After Su Yang finished the practice, he probably had an understanding of the level of his fine operation. Apart from anything else, it was more than enough to deal with this small V operation.

He is now in charge of two patients, so there are not many things.

If you are alone, you have to wait until the end of this week's class and re-schedule next week, so now Su Yang has finally gotten off a bit.

After Xiaobin had the operation, he stayed in the emergency department for one night and was transferred to the cardiothoracic surgery. Therefore, Su Yang would go to see him this time.

After a while, Su Yang came to Xiaobin's ward. What he was worried about didn't seem to happen. It seemed that none of Xiaobin's yellow-haired friends had come to him.

"Brother Yang, you are here!"

Xiaobin was very happy to see Su Yang coming.

He was originally a jumpy and lively person, just lying on the hospital bed, but he was suffocated. The friends in the orphanage all have to go to school, so they sent him a meal, and they all left, just sending someone in turn to take care of him.


Su Yang nodded.

"Brother Yang, I think it over, I will never mix with those people again."

Xiaobin said sincerely.

"Oh? Why do you suddenly think so?"

Su Yang was a little strange, how did Xiao Bin suddenly become aware of it.

"Brother Yang, the police came and told me about the things they did. I realized that they did so many bad things secretly. Brother Yang, you have to believe me. They didn’t do the same. . I’m just boring to go to school every day, so I want to find someone to play with."

Speaking of this, Xiaobin is a bit low. Under the influence of Su Yang since he was a child, he is essentially very good, but it is inevitable that children like him are easily out of place in school and feel lonely.

"Then what do you plan to do in the future? You will graduate from high school in one month. Looking at your grades, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the exam. Do you want to repeat your studies? Don't worry, I support you."

Su Yang went on to say that with Xiaobin's grades, it is difficult to get into college. Therefore, what he will do in the future is a question that needs to be considered carefully. You can't let him mix with those people anymore.

"Brother Yang, you know, I don't like reading, so let's forget about repeating."

Xiao Bin said dejectedly.

"Then go out to work?"

Su Yang tentatively asked again.

"Working is hard and tiring, I will not do it!"

Xiao Bin also shook his head.

"Then I want to listen, what do you want to do?"

Su Yang was angry and funny.

"Brother Yang, I want to play e-sports!"

Xiaobin suddenly raised his head and said firmly.

"Playing e-sports? Isn't that just playing games in Internet cafes?"

Su Yang asked suspiciously.

"Brother Yang, it's e-sports, not playing games in Internet cafes. As long as you can be a professional player, it's very profitable. Did you know that little V? Last year's world champion, the prize money of the world champion alone was five million dollars. "

"Brother Yang, if I become a professional player, then I will have nothing to worry about."

Xiaobin is already looking forward to a better life after becoming an e-sports player, villas, sports cars, cute girls, and the scenery standing on the podium!

"Oh? It turns out that you skip classes and go to Internet cafes every day for this?"

Su Yang said funny.

"Brother Yang, just say, you support me or not. My lifelong dream is to become the world's top player like Little V!"

Xiaobin said with a look of longing and firmness.

"Just you? Still a lifelong dream?"

Su Yang smiled.

"Brother Yang, didn't you let me go right? I have a dream, why are you still hitting me."

Xiaobin said with a bit of frustration that Su Yang's opinions are very important to him. Without a father and no mother, Su Yang is the closest relative in his heart.

"I don't know much about the e-sports you are talking about, but I seem to know the little V you are talking about."

Su Yang said lightly.

"What? Brother Yang, do you know Xiao V?"

Xiaobin's eyes widened suddenly, and he said loudly in surprise.

"Yes, he is my patient now, and I am about to perform an operation on him."

Su Yang said lightly.

"Brother Yang, can you show me to Xiao V? He is my idol!"

Xiaobin said excitedly.

"You can see it, but you have to wait for someone to complete the operation and recover. And you too. When you recover, if you really want to play games, I will support you."

Su Yang looked at Xiaobin with a gentle smile and said.

