Six p.m.

Tianshanglao hot pot restaurant.

Su Yang sat opposite Jiang Xiaoqi with a helpless look. He thought Jiang Xiaoqi was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that he still could not escape the dinner.

"Why? You don't want to eat with me so much?"

Jiang Xiaoqi smiled, looked at Su Yang and said.

Su Yang looked at today's Jiang Xiaoqi, with short hair that is equal to the ears and beautiful facial features, but his eyes are very sharp, and he knows that he is a very assertive woman.

"That's not the case, I'm just thinking about what kind of person you are."

Su Yang is a person who likes simplicity. He doesn't like a woman like Jiang Xiaoqi who has many things in her heart.

"I told you last time that I returned to China for special reasons. Do you want to know now?"

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't talk too much nonsense. This matter was so sensitive that she couldn't find too many people to talk about it, but if it was Su Yang, she felt that she could be trusted.

"If it's too sensitive, then I don't think I should know."

Su Yang didn't want to cause any trouble for himself. With Jiang Xiaoqi's ability, he needed to go back to the country specifically, which must be very troublesome.

"It's okay, I just want to tell you."

Jiang Xiaoqi's tone at this time was a bit sad.

Su Yang was silent. Jiang Xiaoqi said so. He had to listen if he didn't listen. From the first time he saw it, he felt that Jiang Xiaoqi must be a very troublesome woman.

She looks simple, sharp and vigorous, but there are many things hidden in her heart, and it is difficult for anyone to see her true thoughts.

"I told you last time that I came back for a special reason, and this reason is the real cause of my mother's death."

Jiang Xiaoqi said slowly.

"Cause of death? Didn't you say that it was because of an accident last time?"

Su Yang said strangely.

"Do you know the two drugs lidocaine and penicillin?"

Jiang Xiaoqi asked suddenly.

"They are all common drugs, what's wrong?"

Su Yang was even more strange, and suddenly said what to do with this.

"The accident I was talking about was a direct death caused by an allergy to lidocaine."

Jiang Xiaoqi said solemnly.


Su Yang nodded. He didn't expect Jiang Xiaoqi to have this kind of past.

"In my childhood, various testing methods were still immature, so the cause of my mother’s death was identified as lidocaine allergy. However, last month, a professor I met abroad, he Do research on drug allergy."

"I just accidentally learned that the allergic reaction to penicillin is very similar to lidocaine. Moreover, I checked the mother's medical history. She had a severe arrhythmia during her lifetime, so lidocaine was often used. How to simply That time, will there be such a severe allergic reaction? The most important thing is that my mother, she has a history of severe penicillin allergy."

Jiang Xiaoqi told a story that he had hidden in his heart for more than ten years.

"You mean, someone replaced the lidocaine that was supposed to be given to your mother with penicillin, which caused a severe allergic reaction to death?"

"And because the sensitization reactions of the two drugs are very similar, it's hard to be discovered by people?"

When Su Yang heard this, he instantly wanted to understand what Jiang Xiaoqi wanted to say.

If this is the case, then this is too terrifying, it means that her mother's death was not an accident, but man-made!

Moreover, it was a murder that was elaborately designed!

"Yes, so you know why I am coming back."

Jiang Xiaoqi said sadly.

Although more than ten years have passed since the incident, when Jiang Xiaoqi learned this information, she returned without hesitation.

"What is the motive? If someone does this, what is the motive?"

Su Yang suddenly asked, murder without sufficient motives or benefits, it is impossible to drive a person to do such a terrible thing.

"My mother was involved in research on a drug that year. When she died, it was when the drug had undergone clinical trials and was about to apply for patent production."

Jiang Xiaoqi said slowly.

"So you think that someone wants to monopolize this benefit, so the design murdered your mother?"

Su Yang said solemnly.

"A reasonable guess, isn't it?"

Jiang Xiaoqi said slowly.

Su Yang was silent, the things Jiang Xiaoqi was carrying were too heavy.

"Moreover, my mother's partner was Huang Yun, the dean's wife. The doctor who received my mother back then is now the director of the emergency department."

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't know why, just because he had been with Su Yang for such a short time, he trusted him so much.

Su Yang heard the words, pondered for a long time, and then slowly said, "If this is the case, then decades have passed, and the evidence has all been annihilated. You have no way to investigate. The only way is to find the year. The nurse who executed this medical order, only she knows whether she injected lidocaine or penicillin."

"And if this is the case, He Jianming and Huang Yun may not be suspicious. Maybe it's the nurse and your mother. It's not necessarily a contradiction."

Su Yang is unwilling to speculate on others with malicious intent. Besides, for such a big murder, one must emphasize complete evidence, not nonsense.

"I know what you said, so I came to this hospital to get close to the nurse and find out the truth."

Jiang Xiaoqi said.

"Could it be that the nurse you mentioned is in general surgery?"

Su Yang suddenly flashed a flash of lightning in his mind. Decades have passed. The little nurse back then is now at least 40 or 50 years old.

Think of it again that although Jiang Xiaoqi and He Jianming have different ideas, they are not to the point where they can’t work together. Could it be that all of this was deliberately made by Jiang Xiaoqi. In order to enter general surgery, she must have close contact with the nurse of the year, so she must have enough. Reason.

"Yes, it's the head nurse, Fu Jing."

Jiang Xiaoqi said slowly.

It turned out to be this way, Jiang Xiaoqi turned such a big turn, it turned out to be like this.

"Why not go directly to the general surgery?"

Su Yang asked suspiciously again.

"Although I was young at the time, I was afraid when Fu Jing would think of me, so I went around like this, even if she remembered me, she would not think that I was going for her."

Jiang Xiaoqi confided all her plans.

Su Yang didn't know what to say, this matter was too heavy.

"Well, I just think that from the first time I saw you, I have an unspeakable sense of trust in you. That's why I told you about this. Don't worry, I won't take you to do anything dangerous. To be honest, I don’t know where to start investigating this matter now."

Jiang Xiaoqi said very sincerely.

"It's also possible that I think too much, and my mother is really allergic to lidocaine. But because of such a possibility, I came back and wanted to check it out."

Even Jiang Xiaoqi himself is not sure whether his mother's death was an accident or a well-designed murder.

Therefore, she first went to the emergency department to contact He Jianming, and then to the general surgery department to contact Fu Jing.

"So, do you think He Jianming is not suspicious? Otherwise, you won't come out of the emergency department."

Su Yang said slowly.

"Yes, I found out the medical order he prescribed to my mother back then. It was indeed lidocaine. Moreover, he had no motive to kill my mother."

Having said these hidden words, Jiang Xiaoqi felt more comfortable in her heart. Perhaps, all of this was just her sensitivity and guesswork.

"What about Fu Jing? Does she have any motives?"

Su Yang asked again.

"I'm still investigating this."

Jiang Xiaoqi replied.

"I still think that your mother did not die of a deliberate murder."

Su Yang didn't say yes. It is not clear what the truth is now, so he can only watch the changes.

"Thank you."

Jiang Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Yang didn't say no, this was enough.

Sure enough, she is a very troublesome woman, Su Yang feels right.

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