Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 73-Interview by TV Station

In the afternoon, Su Yang was sitting in the office, sorting out relevant information about the operation.

"Xiao Su, come out for a while."

Su Yang raised his head and Lin Feng stood at the door. Next to him, there was a female reporter with a microphone in hand, and a staff member standing behind the camera.

Su Yang stood up and walked to the door.

"Xiao Su, this is reporter Wang from the TV station. She wants to interview you."

Lin Feng introduced to Su Yang.

"Interview me?"

Su Yang felt a little strange, he had something to interview.

"Reporter Wang heard about your deeds and felt that it was a positive energy that needed to be publicized, so I found the hospital and hoped to interview you. This is also a good thing. You can just say what you want."

In fact, the TV station also wanted to interview Lin Feng, but he refused. He doesn't need this anymore.

He is thinking about Su Yang. This is not to say that he hopes that Su Yang will be famous on TV, but the previous Weibo incident, in the eyes of some people, has formed a preconceived impression. Therefore, this can be regarded as a rectification, so that everyone will not misunderstand him.

"Yes, Dr. Su, after we heard about the deeds, we want to interview you. Your noble behavior is worth learning from everyone."

Female reporter Wang Bingbing also said to Su Yang.

Both of them said it, and Su Yang couldn't refuse any more.

The place for the interview was set in Lin Feng's office. When he was ready, Wang Bingbing sat on the side of the sofa and began to question Su Yang.

Facing the camera like this, Su Yang was still a little nervous. From childhood to adulthood, he has always been more cautious in public.

"Dr. Su, your deeds are very great, we have all heard of it. So, what kind of considerations made you decide to donate bone marrow to patients with terminal illness?"

Wang Bingbing looked at Su Yang and said methodically.

Su Yang frowned when he heard this. He didn't like answering such questions.

"Reporter Wang, in medical work, this is a very common thing, not great. Moreover, in many times of blood stress, our medical staff will also spontaneously donate blood to patients. The reason why I donated bone marrow, but It’s because my match is just right."

Su Yang didn't like to hear the word great. These two words are like two big shackles that will lock people up high.


Wang Bingbing's face was stagnant, and he didn't expect Su Yang to say so.

However, she responded very quickly, and she then asked, "Dr. Su, I heard that you grew up in a welfare home. Are you able to sacrifice for others like this, is it also affected by your childhood environment? Woolen cloth?"

Su Yang was even more upset when he heard this. What happened to this reporter?

Could it be that the children in the orphanage can't grow up normally? Must rely on this kind of self-sacrifice to make up for the psychological defect? This kind of thinking is simply ridiculous.

"The children we grew up in the orphanage are stronger and more sensible than other children, but donating bone marrow is something that everyone who is caring will do as long as they are properly matched."

Su Yang said calmly, he wanted to end this so-called interview as soon as possible.

Wang Bingbing was stunned again. At this time, shouldn't he be sold miserably and talked about how he cares for the patients. Is it because of the experience of the orphanage that he is more caring for the patients?

Why Su Yang didn't play his cards according to common sense!

"Brother Li, turn off the camera first."

Wang Bingbing waved his hand at the camera staff, motioning him to turn off the camera first.

"Doctor Su, these words you said are of no publicity value, and you don't like to listen to them."

Seeing that the interview was going to be pornographic, Wang Bingbing had to tell the truth.

"Then what do you think I should say?"

Su Yang looked at Wang Bingbing with scorching eyes.


Wang Bingbing was a little confused. She didn't know how to say the idioms she had thought up. At this moment, she suddenly felt that perhaps speaking those words to the man in front of him was an insult to him.

After a while, she made up her mind, isn't it just an interview, the old lady asked the interviewee to say casually, and the old lady will be willful once too!

"Doctor Su, let's start the interview again, just say whatever you want."

Wang Bingbing said sincerely that she had learned about Su Yang’s deeds in detail before coming. It can be said that although the person in front of them did some things in the eyes of ordinary people, it was indeed improper, but she had to say, this person , It is true that there is a heart of innocence.

She waved her hand, and the staff turned on the camera again.

"Then Dr. Su, the reason why you are accepting this kind of interview is to convey some information to the public. Next, please tell me."

Wang Bingbing will completely hand over the initiative of the interview to Su Yang, so he can say what he wants.

Su Yang sorted out his thoughts, looked at the camera, and said seriously: "Dear viewers, because I donated bone marrow to a patient in the past two days, the hospital and the TV station thought it was just a good opportunity for publicity. , That’s why we have this interview."

"I don’t want to say too much about donating bone marrow, because it is indeed a normal thing in the eyes of medical staff. However, what I want to tell you is another thing. A few days ago, I discouraged a mother and asked her to conduct a more detailed examination for her daughter."

"However, because of such an original intention as a doctor, I have suffered the most verbal abuse and humiliation on the Internet. In reality, I was also thrown rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs by fanatic fans."

"Now things have calmed down, but what I want to say is that I did the two things before and after, based on the professional ethics of a doctor. Why are the results so different?"

"What is the difference between verbal abuse and humiliation, and praise and praise? For this, I urge everyone to think about it. Please also understand and tolerate our medical staff in the process of future consultations, thank you!"

Su Yang finished speaking, stood up, bowed, turned and left.

Wang Bingbing was stunned for a while, Su Yang's words were like a sledgehammer hitting her heart. She didn't know how to describe this feeling at this time.

"Xiao Wang, do you want to broadcast this passage? Do you want to ask the director for instructions?"

Brother Li, who was carrying the camera, turned off the camera and asked Wang Bingbing.

"Of course it will be broadcast, and there is still a topic to be done. When this topic is done, it can arouse widespread discussion among the public. This is a hot topic. From the director, I will talk about it."

Wang Bingbing said confidently, now she is fighting again.

Brother Li was a little helpless, Wang Bingbing was always like this. The head of the station was surnamed Wang. Of course she was not afraid, but they were just wage earners!

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