"Brother Yang, it's e-sports, e-sports, not just playing games. Don't worry, I will recover well. Then I will find a small V and worship him as a teacher."

Xiaobin was suddenly in a good mood at this time.

"Don't be reckless, wait until I ask people what conditions are needed, so you have the hope to go this way."

Su Yang said thoughtfully.

"Brother Yang, I have one. You tell Xiao V that I once hit fifth in the national server. That was because I didn't have much money to go online, so I played casually. I have talent, really Yang brother."

Xiaobin said seriously.

"I see, your task now is to recover well."

It seems that there is no need to worry. Xiaobin naturally has Xiaobin's place to go. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Don't be a horse cow for their children and grandchildren. This old saying is not unreasonable.

"Well, Brother Yang, you must tell Xiao V, my ID is God of War, you remember to tell him."

Xiaobin said again, uneasy.

"I see."

After speaking, Su Yang patted Xiaobin on the shoulder and left the ward.

He was still worried about Xiaobin, but seeing that he is so enthusiastic about being a professional e-sports player, he doesn't need to worry about it for the time being.

For children at this age, guidance is still the most important thing.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for lunch again.

This time, Su Yang learned from his experience and came to the cafeteria early, ready to line up for a meal.

But as soon as he entered the canteen, Su Yang found that everyone was looking at him, as if he was a rare animal.

"Here! Su Yang!"

Su Yang looked up and saw that it was Yun Fei. She had already prepared the meal and placed it on the dining table.

"Hurry up, I'll finish the meal."

When Su Yang walked over, Yun Fei said with some expectation.


Su Yang nodded and sat down.

Everyone is already a little familiar, and it seems necessary to be polite.

"Su Yang, the video of you in the practice room in the afternoon has been circulated. It turns out that you have such a high level of fine operation."

Yun Fei said with admiration.

"It spread?"

Su Yang said suspiciously.

"Yes, someone in the hospital group posted it. Everyone is saying, at your level, no one in the hospital can catch up!"

Yun Fei said with You Rongyan.

"It's normal, it's just a part of separation, and the time has come."

Su Yang feels that his operations can only be said to be at an average level, after all, he has not done all of them.

"Oh, what you said is so-so. Some people will never reach this level in their lifetime."

Yun Fei said seriously.

"Su Yang, there is one more thing that you must be interested in."

Yun Fei suddenly remembered something that Su Yang must know.


Su Yang didn't know what Yun Fei had to say?

"He Jianming didn't elect the deputy dean."

Yun Fei said cheerfully.

"How did you know?"

Su Yang was a little puzzled. It shouldn't. In the medical department, the confidence on He Jianming's face was not pretended. He should be confident that he was elected as the deputy dean.

"Not only I know, the whole hospital knows."

Yun Fei did not shy away from saying that everyone was talking, and she was not alone.

"Did you know? Director Lin was elected as the deputy dean. I didn't expect it. I heard that the dean forced it to him."

Yun Fei said happily again.

I really don't understand. He Jianming was not selected. What is she happy about?

"Director Lin deserves his name as the deputy dean. It's so strange."

Su Yang said naturally.

"He Jianming kicked you out of the emergency department, and now he hasn't been elected as the deputy dean, you don't feel relieved?"

Yun Fei asked strangely, Su Yang's reaction was too calm.

"Of course the qi is relieved, but I don't want to pay too much attention to people who have nothing to do with me."

Although Su Yang felt relieved, he didn't want to pay much attention to people like He Jianming. The doctor's time and energy were limited and must be used in key areas.

"Your character is exactly the same as Director Lin. You are indeed a teacher and student. I heard that He Jianming smashed something in the office, and Jiang Xiaoqi didn't know what caused the trouble."

Yun Fei deserves to be a famous gossip queen, and there is no news in the courtyard that she doesn't know.

Jiang Xiaoqi?

Su Yang thought for a while and missed Jiang Xiaoqi on the day he was suspended.

She didn't look at him.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with me!

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