After the ceremony, Su Yang and his party came to the small meeting room of the school. Here, the committee of the Medical University will discuss with Su Yang, and then Su Yang's specific work in the university.

"Professor Su, your speech in front of your classmates just now is very good. Hope and freedom, these two, are indeed the most precious things."

The principal said with a smile.

Scientific achievements do not look at seniority, but Su Yang's current achievements, not to mention professors, even academicians can achieve nothing more than that.

Therefore, the principal must also maintain sufficient respect for Su Yang. In public, he must be called Professor Su.

"What I just said is just what I think in my heart."

Su Yang said calmly.

"In fact, this kind of value orientation is also very good."

Zhang Bu looked at Su Yang admiringly, and said slowly.

"The times have changed. Now, it is no longer possible to pass the same set of requirements for young people today. Of course, it is not advisable to blindly chase fame and fortune. But through your own efforts, you can live a better life. There is nothing wrong with it."

Zhang Bu said with a sigh.

"Yes, now the conditions are good, most young people have not suffered much. How to guide is indeed a question worth pondering."

Wei Lao also said slowly from the side that he and Zhang Bu are both very open-minded people, so there is a little bit of unreasonable speech to Su Yang, which is very tolerant.

Especially those two sentences that Su Yang said, in fact, what they said in public is a bit inappropriate.

Su Yang himself is an orphan, and now he has made such an achievement. In fact, his speech can become very inspirational, but Su Yang did not say that.

"Do you have any specific ideas about research in the future?"

Wei Lao looked at Su Yang and asked slowly.

"Yeah, Xiaosu, your talent in scientific research is so high. If there are any projects of interest, we will fully support you."

Zhang Bu also said solemnly.

Su Yang’s previous laboratory can only be said to be a small laboratory with basic equipment, but under such conditions, Su Yang has developed the "Slimes" nerve recovery factor.

If he can be given better research conditions and equipped with more professional researchers, can he have greater achievements?

"Professor Su, you can rest assured that the school will fully support you in terms of personnel."

The principal followed.

In fact, Su Yang is so famous, and the school has followed suit.

Among other things, in the field of research related to nerve recovery, the school has suddenly become the most cutting-edge in the world.

Think about it, in the future, the world's top conferences in the field of nerve recovery, then Su Yang will inevitably be unavoidable.

If Su Yang can get one or two international conferences to be held in the school, it will be too great for the improvement of all aspects of the school!

Thinking of this, the principal secretly made up his mind to grasp a genius like Su Yang.

"Teacher, for the next research project, I want to engage in proton heavy ion therapy."

Su Yang thought for a while. In terms of new drug development, there is no need for such a wide range of nerve recovery factors.

It is estimated that it will take several years to develop the full potential and effects of this medicine.

Centering on this nerve recovery factor, a series of new therapies will surely be established, none of which can be achieved overnight.

Besides, a good luck can come up with such a new drug, but the development of a new drug is not a theoretical study.

There are breakthroughs in theoretical research, which can be done one by one, but medicines can’t.

This is the essential difference.

Thinking of the internet celebrity who had a malignant brain tumor yesterday, Su Yang suddenly thought that although Su Yang is still unable to treat cancer through gene regulation, if he has a sophisticated proton and heavy ion therapy device, it can kill cancer cells while at the same time. Minimize damage to normal cells.

So for the current cancer treatment, maybe it will have a very positive meaning.

"Xiaosu, this proton-heavy ion therapy is the most cutting-edge treatment in the world. It involves physics, machinery and biology. Are you sure?"

Wei Lao said solemnly.

Although this proton-heavy ion therapy instrument is a "weapon" for cancer treatment and has a broad prospect, its cost is very high. It is necessary to manufacture one from scratch, and its basic cost is at least one billion yuan. Not to mention the follow-up costs of modification and experimentation.

"Now the price of proton and heavy ion treatment is similar in the world, and the average cost is about 300,000. This price is too high for the majority of cancer patients. Therefore, I want to find out that the cost and cost are lower. Proton-heavy ion therapy instrument, and then reduce the cost of treatment, so as to benefit more patients."

Su Yang said very methodically, this was not his whim.

Regarding the miniaturization of proton-heavy ions, he actually completed Leng Feng's gene therapy.

Next, just take out this result.

Besides, proton-heavy ion treatment of cancer, many countries are conducting research in this area, as long as he grasps the measure, he will not be completely miniaturized at once.

As long as Su Yang puts out a part of the technology and produces a proton therapy instrument that is more advanced than the current international one, the cost of treatment can be reduced by a large margin.

"Since Professor Su is sure, then the official will support it. Then, with the nerve recovery research center, a proton heavy ion therapy center can be built together, and the related projects will be handed over to President Zheng."

The Department of Zhang thought about it and felt that the project Su Yang said was feasible.

Even if Su Yang can't bring forth the new, what top results can be researched.

As long as the effect of this proton therapy can reach the international level, it is also an achievement worth mentioning.

For geniuses, special methods are needed, and they should not be too conservative.

"Zhang Bu, rest assured, the school will strongly support Professor Su's research."

The principal said solemnly.

If both the proton therapy center and the nerve recovery center are completed, the school will become the largest and most cutting-edge medical treatment center in the country.

The radiation effect brought by this center should not be underestimated!

"Thank you Zhang Bu, the teacher and the principal for the treatment."

Su Yang said humbly.

Once these two treatment centers are completed, dawn will appear for most patients with neurological diseases and cancer!

"Xiaosu, I still have an expectation of you. I hope that this place will become a worldwide medical center. This is also what everyone expects of you."

Zhang Bu instructed.

In the world like this, people like Su Yang are so rare.

Sometimes, a discipline or a great cause needs a leader.

This point has been witnessed in countless history.

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