early morning.

Su Yang opened his sleepy eyes. Last night, he didn't even dare to open the bedroom door, for fear that he would make a fool of himself again.

His face in this life was completely lost last night.

[Host, do you want to turn on today's sign-in? 】

The voice of the system rang in my mind again.

[Turn it on]

【Ding! Su Yang completes daily sign-in and obtains experience package of minimally invasive surgery under microscope (small)]

Minimally invasive surgery under the microscope?

It's a good thing.

In modern medicine, various electronic microscopes are widely used, such as laparoscopy, arthroscopy, esophagoscopy and so on.

The so-called minimally invasive surgery under the microscope is to complete the surgery that usually requires a large incision through the minimally invasive instrument attached to the end of the catheter under the electron microscope.

In general, minimally invasive under the microscope means that the surgical incision is small, the damage to the surrounding tissues is small, and the recovery is quick.

The only drawback is that the doctors who do this kind of surgery require extremely high levels of inspiration in their hands.

Because all surgical operations are done through catheters, and the surgical field of view is only a little bit captured by the catheter camera.

[Does it merge? 】

[Fuse it]

As soon as Su Yang's words fell, a golden book in his mind shattered, turned into golden light, and merged into his mind.

Su Yang felt that in his mind, a variety of microscopic surgery plans, experience and even the feel of the operation were integrated.

Getting up from the bed, Su Yang took a brief wash and walked out of the bedroom door.

"You are up, come and have breakfast."

Yun Fei saw Su Yang coming out and said to him.

He saw that Yun Fei and Huang Roujia, both of them neatly dressed, were sitting at the dining table and were eating breakfast.


Su Yang nodded, pretending that none of the embarrassment of last night had happened, walked to the table, pulled a chair and sat down.

"How was your rest last night?"

Huang Roujia asked with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Su Yang picked up a small dumpling in a hurry, and answered in a flustered manner as he ate it.

Where is it okay?

That damn antler!

"Are you really okay?"

Yun Fei asked with some worry. Last night, she called her classmates in the urology department again and asked about this question. The classmates said that the problem was big or small, and worried her. She didn't sleep well all night.

"It's okay. Just don't give people so many supplements in the future, it will happen."

Su Yang vomited.

"I see, don't I want you to recover sooner."

Yun Fei said embarrassedly.

However, Su Yang, just like Huang Roujia said, he still keeps the boundaries between boy and girl friends really strict!

I would rather keep myself in the bedroom for the whole night than go out and get close. If I change other men, even if I don't have any ideas, it is good to sit with two big beauties and be seductive.

Huang Roujia felt the same way too. Although Su Yang was not allowed to stay in her house for one night, she guarded this limit more strictly than she was a girl.

I don't know if it should be said that he is staid? Or is he quite old-fashioned?

You know, in modern society, they are all adults. Some things are tacitly understood, just like the situation last night, she has already said that. Although some elements are ridiculous, it also shows that her heart is actually It is not exclusive.

Some things will happen naturally when the time comes. They are all grown-ups, so what's the embarrassment.

But what about Su Yang?

Hurriedly hid himself.

After eating breakfast, Yun Fei drove the two of them to the hospital to work together.

Today Suyang is still on a day shift, and there are a large number of doctors in a hospital. Every week, Su Yang is only scheduled for one day of night shift.

Along the way, the three of them didn't say too much. Although they didn't say anything about it last night, the three of them knew everything in their hearts, so they were still a little bit embarrassed.

Of course, Su Yang was the most embarrassed.

After a while, when they arrived in the hospital, the three of them went to work.

Su Yang came to the department. As soon as he walked in, Lin Feng walked over and said concerned: "Xiao Su, didn't you let you rest for a few days? Why did you come to work again today?"

"Director, I am young and in good health."

Su Yang is still a little worried about Xiao V's condition, and wants to study the operation plan.

"Are you worried about the operation of that neck rib patient?"

Lin Feng saw through Su Yang's thoughts at a glance.

"Yes, Director, I'm thinking about how to find a surgical plan with a small surgical incision, quick healing, and absolutely no nerve damage."

Xiao V is an e-sports player and has extremely high requirements for the sensitivity of his hands. Therefore, the brachial plexus that controls the sensation of the hands should not be damaged a little bit.

The conventional posterior neck incision surgery can easily damage the brachial plexus if one is not careful.

Nerve cells are non-renewable, and once damaged, they cannot be repaired.

"Well, it's good for you to have this heart. How about it, have you thought of any plan?"

What Lin Feng appreciates most is Su Yang's point of view. He does not stick to routines and knows how to think divergently.

Just like this patient with cervical ribs, who has been to so many hospitals and seen so many experts, why hasn't the real problem been detected?

It is to numb the pain of the patient's hands and limit the death to be a hand problem.

Therefore, so many experts did not discover that it was the cervical spine that gave birth to the ribs, which compressed the brachial plexus, causing pain in the hands.

"I checked some information last night, and I have a preliminary idea."

Su Yang didn't dare to pack the ticket. For the microscopic surgery, although he integrated the surgical kit, he still needs to practice again.

"Well, you don’t want to go to the clinic today. Take a good rest and study the operation plan. This patient is very famous on the Internet, especially among young people. He has a huge influence on all the surgical plans. It must be carefully considered."

Lin Feng believes that Su Yang can come up with a good surgical plan. He has proven himself in the previous operations.

"I see, Director."

Su Yang answered.

"When this time is over, you and I will sort out the autologous liver transplantation and total femoral replacement surgery, and you will be the second person. I have already said it to the dean, and I will solve it for you recently. Work hard on the issue of establishment."

Lin Feng patted Su Yang on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

"Organization? Director, isn't this going to be finalized in three years?"

Su Yang asked suspiciously.

This round, one exam a year, and three consecutive years of passing before they are likely to be hired.

"This is the condition the dean promised me, so just leave it alone."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he turned and left.

Is this preparation ready?

Such an understatement, Lin Feng solved it in one sentence.

Su Yang felt like a dream. He felt that he should work hard, even as a cow and a horse for three years, and then passed the assessment tremblingly, and finally got the preparation, weeping with joy or something.

But now, he doesn't seem to feel any special.

It feels like eating and drinking water.

Maybe it's because I have experienced more recent things and my heart has become stronger.

Therefore, it can only be said that in the eyes of some people, there are things that require hard work and even unscrupulous means to fight for.

But these same things, in the eyes of other people, are dispensable and don't care at all.

This principle applies not only to Su Yang.

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