Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 59: Extremely Subtle and Hidden Symptoms

"Well? I used to have a good spirit in playing games, but now I get tired easily after playing for a while, doesn't it count?"

Little V said again.

"You watch the live broadcast every night and see that you go to bed at two o'clock. It's strange that you are not tired, Xiao V, the doctor asks you questions, you think about it seriously before answering."

The middle-aged man was a little dumbfounded.

Cold hands? Tired of playing games?

Is this also a symptom?

"No, this is a very important message, let me think about it."

After Su Yang finished speaking, he began to think about what the symptoms of the two main complaints represented.

After a while, Su Yang combined the difficult diagnosis experience package in his mind, and probably had a conjecture, but it still needs to be confirmed.

"You stand up and cooperate with me to do a few tests."

Su Yang stood up and said.

"Test? Brother, what test are you going to do?"

Little V said strangely, isn't it a hand problem, what to stand up and test?

However, he still stood up. Although the young doctor didn't even know him, it seemed to him that he treated the patient very seriously, and he didn't let it go because the authoritative experts of other hospitals gave the results.

It is not easy for this person to have his own thinking in this situation.

The middle-aged man on the side was also confused. In other hospitals, he looked at his hands and then went on to do a lot of checks.

"You do a chest expansion exercise, just like the usual broadcast gymnastics."

Su Yang looked at Xiao V and said slowly.

"Radio gymnastics, one section? Brother, are you serious?"

Xiao V looked surprised, and so did the manager of Xiao V next to him.

The nurse standing at the door was also at a loss, not knowing what Su Yang was going to do.

"Well, trust me, do it."

Su Yang continued.

"This... Okay."

Although he felt a little ashamed, he inexplicably trusted the young doctor in front of him.

Xiao V started the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics in public with a little shame, but without a slogan, the thief was embarrassed!

When Xiao V's hands were flat, Su Yang stopped him.



Little V didn't know why, but he stopped moving.

Everyone stared at Su Yang.

Su Yang walked over, standing behind Xiao V, grabbing his arms, and gently breaking behind him.

However, it was only a little bit, and the little V screamed.

"Ouch! Brother, it hurts!"

Suddenly, Xiao V felt pain in the position of his shoulders and neck.

Su Yang continued to break his arms back a little bit.

"It hurts! Brother, don't break it!"

Little V cried out almost in pain.

Su Yang put down his hand and slowly returned to the desk to sit down. He was almost certain of the situation of V.

At this time, even the manager of V Doctor, just broke it a little bit, does V hurt so much?

Is the problem here?

"The pain just now was the back of the shoulder and neck, right?"

Su Yang said confidently.

"Brother! How do you know?"

Little V looked confused.

"Yes, doctor, do you see something?"

Xiao V's manager also hurriedly asked, he knew that this young doctor must have seen something.

"It's not yet certain. I will open an order. You can take him to do a 3D model of the cervical spine and chest."

Su Yang said slowly.

"Bone? Three-dimensional modeling?"

Both Xiao V and his manager feel very strange, isn't it the problem of hand pain? What do you do to check the bones of the cervical spine and chest?

"Go ahead, trust me."

Su Yang looked at the two and said firmly.

"This... Okay."

Although they were still confused, the two of them had already believed in the young and unbelievable doctor in front of them.

The two went for a checkup. The nurse at the door came in and said in confusion, "Dr. Su, what is the problem with him? I was outside just now. I heard that before. He went to several major hospitals before and looked at it. A lot of experts have no effect at all!"

"I'll find out later."

Su Yang didn't say it right away, this must be a corroborated inspection result.

one hour later.

Su Yang saw a few more patients this time, but they were all common diseases, and Su Yang handled them with ease.

Xiao V and the middle-aged manager came in through the door with the results of the inspection.

"Here, doctor, the check you mentioned, the result came out."

The middle-aged manager handed the film and inspection report to Su Yang.

Su Yang took it, looked at it for a while, and felt clear.

He put the film on the reading lamp and called the two over.

"His problem, I have found it, he has carpal tunnel syndrome, but most of his symptoms come from other problems."

Su Yang opened his mouth and gave them a reassurance.


"found it?"

The two of them looked surprised.

Experts in so many major hospitals said it was carpal tunnel syndrome. The young doctor in front of him said that it was caused by other reasons?

In an instant, the curiosity of the two was aroused.

"Yes, I will explain it to you slowly, it will take a while."

Su Yang said slowly.

"Um. Um. You say, doctor."

The two nodded fiercely, Su Yang said so, it made them feel a little bit overwhelmed.

"An average person's cervical spine has a total of seven segments. Let's count and look at this three-dimensional image of the cervical spine. How many segments are there in total?"

Su Yang continued.

"Count the cervical vertebrae?"

Although it is a bit strange, but the small V counted the first time.



. .


No, why is there another section?

Little V counted it again, and there was still one more section!

"Brother, I have an extra section? What is going on, am I a monster? Is it so scary?"

Little V had jumped off at first, and was surprised to see that his cervical spine had one more segment than the others.

The manager of Xiao V next to him was also surprised.

"Yes, the problem lies here. His cervical spine has an extra rib and it is connected to the first rib with costal cartilage. This position happens to be where the subclavian artery and brachial plexus nerve are located. This kind of The condition is medically called the cervical rib."

"The brachial plexus nerve mainly controls the upper limbs and the sensation of the shoulders. Therefore, when he moves his upper limbs, this extra bone will squeeze into the nerves, causing pain and numbness in the hands. And cold hands and easy fatigue, It is because it squeezed into the arteries and caused insufficient blood supply."

Su Yang said carefully the cause of the disease.

The two of them suddenly realized that they both opened their mouths wide, some of them were shocked.

"That...that...the doctor, how do you treat this?"

The middle-aged manager recovered and asked nervously.

It's natural that there are more things in this body that are not good.

However, how did this young doctor find out?

Does he have clairvoyance?

"Just take out his extra bone, so that it won't compress nerves and blood vessels anymore."

Su Yang said briefly.

"Then doctor, is this operation very risky?"

The middle-aged manager asked nervously, and Xiao V also looked at Su Yang nervously.

"This operation is not difficult, and the postoperative recovery effect is very good. As long as the operation is done, his hands will no longer have those symptoms. Don't worry."

Su Yang once again gave the two a reassurance.

"That's good. That's good."

The middle-aged manager patted his chest, and finally felt like seeing the sun.

"Brother, you can, I'll take you!"

Little V said with an exaggerated expression. At this time, he was very surprised, but also very happy. What's more, he admired this peer in front of him!

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