Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 246: Finding a Helper for Uncle

Soon, Wang Mengmeng was ready for the dressing room.

Su Yang stood up, looked at Lu Chenxi and Rosa, and suddenly said to Rosa: "Come and give me a shot, I think your hands are steady."

"Okay, senior."

Rosa stood up and said happily.

Su Yang said that she had a steady hand. She thought it was a compliment, and she was quite happy.

However, being able to stab her boyfriend seven times without changing her face can be seen by an individual. Her hand must be steady, not only steady, but also steady and ruthless!

Lu Chenxi was a little unhappy standing aside, she used to cooperate with Su Yang. As soon as Rosa came, she was on her turn.

The status of this arena seems to be a sign of insecurity, no, I have to think of something!

Lu Chenxi couldn't help but think.

Seeing that the dressing room was ready, Su Yang took his uncle and Rosa followed him to the dressing room.

After entering the dressing room, Su Yang closed the door.

The vagrant uncle is still a bit cautious.

"It's fine."

Su Yang said gently.

"Doctor, thank you."

The vagrant uncle was a little choked. These days, he has fallen into looting with wild dogs, and now someone can finally treat him as a normal person.

He has mixed flavors in his heart, why doesn't he want to make a career, and then return home?

But the reality is too cruel. For him, hard work and labor are not a problem, but he really can't see through the ghosts.

Su Yang sighed and helped his uncle to lie on the dressing bed.

Soon, changing gloves, spreading towels, these operations, Rosa did very simply and neatly.

Su Yang couldn't help but glanced at her high, and sure enough, her foundation was very solid.

This is an internship. The proficiency of this operation is already comparable to that of many residents.

When Su Yang was slowly unraveling the black gauze with his gloves on, he was still shocked by the sight in front of him.

He saw the blackened flesh turned out, and the pus was constantly flowing down his calf. Even through the mask, he could smell the stench.

Such a scene, if it is the first interns who hit hands, some people will not be able to bear it.

Su Yang couldn't help but raised her head and glanced at Rosa. She looked calm, but frowned. Other than that, there was no sign of expression.

"You come to deal with it, and pay attention to avoiding blood vessels and nerves when cleaning the carrion."

Seeing Rosa's composure, Su Yang decided to give her the task of cleaning up the wounds.


Rosa nodded confidently. In medical school, she learned regional anatomy the best.

This level of debridement is not a problem for her.

Rosa quickly picked up the needle tube full of anesthetic, flicked it, pushed out a little bit of air in the needle tube, and then aligned, slowly piercing the muscle at a 45° inclination angle.

Yes, the action is very standard.

Su Yang looked at Rosa's movements and nodded.

With the injection of the anesthetic, the uncle's expression of gritting his teeth to endure also relaxes.

"You don't think this is not anesthetized."

Seeing the uncle ready to grit his teeth from the beginning, Su Yang couldn't help asking.

"Doctor, anesthetics must be money, I have no money."

The uncle smiled reluctantly and said.

"Close your eyes and rest for a while, it will be over soon."

Su Yang didn't know what to say, so he had to comfort him.

Rosa's movements were swift, but as the carrion was slowly cleared out, there were more defects than she had imagined.

"Senior, what should I do next, this can't be stitched up at all, right?"

Rosa looked at the skin that had been damaged a lot and asked.

"He has very strong immunity, let's make a flap, and you can cooperate with me."

Su Yang took a look and decided to remove a flap from the uncle's thigh and suture it on the calf.


Rosa was shocked for a while.

this. .

This is too simple to deal with, so we need to remove the flap.

If you change another doctor, you must fully study the surgical plan and determine the safest one before proceeding.

However, this is really a very simple operation for Su Yang.

Even if he doesn't use the system, he can easily do such an operation.

Without him, only hands are familiar.

Forty minutes later.

It took only forty minutes to see Su Yang taking the flaps, aligning them, and suturing them.

Rosa's face is a bit complicated, this speed is too fast.

Moreover, not only is it fast, but the accuracy of its movements is unparalleled.

Looking at the stitched skin flap, if it is not said that this is a transplanted skin flap, Rosa is sure that ordinary people will definitely not be able to see it, and will think that this is the skin that originally grew here.

Rosa's home runs a beauty hospital, and she is considered well-informed. She is sure that Su Yang's flap transplantation and suture technology is worth tens of thousands of times in the field of beauty.

For those women who love beauty, it is normal to spend tens of thousands of dollars for surgery.

That's the right person!

Rosa couldn't help thinking.

"Wrap it up."

After sewing the last stitch, Su Yang couldn't help reminding her when she saw Rosa was in a daze.


After hearing Su Yang's words, Rosa came back to her senses.

It turns out that there is such a perfect art-like stitching, which is really eye-opening.

Rosa thought to herself now.

"Your wound has been treated, but you need to infuse fluids for a week to prevent re-infection. Do you have any relatives or friends? I will help you contact."

Su Yang finished stitching, took off his gloves, and said to the wandering uncle.

"Doctor, I... I don't know anyone here..."

The uncle said hesitantly.

"It's better to send it to the containment station."

Rosa suggested while dressing up.

"Doctor, I'm fine, I won't go to the shelter."

The uncle heard Rosa said to send him to the containment station, and suddenly sat up.

In his opinion, to go to the asylum, doesn't that mean that he is a beggar?

He is not a beggar!

"It's okay, don't go to the shelter."

Su Yang held onto the uncle and said gently.

After thinking about it, Su Yang said to the uncle again: "I have a friend who opened a restaurant. There is a utility room in the restaurant with a small bed. If you don’t dislike it, you can go there and wait until you are well. Recovery. Don't worry about the infusion, just come to my clinic every day."

Seeing the appearance of the uncle, Su Yang felt that he was not the kind of lazy or bad-hearted person, and instinctively told him that the uncle was just out of luck.

Maybe his small move can change a person.

Su Yang couldn't help thinking.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

The uncle said repeatedly, with surprise in his tone.

Unexpectedly, someone could not help but treat him, and still take him in. This is a good person!

The uncle didn't make any excuses. He had lived like a homeless life.

He secretly made up his mind that as long as he went to the restaurant that the young and kind-hearted doctor said, he would definitely take care of all his work.

"Okay, let's go back with us later, when I get off work, I'll take you there."

Su Yang nodded.

The uncle’s shop is very good now, but he can’t always use his old brother to help.

Su Yang felt that this uncle who accidentally ran into him was a good candidate.

Looking at the honest and honest, and good physical fitness, the uncle will definitely like such employees very much.

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