Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 61: Results of Bone Marrow Matching-Unusually Cruel Facts

After lunch, Huang Roujia went back to rest. Su Yang returned to the department. He also wanted to study the operation plan of the small V, and try to find a small incision, low risk, and fast healing method.

However, he must first look at the results of the bone marrow matching, which is directly related to whether the boy injured in the previous car accident can take his own life from the hands of death.

When he walked to the nurse's station, Su Yang took out the medical record of the boy in the car accident from the medical record shelf, and turned to the part where the inspection report was inserted.

five minutes later.

Su Yang solemnly watched the girl's bone marrow matching report for the boy in the car accident.

In the column of results, there is a clear line of words.

Donor and patient HLA gene high-resolution typing test results do not match!

HLA typing, that is, human leukocyte antigen, is the final test standard for bone marrow transplantation between the donor and the recipient.

First, samples of venous blood from patients and donors are drawn, DNA is extracted, and the sequence of each DNA base is measured, and finally the HLA type is obtained through software comparison and analysis.

Therefore, while the leukocyte antigens were tested, DNA was also tested.

In other words, the bone marrow donated by others in the girl is not related to the boy in the car accident!

Su Yang held this thin matching report, although it was only one page, but it seemed to be extremely important.

How is he going to tell this fact?

Su Yang took this test report and walked into Lin Feng's office.

"What's the matter, Xiao Su, did the matching result come out? What is your expression?"

Lin Feng looked at Su Yang with a sullen face, and asked with some doubts.

"Director, take a look."

Su Yang handed the test report in his hand to Lin Feng.

After a while, Lin Feng finished reading the report.


Lin Feng knew why Su Yang had this expression. The twists and turns of this incident were simply unbelievable.

The person who donated bone marrow to the girl was not the biological father of the boy in the car accident?

What kind of secrets are there in this?

"Director, let's talk to the patient's grandparents about this matter."

Su Yang said in a deep voice, this must not be told to the girl, otherwise she might not be able to accept this fact.

"Well, go ahead and pay attention to the method."

Lin Feng nodded, it can only be so now.

After a while, in the corridor of the hospital.

Su Yang gave two elderly people a fifty to ten, narrating all the things, including the girl who received the bone marrow of the boy’s father when she was a child, and the girl’s matching result failed, proving that the person who donated the bone marrow to the girl was not the boy’s biological father .

After Su Yang finished speaking, the two old men's faces were not surprised. After a while, the old man said, "Xiaofeng is an adopted child."

"Dr. Su, Xiaofeng's biological father, used to be a policeman and sacrificed to save my son. So we adopted Xiaofeng, but we didn't expect that soon after adopting Xiaofeng, my son would also leave. "

The old man slowly told the truth, which is really a twist!

Su Yang thought there was something difficult to say in the middle. He didn't expect that this boy was a continuation of two respectable men.

"At that time, Xiaofeng was still very young, so we never told him that such a small child still couldn't understand such a complicated relationship."

The old man then said slowly.

"Old gentleman, his situation is critical now. Is there any more information about his biological father? Maybe we can find someone who can match him."

Su Yang then asked.

"We picked up Xiaofeng from the border, so we don't know much about his biological father. The information about him is confidential. Moreover, too long has passed and many things are impossible to check. get up."

The old man said in a vicissitudes of life.

"Then we can only wait for the matching results of the bone marrow database to see if any miracles have happened."

Su Yang said somewhat depressed.

"Doctor Su, you have done enough for us, and we are very grateful to you. Life or death depends on whether this child Xiaofeng is good fortune."

After several shocks, the old man's mentality has become somewhat calmer now. This is something that manpower is hard to recover.

"Old gentleman, it's up to you to tell them about this matter."

Su Yang slowly said, this matter, for boys and girls, takes time to digest.

"I see, thank you, Dr. Su."

After the old gentleman said calmly, he and the old lady will help each other back to the ward.

At this moment, a little nurse ran out of the ward in a hurry and said, "Doctor Su, the blood and heart rate of the patient in bed 4 have suddenly dropped. Go and take a look."

4 beds?

Isn't that the ward where the boy was in the car accident?

Su Yang ran toward the ward fiercely.

As soon as he entered the ward, Su Yang saw that the life monitor was all red.

drop! drop! drop!

The sound of the life monitor alarm reverberated throughout the ward.

Looking at the boy again, his face turned pale and his eyes closed tightly.

"Doctor Su, the blood pressure has dropped to 8,060."

The little nurse said to the side.

"Adrenaline 1mg, static push, fast!"

Su Yang gave a loud order.

The little nurse quickly picked up the needle from the rescue vehicle, pumped adrenaline, and pushed it into the blood vessel in the boy's hand.

drop! drop! drop!

The sound of the alarm is still not lifted!

This is an emergency shock caused by a systemic infection!

Su Yang immediately made a judgment.

"1000ml, central venous input, expansion!"

Su Yang gave the order again.

The little nurse hurriedly continued the emergency operation.

30 seconds!

40 seconds!

. . .

60 seconds!

The sound of Didi finally disappeared, the alarm was lifted, and the life monitor returned to green.


Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

"Doctor Su, what happened to Xiaofeng?"

The girl asked in horror, it was okay last night, some talking and laughing, how come it is now like this.

"His immune system has completely failed, and now the infection can't be controlled at all, causing emergency shock."

Su Yang said.

"Dr. Su, the matching result should come out. Arrange for me to do a bone marrow transplant for Xiaofeng immediately. Xiaofeng can't wait."

The girl said anxiously.


Su Yang was silent, he didn't know how to tell the girl this news.

"Doctor Su, you should arrange a transplant soon!"

The girl said anxiously, her face full of eagerness.

"Xiao Hui, don't embarrass the doctor, let me tell you."

The old man walked in tremblingly from the outside and said.

"Grandpa, you?"

The girl asked with some confusion.

"Child, Xiaofeng was adopted. The person who donated your bone marrow is not Xiaofeng's biological father."

The old man slowly told the truth.


The girl felt black for a while, and she was about to fall down, Su Yang quickly held her arm with his eyes and hands.

After a long while, she slowed down.

"Doctor Su, is this true?"

The girl asked Su Yang first.

"Yes, the bone marrow matching failed. The DNA sequencing results also confirmed that the person who donated your bone marrow is not related to the patient."

Su Yang couldn't bear to say.

"Then my bone marrow can't be used?"

The girl asked desperately.

"Don't give up hope, we can still wait for the matching results of the bone marrow bank, there is still hope."

Su Yang can only comfort the girl at the moment.

The girl didn't speak any more, she sat on the hospital bed blankly.

There was no sound in the ward for a while.

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