After giving the postoperative medical advice, Su Yang sat in the office, dealing with daily affairs.

"Su Yang, why are you famous online again?"

Su Yang was thinking about something, and suddenly heard a familiar voice, raised his head and saw that it was Huang Roujia.

"Are you free? Come to see me again after work?"

Su Yang said.

"Don't you know? Are you famous online again?"

Huang Roujia's tone this time is somewhat different from that of the last Weibo incident.

"What's wrong? Did someone say something to me on the Internet?"

Su Yang asked suspiciously.

"This time is a good fame. Your interview was put on TV. The response on the Internet was very good, saying that you were innocent the last time. This time, you can be regarded as completely rectified."

Huang Roujia is very happy for Su Yang.

"They are the ones who say bad, and they are the ones who say good. I didn't care about these things a long time ago."

Although his name has been rectified, Su Yang did not think that everyone liked him all at once. Public opinion and the media have always been fickle.

"Then you behave more happily, how can you be like a little old man."

Huang Roujia said sullenly, she happily came to tell Su Yang the good news, Su Yang heard it, as if it hadn't happened.

"Just listen to these things. But, you grew up in a hospital, right? I have one thing to ask you."

Su Yang said seriously, what Jiang Xiaoqi said has been lingering in Su Yang's mind. Although Jiang Xiaoqi is not sure about her mother's death, whether it was man-made or not.

But Su Yang believes that if you haven't heard of this matter, it's nothing more than he has heard about it. He has to figure it out.

Just imagine, if Fu Jing is really such a person, and such a person, working in a department together, it would be a terrible thing.

"go ahead."

Huang Roujia felt a little strange.

"You know that I worked in the emergency department for two months before, right, I found a problem, that is, lidocaine in the emergency department. Before using it, a skin test must be done. However, lidocaine allergy is extremely rare. In general, there is no need to locate a regular skin test."

Su Yang suddenly thought of this matter just now, so Huang Roujia happened to be here, so he wanted to ask.

"You said this. I don’t know the specifics. It seems to be related to a death caused by an allergy in this hospital many years ago. At that time, it seemed that Director He received the treatment. Since then, the use of lidocaine in this hospital requires a skin test. NS."

Huang Roujia said slowly, the time when things happened was relatively old, and she couldn't remember a bit.

"So the lidocaine skin test is a common practice, is Director He mentioned?"

Su Yang asked again.

"It seems so, what's wrong, you suddenly asked what this is doing?"

Huang Roujia was a little strange, why Su Yang suddenly asked about these things, it was still decades ago.

"Nothing, let me ask you one more thing, head nurse Fu Jing, do you understand?"

Huang Roujia grew up in the hospital and asked her the right person.

"You said Aunt Fu, she and my mother, have been best friends for decades, what's wrong?"

Huang Roujia became more and more weird, why Su Yang asked this question without beginning and ending.

"It's okay, just ask."

The number is on, Su Yang thought.

Huang Roujia's mother is a pharmaceutical company, everyone knows this.

So the partner of her mother Jiang Xiaoqi said should be Huang Roujia's mother, and Huang Roujia also said just now that Fu Jing and her mother are best friends for many years.

In this case, the relationship between the characters is right.

It seems that Jiang Xiaoqi really told him all about this matter.

However, conspiracy to murder?

Is this possible?

Su Yang looked at Huang Roujia in front of him. She is such a frank and frank person, and the mother who nurtured her since she was a child, is it really the real murderer who conspired with others to murder?

There is also the head nurse Fu Jing. Although sometimes he has a bad temper, he is also impeccable in dealing with others.

A huge mystery shrouded in Su Yang's mind.

Although this matter is Jiang Xiaoqi's family affair, it has nothing to do with Su Yang.

But Su Yang wanted to prove that Fu Jing and Huang Roujia's mother were not the real culprit in the murder.

If the world is really so dark, is there any point in his persistence?

This is the biggest reason Su Yang wants to intervene in this matter.

"Did you hear something?"

Huang Roujia suddenly remembered that Fu Jing was the person involved in the incident and the investigation team also examined her. However, the incident was later characterized as a rare allergy to lidocaine.

"It's during the emergency department, I heard some senior doctors say, just ask."

Su Yang didn't want Huang Roujia to intervene in this matter, otherwise the matter would become very complicated.

"Many things in the yard are spread by everyone, and you can just listen to some things."

Huang Roujia didn't want Su Yang to be affected by these things.

"I see, aren't you still at work? Go ahead."

Su Yang said.

"I know, do you want to eat together tonight?"

Huang Roujia said with some expectation.

"I have something tonight, let's get another day."

Su Yang replied.

"okay then."

Huang Roujia said disappointedly, and went to work.

From now on until the end of get off work, Su Yang kept thinking about these things. Huang Roujia's mother and Fu Jing did not want to believe that it was because they were fighting for the patent of some medicine, and the two of them conspired to murder.

Perhaps, there was some misunderstanding, or that Fu Jing mistakenly injected penicillin as lidocaine. In order to escape punishment and processing, she covered up this matter.

After all, as long as she throws away the medicine bottle containing penicillin, there is no way to investigate and verify this matter.

He would rather believe that the truth of the matter is like this, but Su Yang thought about Jiang Xiaoqi's deliberate approach to He Jianming, and now he came to the general outside to approach Fu Jing.

Would she think so simply?

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Su Yang's house.

Jiang Xiaoqi and Su Yang sat at the dining table together.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table. Although they are all home-cooked dishes, they look delicious and delicious.

However, it seems that the two people who are sitting have no appetite to eat, and the atmosphere seems a bit wrong.

"You mean, you suspect that Fu Jing killed my mother because of a mistake, and then she covered up this fact?"

Jiang Xiaoqi said to Su Yang unbelievably.

"Yes, I thought about it, this is the most likely truth. Maybe your mother's death is not as complicated as you think."

Su Yang felt that what Jiang Xiaoqi was considering was too conspiracy theory and too dark.

"Huang Roujia helped you, so you don't want to believe that her mother is the real murderer of the conspiracy, isn't it?"

Jiang Xiaoqi said disappointedly.

"That's not the case. No one has figured out the truth now, so you have to consider another possibility. I don't want you to get deeper and deeper in this kind of conspiracy theory speculation, it will make you paranoid."

Su Yang said seriously, unprovoked speculation that others designed to kill his own mother.

"I misunderstood you. I thought you were a frank and sincere person. However, Huang Roujia's little favor would have bought you. If my guess is true, then her life of so many years of fine clothes and food is that Based on the tragic death of my mother. You disappointed me too much!"

Jiang Xiaoqi stood up fiercely, finished speaking angrily, and slammed the door forcefully.

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