The next day.

Nine o'clock.

Lin Feng's office.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

Su Yang's tone was a little nervous.

When he was about to go to the clinic, the head nurse Lin Qing told him that the director had something to look for him.

I hope this time there will be no more hot potato.

Su Yang complained in his heart.

In the past two days, every time Lin Feng came to him, he always gave him the hot potato. Although it was his own talent, but the more times, he still felt a little concerned.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing this time."

Seeing Su Yang's nervous look, Lin Feng's Wannian Glacier's face also showed a smile.

"It's Mr. Wei, Xiao Su, you reported to Mr. Wei's postgraduate. Although it is mainly in clinical practice. But you still have to go to school. However, your clinical task is heavy. I told Mr. Wei that you have two a week. Just go to school in the future."

Lin Feng said gently.

"However, at your level, Xiao Su, it is not necessary to go to class. Wei Lao wants you to be a teaching assistant to assist in daily teaching."

Lin Feng paused, then said again.

"Well, I know the director."

Su Yang nodded.

Unexpectedly, I have only been out of school for more than a year, and now I am going back to school.

In fact, Su Yang prefers to live in school, which is simpler.

"Director, what about the clinic?"

Su Yang asked again.

"I have discussed with the dean about the clinic. The doctors in the undergraduate room should take turns to be on duty, so you don't have to worry about this."

In fact, this is the proposal of the dean. As far as Lin Feng is concerned, although he is a cold face for Wannian, he is actually the person most considered by his subordinates. But in the dean's opinion, since Su Yang has gone down, other doctors will also go.

However, when other doctors are on duty, there is no independent accounting of income.

To some extent, it can be regarded as a kind of apportionment.

Lin Feng looks stern, but only for work. In life, he is actually a soft hearted person.

"You can report to Lao Wei later, Xiao Su, with Lao Wei, watch and learn more, you will definitely make progress."

Lin Feng urged Su Yang to say.

"I will, Director."

Su Yang nodded. Although the system's capabilities are beyond imagination, this is only for professional knowledge and skills. In real life, how to deal with all aspects of the relationship requires Su Yang to continue to learn.

And Wei Lao is not only respected and respected, but also has his own unique set of philosophy in dealing with things.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Wei old office.

Su Yang sat on the sofa and looked around at Wei Lao's office. The whole office looked very concise. Except for some documents, there was almost no extra decoration.

However, this is also Wei Lao's style. Wei Lao is a pragmatist and doesn't pay much attention to formal things.

He himself is even more indifferent to fame and fortune. Apart from anything else, the medical patents he holds are worth hundreds of millions, but he used all the money, either as a scientific research fund, or subsidizing the living expenses and tuition fees of college students. .

When Su Yang entered, Mr. Wei was sitting behind his desk, wearing reading glasses, and reading a copy of medical literature.

Seeing Mr. Wei at work, Su Yang couldn't bother him. He walked in gently, sat on the sofa, and waited for Mr. Wei.

After a while.

After reading the literature, Mr. Wei took off his reading glasses and walked over.

"Old Wei."

Su Yang stood up and said respectfully.

"Sit, don't be cautious. Also, since I am a graduate student, I will be called a teacher in the future. Mr. Wei is called by an outsider."

Wei Lao said kindly.

"Okay, teacher."

Su Yang complied with kindness, nodded and sat down.

"Xiao Su, I already have some understanding of your clinical work. Although you are very talented in the clinic, I think the most important thing in your body is the talent of thinking. This talent can also be applied to In scientific research."

After a pause, Wei Lao said: "The research I am presiding over is the sequencing of the human genome. I am afraid that you will be able to participate in it for a while and you will not be able to participate. In this way, you can choose a project you are interested in and conduct research in advance. Just consider it a trial. No matter whether you can produce results, when you gradually become familiar with scientific research, I will let you join the project I am presiding."

Wei Lao can be said to be very considerate. He fully considered that Su Yang, as a young man, might be very aggressive and bent on big projects.

However, although the human genome sequencing he is currently presiding over is only part of the Asian region, it is also extremely important. Without certain qualifications, it is not possible to participate.

Therefore, he wanted Su Yang to do a little research first, and he gave some guidance. After the results were obtained, he could transfer Su Yang into the project team. This is also considered a good intention.


Su Yang didn't expect that Wei Lao would let him study a project by himself. This should at least require a doctoral degree or above to get the treatment.

"Yes, although generally speaking, at least doctors have this level, but I think Xiao Su, you have this level, think about it, what are you more interested in."

Wei Lao treated Su Yang just like his nephews. To a certain extent, they are both teachers and students, and they are also a relationship of year-end friendship.

"Teacher, I have learned about some research on promoting the recovery of nerve cells before."

Su Yang suddenly remembered that he still had a formula for promoting nerve cell recovery.

Now I take advantage of this opportunity to come up with this formula in an open and honest manner.

"Promote the recovery of nerve cells? That is a worldwide problem. In terms of practical application, it exceeds the project I am currently presiding. Xiao Su, are you a bit too far-sighted?"

Wei Lao said with some exhortation.

"Teacher, I want to do the best. Besides, I already have some ideas."

Su Yang answered with confidence.

"All right, young man, it's good to try more. You go to the fund management office to start the project in the afternoon, and I have already said hello."

Wei Laoxu was infected by Su Yang's vigor that he was not afraid of tigers. He didn't say much about Su Yang's choice.

Perhaps Wei Lao thought that after Su Yang hit a wall, he realized that scientific research is not that simple.

"Thank you, teacher."

Su Yang nodded and thanked him.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Scientific Research Fund Management Office of Shangqing University.

He did not go back at noon, but had a meal in the cafeteria, which was a relived the feeling of going to college.

But speaking of it, he did not leave the campus for a long time.

Su Yang looked at the form in his hand that had been approved at the speed of light, with a strange expression on his face.

"Classmate, what's the matter? The amount is wrong?"

The middle-aged uncle clerk looked at Su Yang with a weird look, and thought it was the wrong amount! "That's right, Wei Lao personally approved it, there is nothing wrong, it is three million."

The middle-aged uncle clerk looked at the computer again and muttered to himself.

this. . .

Su Yang looked at the big red characters on the approval form.

The research fund is three million yuan!

Is this a little bit what the teacher said?

Sure enough, a little bit in the eyes of the boss, in the eyes of others, is already a huge sum of money.

"Classmates, here you can borrow the laboratory of the Department of Biology, but you have to find at least three people to start the project."

The clerk looked at Su Yang, what is this sacred, the scientific research fund was approved first, and then someone was hired to set up the project.

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