Early the next morning.

But it was only 6:30 in the morning, Su Yang woke up early. He hardly slept well last night, and his mind was a little confused. He sat up, put on his clothes, and wanted to go out quietly.

【Whether to open today sign-in】

The voice of the system rang in my mind again.


[Ding, congratulations to the host, get dexterity with both hands +1]

dexterity? And how is this +1 measured?

The system seemed to sense Su Yang's thoughts and explained aloud.

[Host, dexterity +1, refers to the addition of a level to the existing two-handed dexterity foundation. After the dexterity of the host’s hands is increased, it is approximately equivalent to a doctor who specializes in microsurgery]


That is the department that has the highest requirements for a doctor's hands. It must be able to accurately suture the nerves of the mice under a microscope in order to perform operations independently.

You know, the nerves of mice are only a few microns in diameter, even thinner than hair.

[Does it merge? 】

[Fuse it]

As soon as Su Yang's voice fell, he felt a warm feeling coming from his hands. He felt that his hands, which used to be like crude steel, have now been tempered and become more sophisticated. .

This reward is okay.

However, based on what rules are the system rewards for signing in?

Sooner or later, I will figure it out.

After a simple wash, I finished the morning shift, and then confessed to his family members. Even if Su Yang's affairs this morning are over, the next day is a day off.

Now the turmoil has subsided, and discussions on the Internet about him and Yang Miao have disappeared, and even the TV series and commercials starring Yang Miao seem to be taken off the shelves.

Out of the entrance of the hospital, Su Yang was about to take the bus, when suddenly someone stopped him.

"Doctor Su?"

A cautious voice remembered by Su Yang's side.

Su Yang turned his head and saw that it was Yang Miao's mother, the person who unscrupulously slandered him on Weibo.

Seeing this woman, Su Yang suddenly became angry and didn't want to bother him, so he walked straight forward.

"Doctor Su, Doctor Su."

Seeing that Su Yang ignored her, the woman trot a few steps before standing in front of Su Yang and stopping him.

"Doctor Su, I'm here to apologize to you."

This woman didn't know what medicine she had taken wrong, she slumped in front of Su Yang and apologized to him, and she was the two of them for her domineering and unscrupulous Weibo hacking in front of Su Yang.

Su Yang didn't want to care about her, so he wanted to leave.

"Doctor Su, please help me, I really can't help it."

The woman pleaded again.

"If you don't let me go, I will call the police immediately. This is an act of harassment. If you connect with your previous slander and smear my account, let's calculate it together!"

Su Yang really hated the woman in front of him, and didn't even want to see her.

Seeing that Su Yang ignored him, she immediately knelt down, grabbed his forearms with both hands, and pleaded in a low voice: "Doctor Su, your adults don't remember the villain's past. If you don't forgive me, Miaomiao's career will be fine. It's ruined. Now that all the commercials and TV series that have been negotiated are off the shelves, I really can't pay the liquidated damages so much. I will go bankrupt."

Su Yang became even more bored with the woman in front of him. After breaking free a few times, the woman still grasped his arm tightly.

"What's the matter with you, haven't you caused enough trouble for Su Yang!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Su Yang.

He turned his head and saw that it was Huang Roujia.

Huang Roujia took a step forward, broke the woman's grasping Su Yang's hand, and pulled Su Yang back a big step.

"Su Yang didn't sue you. It's already because of Miaomiao's face. You shouldn't have to make an inch!"

Huang Roujia said indignantly, how could there be such a cheeky person.

"Let's go, I don't want to see her again."

Su Yang said coldly, and took Huang Roujia who was still talking a few more words, and walked away quickly.

The woman stopped him twice, but Su Yang ignored him. She was a little desperate now, and she slumped on the ground, sobbing.

The people around all gathered around, pointing and looking at this desperate and crying woman.

Su Yang and Huang Roujia went out for a long time before they stopped.

Only then did he realize that he was in a hurry just now and didn't pay attention. Up to now, he has been holding Huang Roujia's hand.

Su Yang felt that this seemed a bit bad, and immediately let go of his hand.

However, Huang Roujia didn't let go of her hand, but instead held his hand tightly.

Su Yang felt a little embarrassed and a little flustered.

"I'm not a human-eating tiger, why are you panicking?"

Huang Roujia took Su Yang's hand tightly and said amusedly.

"You better let me go first, it's kind of bad."

Su Yang said lowly.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Roujia asked bluntly, and she discovered that to deal with a man like Su Yang, you have to fight hard and win the battle.


Su Yang was speechless for a while, he had never encountered such a situation before, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"You are so smart sometimes, but sometimes, you are praised for stupidity."

Huang Roujia released her hand and said dullly.

I’m afraid I’ve gotten into the inch after changing to other boys, hug and kiss me.

After all, this is how it is performed in TV dramas. The male and female protagonists run hand in hand, then suddenly stop, looking at each other affectionately and tacitly, and hug and kiss in the next step.

"Don't you ever fall in love before?"

Huang Roujia's mind is exploded at this time, she is a girl, do you still want to teach this to boys?

"Don't talk about it, is that woman crazy, kneeling and stopping me?"

Su Yang talked about him, avoiding Huang Roujia's answer.


Huang Roujia couldn't see that Su Yang deliberately avoided personal feelings.

"Yang Miao was blocked, all the works were taken off the shelves, and the advertisements were gone. According to the contract, liquidated damages must be paid. Even if she goes bankrupt, these liquidated damages cannot be repaid, so I want to come and beg you."

Huang Roujia still knew a lot of things, at least more than Su Yang knew.

"What's the use of begging me, I'm not all hurt by her like that."

Su Yang said with some doubts.

"You think why Yang Miao was banned is because of Wei Lao, so now only if you find Wei Lao and Yang Miao is banned can there be a turn for the better."

Huang Roujia once understood Wei Lao's status in the literary circle. When she came to see Su Yang last time, an old man who was so gentle and polite actually started to do things, so tough.

"I don't care about this. I didn't sue her for slander. It's because of the little girl's face."

Su Yang said calmly, she deserved it.

Even if it affects Yang Miao, it is a good thing to let the little girl return to a normal life.

"Well, that's it, leave her alone."

Huang Roujia also nodded, and said with some peace of mind.

"Don't you think I am that kind of SMB?"

Su Yang said a little funny at this time.

"Aren't you? For the patient, you see how many irrational things you have done."

Huang Roujia said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"No way, I can't control myself when I face the patient. Other things, don't you think I can't figure it out? That kind of woman just pretends to be pitiful. If I can't see this, then I must be mentally retarded. !"

I don't know if it is considered an advantage or a disadvantage. As a doctor, Su Yang puts too much attention and emotion on the patient, and even substitutes it on himself.

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