Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 395 Conversation with Uncle-The End of the World Is Coming?

"Is it really that serious?"

The uncle was very puzzled and said that although the previous incident on Metro Line 4 caused some riots, it was resolved quickly later.

Now when Su Yang said that the end is coming, the uncle felt very incredible.

Moreover, with the domestic organization and control level, the uncle also believes that there is no situation that cannot be dealt with.

"For China, it may still be able to be controlled to a certain level, but for many places abroad, it has now entered the precursor of a major outbreak. Apart from anything else, you have also heard about the recent situation in the country with poisoning. Let’s go. Over there, the brother of one of my patients died there without knowingly. So, we still have to be prepared for this situation."

Su Yang said very solemnly.

"Prepare? Is it to prepare supplies?"

Based on the uncle's experience, after such a situation similar to the end of the world appears, the most important thing to prepare is probably the supplies.

At this time, once there is no supply of materials, a particularly tragic situation will definitely occur.

"No, it's just a kind of psychological preparation. You must know that once the situation abroad completely collapses, then the domestic situation will inevitably be affected. Now the global economy is integrated. If the foreign country fails, then it will only rely on internal circulation. It’s unsustainable. So, it may be a bitter life for a while."

Su Yang is also taking precautions. Although he is rich now, if that time comes, money may not be useful.

"I still think that the kind of dooms you mentioned may not happen. You think, since the war, the whole world has been at risk of thermonuclear war, but in the end thermonuclear war did not break out. This shows that humanity still has a certain The ability of self-control. Once there is the kind of crisis you mentioned, I think with the current technological strength of mankind, there will definitely be many people who will stand up and solve this problem together."

The uncle said slowly.

He is an optimist, not as pessimistic as Su Yang thought, and since this century, people have come out to preach the doomsday theory, but not once the end of the world has erupted.

And now it is only facing the threat of viruses, parasites, and bacteria from another world, and it is not an irresistible disaster such as an asteroid hitting the earth or the sun extinguishing.

"I also hope to look like what you said, but looking at the surrounding shops, the flow of people is obviously much less than before. Didn't you notice? There are fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the street than before, so these people are all Where did you go? It must be hiding in your own home and dare not go out, so there are still some things that are slowly changing in places we can't see."

Before Su Yang entered Dashu's shop, he clearly found that there were fewer pedestrians on the street. At this time, whether it was a restaurant, a clothing store or a cafe, business was not as good as before.

Moreover, in such a metropolis, it was originally noon, which should be the time when there were the most cars on the road, but Su Yang only saw a few cars passing by just now.

"This is not surprising. People have a herd mentality. It is also normal for many people to take the attitude of believing that they have something and not believing that they don't. It is normal to reduce going out and stay at home more."

The uncle said again.

"Let me tell you this. My main time in the future may be in the CDC Research Center. Over there, the infected body has undergone a very terrible mutation. If you see this mutated infected body, you will Understand, what I said human beings face the end of the world is really not a guess because I am too pessimistic."

Su Yang could only reveal to the uncle the details of the mutation of the infected body.

He shouldn't have told others about such top-secret information casually, but when he saw the uncle disapproving, Su Yang was still a little anxious.

"I know your worries, but we live in this world, and we have to live and live every day. Even if the sky is going to collapse tomorrow morning, I still have to cook noodles today, or open a shop, and receive these. Guest. Even if you really want to collapse tomorrow, let's talk about it when the time comes."

The uncle said very optimistically.

"Alright, in fact, the domestic situation should still be well controlled."

Su Yang thought for a while. In fact, the uncle was right. Even if he started preparing now, what else could he prepare? If the entire world is destroyed, and it is all facing the end of the world, then as a small individual, everything is in vain, and it is better to live every day well.

"So, you should be more optimistic, and there are big scientists and geniuses like you, right? I believe you will be able to solve these things well."

The uncle smiled and said to Su Yang, although Su Yang has become a billionaire and the youngest professor, in front of him, he feels that Su Yang is still the same brother before, and there is no change. This is also what he values ​​Su Yang most. A little bit.

"But there is one more thing I want to talk to you about your personal feelings. You see that there are already two women around you now, so these things should be handled well, how to allocate your time and allocate you Attention, these are very critical things."

The uncle said slowly again, he had already seen that it was impossible for Su Yang to have only one girlfriend, because it is normal for a good person like him to be surrounded by many women.

"In fact, at the beginning, it was enough for me to have Jiajia, but I don't know what happened, now it's what you see."

Su Yang also said helplessly.

"You kid, don't sell badly here. Do you know how many men dream of your situation now? One is the CEO of a big company, and the other is a popular star. These two women love For you, what are you not satisfied with?"

The uncle smiled and said.

If Su Yang's words were heard by some men, he would definitely be so angry that he would kill Su Yang with a knife.

In fact, in the current world, many men do not just have a partner, but on the bright side, everyone abides by such social rules, but in private it is different.

"I just think this kind of relationship is a bit difficult to deal with, after all, I have never had such experience. Of course, I am not the kind of person who gets cheap and sells good. You say that this is something a man dreams of, and I admit that. ."

Su Yang answered honestly in front of the uncle.

"Okay, you can solve your own problems. I can't help you too much with regard to feelings. But I can work with Lao Leng on an idea that we had before, but it needs your support. ."

The uncle said again.

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