The next day.

Su Yang opened his eyes from the bed at home.

[Host, whether to sign in, according to the current progress of the host, if you sign in again, it will greatly slow the progress of the host to become the world's only super doctor. 】

As soon as Su Yang woke up, the words of the system rang in his mind.

Only then did he remember that he hadn't signed in for a long time.

[Check in]

Su Yang said in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, sign in successfully, get gene regulation (primary)]

Gene regulation?


This sounds like something extraordinary.

This is the gene, everything in the human body is grown by genetic manipulation.

[Can you tell me more specifically? 】

Su Yang asked again in his mind.

[The gene regulation obtained by the host is elementary, but it can already cure some terminal illnesses in the world caused by gene defects or abnormal expression through partial regulation of gene expression, or regulate growth genes, which can damage human limbs or organs. , Re-growth. 】

Systematic, as always, concise and concise.

But the amount of information contained in it is huge.

If nothing else, just say cancer. In fact, because of the infinite growth of normal cells, they have become cancer cells that everyone talks about.

The reason why normal cells increase indefinitely and lose their normal growth and decay process is because of recessive cancer genes and various external environmental stimuli.

Such as pesticides, organic solvents, heavy metals and other chemicals, or excessive exposure to various rays, or taking certain drugs, or being infected with certain germs, causing abnormal gene expression.

However, the current treatment of cancer is nothing more than chemical drugs or radiation, which kills the cancerous cells regardless of whether they are foe or us.

Although the cancer cells are eliminated in this way, normal cells are also damaged.

The skill Su Yang has acquired can target a certain abnormally expressed gene, through physical or chemical means, to reverse the abnormal expression, thereby directly curing cancer.

Su Yang was a little afraid to think about the amount of information contained in it.

The previous drug retrograde is already in hand with the Heavenly Sword, and now there is another gene regulation, that is, the Dragon Slaying Sword. The dragon to be slaughtered is the cancer that everyone talks about!

The most important thing is the rebirth of residual limbs and organs.

For those rich and powerful on the verge of death, it will be a means at all costs.

[System, then what effect can intermediate and advanced, or even ultimate gene regulation, achieve? 】

Su Yang asked again in his mind.

[Host, please don't be too far-fetched. Intermediate gene regulation can already recreate everything a human has from the inside out. As for advanced and ultimate, it already involves part of the process of upgrading. Please master the current skills first. 】

After saying this, the voice of the system fell silent in Su Yang's mind.

Su Yang is full of confidence at this moment, and he has succeeded in slaying the dragon. Is it still far to dominate the rivers and lakes?

Soon, after getting up and washing briefly, and having breakfast, Su Yang came to the hospital.

When Su Yang arrived at the office, Lu Chenxi had already arrived.

"The patient in bed 13 has gone fever."

Lu Chenxi took the medical record and walked to Su Yang and said.

Bed 13 is the takeaway uncle who is infected with super bacteria.

After cleaning up the intestinal flora and transplanting the normal flora last night, the normal flora in the uncle's intestines has begun to return to normal functions after one night of fermentation.

"Well, it seems that the transplanted normal flora is beginning to work."

Su Yang nodded.

When the transplanted flora takes effect, it means that the uncle's improvement is only a matter of time.

"Why I came early in the morning, this patient got better, Su Dashen, why didn't you call me for the operation last night."

Lu Chenxi said bitterly.

"Director Jiang was on duty last night, and she did the operation."

Su Yang looked at Lu Chenxi and said.

"Director Jiang? That's all right."

As soon as he heard that Jiang Xiaoqi had performed the operation, Lu Chenxi muffled her voice.

In the general surgery, except for Su Yang, which doctor dared to speak loudly to Jiang Xiaoqi.

Following Jiang Xiaoqi's doctor, if there is something wrong with it, the cynicism is like pouring a pot of cold water on your head in the winter, which can make you doubt your life and give up your medical career!

"Go to the ward and have a look."

Su Yang said to Lu Chenxi again.


Lu Chenxi nodded. She came to the department early in the morning and found that the takeaway uncle had already undergone an operation last night and his condition had improved a lot. For a while, she was a little confused.

Soon, Su Yang and Lu Chenxi came to the ward.

At this time, the uncle was already fully awake, and the fever had gone away. His wife and daughter were also sitting on the side of the hospital bed with joy.

"Doctor Su, you are here."

The uncle saw Su Yang coming in and said happily.

"Doctor, have an apple."

The uncle's wife enthusiastically took an apple and gave it to Su Yang to eat.

"How are you feeling today?"

Su Yang pushed Apple away and said to the uncle.

"Doctor Su, I feel much better today, the fever has gone away, and I am sober."

The uncle is very interested. At the moment, he is in a good mood and feels a little grateful. If he really had the operation, he would become a waste person now. What should he do with his wife and children in the future?

"Don't be so tired in the future. Also, if you feel uncomfortable, you must take the medicine as prescribed by your doctor when you come to the hospital. Don't take medicine casually."

Su Yang exhorted.

"En, en, Dr. Su, I know."

The uncle nodded quickly, this time he also learned a lesson, and he would not dare to take medicine indiscriminately in the future.

"Doctor Su, I have something else, I wonder if I can ask you?"

The uncle said with a little embarrassment.

"go ahead."

Su Yang nodded.

"Dr. Su, isn't it the college entrance examination? She has to apply for the medical school. We don't have any relatives of a doctor. We don't know what school or major we should apply for."

The uncle looked at the very quiet daughter who was sitting next to the hospital bed, and said slowly.

"Are you going to the medical school?"

Before Su Yang spoke, Lu Chenxi asked curiously.

"Well, my ideal is to be a doctor."

The uncle's daughter, Zhu Yan, nodded and said.

"If you really want to be a doctor, you can take the entrance exam to the school where Dr. Su and I belong, which is the Fuda Medical School, but it depends on your academic performance. The admission score of Fuda Medical School is very high."

It is rare for Lu Chenxi to see a girl willing to be a doctor, and she was very happy to introduce Zhu Yan.

"She has good grades. She has always been the number one in the grade."

The uncle said quickly.

First grade?

Lu Chenxi looked at the girl in surprise.

She is wearing a school uniform with the words "Yi Zhong" printed on it.

Among them, it is almost the best high school in the city.

If you can take the first grade exam, you can go to almost all universities in China.

Still a master of learning!

"Come on, look forward to your coming here to work in the future."

Su Yang smiled and said.

Others also had smiles on their faces, and the whole ward suddenly became warm at this moment.

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