was necessary to perform the duties of a doctor.

"All right, then I'll talk about it."

The woman paused and said, "Doctor, I just have a stomachache recently and I still lose hair. Maybe it was because I stayed up late and worked overtime to do experiments. I'm still young and fine."

After the woman finished speaking, the aunt immediately took the conversation and said: "Doctor, Wenwen has lost her hair too much these days."


Is there any hair loss?

There seems to be no special connection between the two.

"Have you checked?"

Su Yang asked again.

"Doctor, the unit only organized a physical examination last week. The physical examination was quite comprehensive. I didn't say anything wrong with me."

The woman said.

It turned out that I had already undergone a physical examination, which is why I have to be willing to come to see a doctor.

"Doctor, you said Wenwen is only 28 years old, how could this hair fall so badly?"

The aunt still said worriedly.

"Apart from these two symptoms, are there any other uncomfortable places? You can think about it, and you can say anything if you think about it."

Su Yang went on to say that these two symptoms are not specific.

Many people who stay up late and work overtime for a long time and who are in a sub-healthy state will have such symptoms.


The woman thought for a while before she said, "Doctor, my face was a little numb in the last two days. Does this count?"

"What? Wenwen, why didn't you tell me?"

When the aunt heard her daughter telling her symptoms she didn't know, she complained a little bit.

"Mom, it's just a few bursts. It should have been a cool breeze during a nap."

The woman said disapprovingly.

Stomach pain, hair loss, numb face?

Rao is that Su Yang has integrated the middle-level intractable disease diagnosis and treatment package, and for a while, he can't connect these three seemingly unrelated symptoms together to come up with a possible disease.

"How long has it been since these symptoms appeared?"

Su Yang asked again.

"It's been about two weeks."

The woman said.

"Where did you do your physical examination last week?"

Su Yang asked.

"Doctor, it's the 2688 package in the physical examination center of your hospital."

The woman continued.


The physical examination items in this package have basically covered the examinations that should be done for daily diseases, and the three symptoms described by the woman.

Stomach pain-digestive system

Hair loss-trace elements

Facial numbness-nervous system

These three system checks are already included in the package.

There is no need to repeat the inspection.

Su Yang thought.

However, Su Yang faintly felt that there was something wrong.

This is an intuition.

"Basically, the physical examination package you do already covers most of the physical examination items."

Su Yang felt that there was no need for repeated inspections.

The woman nodded when she heard the words, the young doctor was very considerate of the patient.

"Doctor Su, is there anything else that hasn't been checked?"

The aunt asked again.

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