One o'clock noon.

Inpatient department.

Lu Chenxi finished the morning outpatient clinic, ate lunch, and was writing medical records in the office. Suddenly Dong Xin walked in and said, "Doctor Lu, the patient who was admitted in the morning, the fever has not gone down yet. The head nurse wants you to see it. ."

"Have the fever gone?"

Lu Chenxi, who was sitting and writing medical records, asked with some doubts.

The uncle admitted in the morning had some fever due to acute intestinal infection. When he was admitted to the hospital, his body temperature was 39°C. However, after using antibiotics and antipyretic analgesics, there was no reason why his body temperature would not drop.

"What's your body temperature now?"

Lu Chenxi asked Dong Xin.

"Doctor Su, the body temperature is now 39.5°C."

Dong Xin looked at the temperature test sheet in his hand and said.

"39.5°C? Not only did it not decrease, but it also increased that."

Lu Chenxi continued.

"Yes, Dr. Lu, we also did physical cooling for this patient, and antibiotics were also used, but it seemed to have no effect at all."

Dong Xin said.

"No, this is already a second antibiotic."

Lu Chenxi was even more puzzled. After the uncle was treated in the morning, the uncle has been feverish. Lu Chenxi thought it was a drug-resistant problem, so he changed another antibiotic. Unexpectedly, this would have no effect.

"Doctor Lu, should I ask Dr. Su? He should be in Uncle's shop."

Dong Xin saw that Lu Chenxi seemed a little unsure about the patient, so he asked.

"Forget it, give him another antibiotic and do an antibiotic drug sensitivity test."

Lu Chenxi thought for a while, this kind of common disease can't be dealt with by himself, and if he still needs to find Su Yang, it also seems that the doctor in charge is too watery.

"Well, I see, Doctor Lu."

Dong Xin nodded. Sometimes it is normal for some patients to be infected with bacteria that are not sensitive to one or two antibiotics.

"Forget it, I'll go take a look with you."

Lu Chenxi stood up, somehow, she still felt that this uncle who had changed antibiotics twice did not work, was a bit different.


Dong Xin nodded.

After a while, Lu Chenxi and Dong Xin came to the ward.

As soon as I came in, I saw the uncle lying on the hospital bed and looked at his expression. Now the abdominal pain is relieved. It seems that the painkillers are still working, but the body temperature still can't drop.

"Doctor, can this be changed to another medicine? I still feel very hot."

Seeing Lu Chenxi coming in, the uncle said weakly.

"You have changed to the second one, wait and see the effect."

Lu Chenxi looked at the uncle who was still feverish lying on the hospital bed, and felt something was wrong inexplicably, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

"Doctor, where is Dr. Su who saw me just now? Would you like him to come and see?"

The uncle moved in from the morning until now, and Lu Chenxi has been dealing with it all the time, but now he still feels that he is feverish.

He desperately wants to get better soon, and then continue to work.

"Now that you have changed a medicine, Dr. Su will come to round the ward this afternoon."

Lu Chenxi said slowly.

"Hey, isn't this a delay? I have to leave the hospital to run the order soon!"

The uncle said with a sigh.

When Lu Chenxi heard the uncle's complaint, she didn't say anything. Su Yang explained in the morning that in a job like the uncle, the hand stops and the mouth stops.

This is hospitalized, not only can’t earn the money that should be earned, but also have to pay a share of the money to see a doctor, which is equivalent to losing two money, so under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to come to the hospital. There is a Small illnesses and small calamities are all tolerable.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

After Su Yang had lunch in the uncle's shop, he helped in the shop for a while before returning to the department.

The outpatient service in the afternoon started at 2:30, but Su Yang was used to coming back earlier.

I have to say that the recent business of the uncle’s shop is indeed very good.

As soon as he entered the office, Su Yang saw Lu Chenxi sitting in front of the computer, but did nothing, as if in a daze.

"How about the patient admitted in the morning?"

Su Yang walked to Lu Chenxi's side and asked.

"You mean that uncle?"

Lu Chenxi said.


Su Yang nodded.

"Don't mention it, I have changed to the second antibiotic, but there is still no fever."

Lu Chenxi was a little worried. Just now Dong Xin reported his uncle's body temperature, which was 39.6°C. Not only did it not cool down, but the body temperature also rose.

"Have the fever gone?"

Su Yang asked with some confusion. In his opinion, the uncle admitted in the morning was just an acute intestinal infection. If an antibiotic does not take effect, changing to another antibiotic should take effect and reduce the fever soon.

"Well, I have already used the second antibiotic. I used a narrow general antibiotic before. Now I am suffering from the third-generation cephalosporin, and it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It should be effective."

Lu Chenxi thought that in dealing with this patient, everything was handled in accordance with the standard procedures in the textbook. First, he made a prediction of his condition, and then used related drugs, but there was no effect at all, which was very strange.

"Have you done a drug sensitivity test? What are the results?"

Su Yang thought for a while, then asked.

"The list was already opened at noon, and the result should be available now."

Lu Chenxi said.

"Well, you go to the laboratory to remind them to get the results out as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling."

Two consecutive antibiotics were ineffective, and Su Yang suddenly had a very ominous hunch. From a logical point of view, he hoped that the uncle would get better as soon as possible, and then he could continue his work after he was discharged from the hospital.

But if the situation is really what he thinks, then this uncle's wish may be in vain.

"Well, I will go now."

Lu Chenxi nodded and hurried out from the office to get the results of the examination in the laboratory.

Su Yang was sitting in the office, still thinking about what would happen to that uncle, when Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly came over.

"The operation you performed at the thoracic surgery was very good."

As soon as Jiang Xiaoqi walked over, she stood beside Su Yang and said lightly.

"It's just a daily operation. Why, do you care about this too?"

Su Yang slowly said, I don't know when, his relationship with Jiang Xiaoqi seems to have entered a very strange state.

It is a colleague who is closer than a colleague, but when it is a friend, it has not yet reached the status of a friend.

"You know the new doctor, Zhuang Shu, when I was abroad, he was in the same school. Among the younger generation of doctors studying abroad, he should be regarded as the best."

Jiang Xiaoqi said slowly.

"so what?"

Su Yang didn't know, so he didn't know what Jiang Xiaoqi wanted to express.

"I met him yesterday, and he told me that you are a very good doctor. He also suggested to the hospital leaders that you should be transferred to thoracic surgery, but it seemed that the director refused."

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Su Yang and said slowly, she didn't expect that someone as arrogant as Zhuang Shu could admit someone so quickly.

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