Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 215 Super Resistant Bacteria

"According to the results of the inspection in the afternoon, we can now confirm that you are infected with a super drug-resistant bacteria, which is resistant to almost all the antibiotics currently on the market."

Su Yang said heavily.


The uncle looked surprised. After a brief surprise, he asked eagerly:

"Doctor Su, what kind of super bacteria are you talking about? Where did I get the infection? Can this be cured?"

"The reason you are infected with super bacteria is because you have taken a large number of different kinds of antibiotics for a long time, so that the normal flora in your body has become resistant to antibiotics, so this super bacteria will eventually be born in your body."

After a pause, Su Yang said: "Currently, there is no very effective treatment for this superbug. If all the antibiotics have no effect at all, then your intestinal tract will completely lose its function in the next step. At that time we can only create a fistula for you."

"Fistula? Dr. Su, what is this fistula?"

The uncle asked very suspiciously.

"Simply put, it is because the intestinal tract has been infected with super bacteria, and it has completely lost its function. Therefore, you have to make an opening in your abdomen and connect the tube to replace the excretory function of the intestine."

Su Yang said briefly.


The uncle said in shock.

If this person really becomes like that, all the things that eat and drink Lazard discharge rely on a small tube in the stomach, then can this person be called a human?

"Cooperate with the treatment well, and we will try our best to give you all the antibiotics to see if there is one that can have an effect on the super bacteria in your body."

Su Yang said slowly.

In fact, there are only five or six kinds of antibiotics that ordinary people can buy in pharmacies. According to this uncle, he has always been taking five or six kinds of antibiotics in combination.

So, in fact, the superbug formed in his body has almost become resistant to all antibiotics on the market.

The antibiotics used for infusion in the hospital and the oral antibiotics bought in pharmacies are essentially the same, except that there are the latest generation of antibiotics in the hospital.

But even for the latest generation of antibiotics, the principle and essence of action are actually the same, but the ability to inactivate bacteria is strengthened on the original basis.

"Dr. Su, can I be discharged tomorrow? Can I go to work during the day and have an infusion treatment at night? I feel that my stomach doesn't hurt anymore except for a little fever. I can hold on."

The uncle said something unexpected for both Su Yang and Lu Chenxi. Just now Su Yang has emphasized how serious the consequences are after being infected with this superbug, but the uncle is still thinking about leaving the hospital to earn money. .

But the uncle has nothing to do. He alone can make money in the whole family. If he doesn't work and doesn't take orders, then what will the rest of the family eat and drink?

"This super bacteria is very serious. If you cannot effectively control the infection in your current situation, systemic septic shock will soon appear, which will be life-threatening at that time. Do you understand? What about you? So irresponsible to yourself?"

Lu Chenxi couldn't stand it anymore. There was something more important than her own life. She couldn't understand the uncle who didn't care about her current condition.

"You should call your family members as soon as possible and ask them to come and take care of you. If the infection cannot be controlled tomorrow, then maybe you can't be hospitalized alone."

Su Yang slowly said that he has no intention of expressing any opinions about the uncle’s practices and thoughts. Everyone has his own way of living, and there are also things that everyone thinks he needs to bear. He can only do it within the scope of his duties. To the best.


The uncle sighed for a long time, and this sigh contained helplessness.

Out of the ward, Su Yang stopped Lu Chenxi suddenly.

"What's wrong, Great God Su?"

Lu Chenxi asked with some confusion.

"What kind of choices the patients make themselves and whether they are responsible for themselves is a matter for the patients. As doctors, we only need to do our best within our responsibilities. Do you understand what I say?"

In the situation just now, Lu Chenxi didn't understand this uncle's thoughts at all. Why didn't the uncle know that his condition was serious?

He has been sick for more than a month, with such fever and abdominal pain every day, how could he not know?

In fact, he knew that he was very sick, but why did he still go to work when he became so serious?

That must be his last resort, so under this circumstance, what Lu Chenxing said would put a huge psychological pressure on the uncle.


Lu Chenxi was still a little unconvinced in her heart.

"You are already an attending doctor. It stands to reason that you have been in the clinic longer than me. But why can't you understand even the most basic things? Doesn't he know that he is very sick? The reason why he knows that he is very ill and still has to go to work, there must be a reason why he has to go to work. At this time, we can only choose to respect him."

Su Yang said earnestly.

"I know, I will pay attention."

Lu Chenxi said dullly.

"For more, I don't need to talk to you. I believe you understand. When we are doctors, we not only treat the patient's body as an isolated part for treatment, but in many cases we also need to consider the patient's psychological condition. "

Although Su Yang is younger than Lu Chenxi and has shorter working hours than him, in many respects, he sees a lot more thoroughly than Lu Chenxi. That's why Lu Chenxi has come to follow Su Yang instead. The reason for learning.

Then Su Yang didn't say anything. He and Lu Chenxi went back to the office together, but Lu Chenxi was a little sulky. Now that the office puts down the medical records, people don't know where to go.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaoqi saw Lu Chenxi go away a little angrily, so he asked Su Yang.

"It's nothing, it's just that when facing the patient, she took many things for granted. I said a few words about her, maybe she feels a little uncomfortable in her heart."

Su Yang said helplessly.

"Doctor Lu grew up in a different environment from ours, so it is inevitable that this happens many times. There are so many things in this society that she can hardly understand from the environment in which she has lived since she was a child."

Jiang Xiaoqi smiled and said, seeing Su Yang's old-fashioned look, he felt a little funny. It was obvious that Su Yang was a few years younger than Lu Chenxi, but now he feels that Lu Chenxi is younger than Su Yang.

"I hope she can grow up."

Although it was a bit of a headache, he actually knew that he was relatively naive in many aspects, but he did not expect that Lu Chenxi was even more naive than him in many aspects, which made him wonder what to do. .

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