Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 33 The Little Boy Who Was Choked

Originally, Su Yang wanted to go out of the villa area, but the current situation is better to stay here. After all, security is much better than the old one where he lives.

Go for a run, there is nothing else you can do anyway.

Usually when he is free, Su Yang is basically reading books, but today he is a little confused, and he can't enter books, and he is not very interested in watching TV and movies.

I have to say that the air inside is good, and Su Yang ran for a while and felt refreshed.

When he ran to a place, Su Yang suddenly stopped.

On the side of the small road, a boy who looked five or six years old was playing with a few other friends, and it seemed that a few little guys were playing.

From time to time, they took out a peanut from a small paper bag in their hands, then threw it into the air, and opened their mouths to pick up the peanuts that fell from the air. Moreover, whoever picks it up quickly and more often, other children will send it out. cheer.

Seeing this dangerous behavior in front of him, Su Yang stopped and walked to the little boys and said cordially: "Children, you can't pick peanuts with your mouth like this, it's very dangerous."

"Who are you?"

A little boy in white sportswear at the head asked, he seems to be the oldest, about five or six years old.

"Mom said you can't talk to strangers."

Another little boy wearing blue denim overalls said gruffly.

"My brother is not a stranger. My brother is a doctor. It's easy to choke on peanuts like this."

Su Yang squatted down and said in a persuasive manner.

Su Yang was about to continue to popularize science to explain the danger of this behavior, and suddenly a stern voice came from behind him.

"Who are you and why are you close to us Pengpeng?"

Su Yang turned his head, and a young woman stood behind him, her face full of tension.

"You are the child's mother, I just passed by. Seeing the peanuts thrown into the air by the children like this, it is easy to choke, so come to dissuade it."

Su Yang stood up and said gently.

"You also belong to this community?"

The young woman asked suspiciously that there were dozens of villas in this community, and she had basically seen the residents in it. She had never seen this young man in front of her, so she couldn't help but take precautions.

"I'm not in this community, I just live in a friend's house."

Seeing the guard on the young woman's face, Su Yang felt dumbfounded. These rich people are too guarded.

"Loan? How many buildings do you live in?"

The young woman asked suspiciously.

"Six buildings."

If it hadn't been for trying to persuade the children not to engage in such dangerous behaviors, Su Yang would not stand here and be questioned.

"President Liu's family? Who are you from her?"

The young woman continued to interrogate, very vigilant.

"I just saw the way your child eats peanuts, it is very easy to choke his throat, so I came to remind, now that you have reminded, and you know, then I will leave."

After speaking, Su Yang left without looking back.

These rich people are really sick, and seeing everyone is like trying to do something with them.

"Pengpeng, is he like you?"

The young woman squatted down, supported the little boy, and asked nervously.

"No, Mom, my brother told me not to eat peanuts like this, saying it's dangerous."

The little boy in white said honestly.

"Didn't Mom say it, don't talk to strangers. Pengpeng loves how to eat and how to eat, don't care about him."

The young woman spoiled the little boy and said to the little boy that she was really making a fuss. If you eat a peanut, you have to be nostalgic, and certainly not a good person.

"Then can I continue to compete with other children to eat peanuts?"

The little boy seemed to listen to the young woman's words very much, and he had to get permission before daring to do anything.

"Go ahead."

The young woman smiled.


"Let's continue the game!"

The little boy ran in front of his friend, took a peanut from the small paper bag in his hand, threw it into the air, and started the game again.

Su Yang continued to run, while still thinking about what happened just now.

Children’s airways and esophagus are not yet fully developed, and it’s very easy to choke when eating, especially when they throw peanuts in the air and then open their mouths to pick them up. He has seen it before during internships, and some Because of this method, the child got stuck in the trachea, and finally stopped breathing when he was sent to the hospital because of severe suffocation.

He kindly reminded him, but in the end he was guarded like a thief, don't he know that the danger comes from within.

There was no interest in running this time, Su Yang returned to the front of Huang Roujia's villa. There was a small garden in front of the villa, but it looked a little messy.

Seeing the gardening shears next to him, Su Yang picked it up and started pruning. He basically did all the part-time jobs he could do when he was in college. He even did gardening pruning for a week.

The eater who lives in other people's houses, now he has no money, so naturally he can only do more things, otherwise he will really become a rascal.

Fortunately, his old-fashioned Nokia can't be connected to the Internet, so there is no need to read the overwhelming bad reviews on the Internet.

Su Yang is a person who is very fascinated in doing things. This trimming took almost half an hour.

"Help! Help!"

Suddenly, he seemed to hear a faint voice, coming from a distance.

This is someone calling for help. Su Yang raised his ears and carefully identified the source of the sound. It seemed that it was the place where he jogged in the morning.

By the way, isn't that direction where he saw the little boy playing just now?

It won't be so coincidental!

However, professional instincts drove Su Yang to immediately put down the garden shears in his hand, and ran in the direction where the call for help came.

After running for three or four minutes, Su Yang arrived where he had stayed before.

He suddenly saw that the young mother who had questioned him just now was holding the little boy in white clothes in her arms, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was pale.


The young mother hugged the child who was no longer breathing in her arms and kept crying for help. At this time, she was completely panicked and didn't know what to do.

On weekdays, she took the child at home alone. Now that the child has an accident, she has no experience in handling such things.

Su Yang ran over quickly, knelt down, and said eagerly, "Put him flat on the ground."

The young woman turned her head, saw Su Yang, and said loudly: "What are your conspiracies? How much do you want? Do you want to kidnap my Peng Peng? Now that something happened to Peng Peng, are you happy? "

Get sick!

Is this woman suffering from persecution delusion?

Su Yang didn't have time to explain to her, and suddenly grabbed the child from her hand and laid it flat on the ground.

Quickly probed in front of his nose with his fingers.

No breath!

Su Yang looked at the little boy's chest again.

No ups and downs at all!

Moreover, Su Yang clearly saw that the little boy's neck had become swollen in a circle.

Combined with the behavior of the little boy just now, Su Yang can conclude that a foreign body must have entered the trachea, blocked the airway, and caused acute airway mucosal edema.

The situation is extremely critical!

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