Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 387: Research on Infected Body

After getting out of Lin Wei's car, Su Yang went through iris, fingerprint and biological tests and entered the research center.

When he arrived at the innermost and highest level biological protection laboratory, Ren Quan was already waiting for Su Yang.

Beside him, there was an old professor with white hair and spirits.

"Professor Su, you are here, let me introduce to you, this is the dean of the College of Biological Sciences and an academician of Imperial Capital University, Song Lao."

Ren Quan enthusiastically introduced Su Yang to the old man standing beside him.

"Mr Song, hello."

Su Yang said politely.

"Don't be too polite, your teacher and me, we have been old friends for many years, so I can count as your teacher, you can call me Teacher Song."

Old Song said kindly.

Song Lao was very pleased to see the emergence of such outstanding young scientists as Su Yang.

Finally, there is an outstanding young scientist like Su Yang who was born and raised by himself!

This shows that domestic education is still very good.

"Professor Su, Song Lao, I will ask you this time."

There is no way for Ren Quan. Although he is a student, he has been doing management work for so many years. If you really want to do research, you still have to rely on outstanding scientists like Song Lao and Su Yang.

"Xiaosu, what do you think now? I have already seen the maternal body that can extract the nerve recovery factor that you have researched. It can be said that in terms of genetics, you are at the highest level in the world. top."

Old Song said to Su Yang approvingly.

He had seen the mother of "Slimes" created by Su Yang before, and he could see that this mother was a fusion of genes from multiple species, fused so many genes, but the mother could maintain the genetic structure without collapsing. The genes of various species are mixed together, but they are safe, and they can work together to secrete nerve recovery factors.

In the contemporary biogene science community, this ability can be said to be unique.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we can first perform gene bioinformatics analysis and spatiotemporal expression profile analysis, that is, expression profile analysis at the mRNA level and expression profile analysis at the protein level."

Su Yang thought for a while and said.

These are the basic methods in genetic analysis.

"Will it be too basic? Time is tight now, and there is not much time spent on basics."

Old Song said with some doubts.

"Lao Song, the genetic structure of the iron nematode is completely different from all species in the current biological world. If you don’t start from the most basic genetic structure and simply test its impact on different environmental and physical and chemical factors, then Once the iron worm reappears to adapt to new changes in the future, the work we are doing now will be in vain."

Su Yang said slowly.

"Well, you are right. However, the effects of iron worms and infected bodies on various external environmental and physical and chemical factors must also be tested simultaneously to find weaknesses and control or even eliminate the parasites inside these infected bodies. "

Old Song nodded and said, Su Yang thought deeply and far away. This is a good thing.

"Lao Song, I think these infected bodies, even if the iron nematodes in their bodies are eliminated, I am afraid they will not be able to restore their human form. Their genetic structure has been permanently changed."

Su Yang said.

"There is no other way. Genetic changes are inherently irreversible. We can only do our best to obey our destiny. At the very least, we can't let these infections' mutations appear on a large scale."

Old Song sighed and said.

"Now it can only be so."

Su Yang also sighed, there is no other way.

The scenes in science fiction movies are now appearing in front of everyone alive. It's no wonder that the CDC couldn't find a way for a while.

Next, Su Yang and Song Lao worked together. Su Yang, in his genetic field, conducted basic gene structure analysis of the iron nematode, and Song Lao performed various external environmental tests and stimulations on the iron nematode.

See if you can find out, besides low temperature, what other weaknesses does this iron nematode have?

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it comes to 6:30 in the afternoon.

"Professor Su, thank you so much for today."

At the door of the research center, Ren Quan still personally sent Su Yang out.

Even though it was just a short afternoon, but under the leadership of Su Yang, the basic gene structure of the iron nematode has some clues, and it will not be long before the gene structure will be fully understood.

So precisely because of this, Ren Quan valued Su Yang even more.

If it is not for Su Yang to lead the scientists to conduct genetic research, but to let these scientists do their own research, then I don’t know how long it will take to analyze the genetic structure of this parasite!

"I think it won't be long before the genetic structure of this parasite can be analyzed. However, at that time, I think there is still no hope of returning these abnormally changed infected bodies to human form."

Su Yang had to give Ren Quan a shot in advance.

Su Yang is not a panacea, even if he has a system, but like the mutant infection, his own genes have been completely mixed with the genes in the iron nematode. If you want to restore the original genetic structure like this, it is completely impossible. Possible thing.

The human gene structure is actually like a piece of exquisite porcelain. It looks beautiful, but it is very fragile. Once it is broken, it can be spliced ​​again, but after splicing it will no longer look like the original one.

Gene structure is very sophisticated, just like many genetic diseases in humans, all are due to mutations in a genome.

A genetic disease like this is just because a genome has mutated, and with the current biotechnology technology of mankind, it can't be cured.

Not to mention the infectious body, a large number of heterogeneous genes have been mixed into the genetic structure.

"I know Professor Su, Mr. Song has already told me about this, and I have already reported this. There is no way. Sometimes we can only do our best and cannot be perfect. Professor Su, you too. Don’t have any pressure, just do your best."

Ren Quan sighed.

Those infected bodies that are covered with tentacles and are no longer human-shaped at first glance, if it is said that they can be restored to human-shaped, unless it is time to go back.

Otherwise, in terms of genetic technology, this is completely irreversible.

Unless there is another possibility, then it is to collect human genes from these infected bodies and clone these genes into an individual again. This is also an alternative recovery.

However, the individual cloned like this is actually not the original person at all.

"That's it, Director Ren, see you tomorrow."

Su Yang said.

"See you tomorrow, Professor Su."

Ren Quan nodded.

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